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world renowned whogivesafuckologist
retired moderator
Original Poster
#1 Old 4th Jun 2007 at 7:47 AM
Default ··· Steam & Ether: a Steampunk Adventure ··· (In-Progress)

Dr. Abraham Essex, a rather controversial scientist who tended to dabble in the more uncouth areas of his field, was found dead on the morning of 12 June, 1886. His home had been thoroughly ransacked, and his daughter, Margaret, appeared to be missing. She had been last spotted the previous evening getting into an unidentified carriage, nervously clutching an oddly shaped parcel.

Around the estimated time of her father's murder, Miss Essex sent an urgent and rather cryptic telegram to her father's colleague and longtime family friend, Jack Prism. The telegram was short and terse, and simply read, "One is false. Find the others."

The next morning, only a short while after the discovery of her father's murder, Margaret's body was found floating in the Thames River. Her bloody and tattered shawl lay on the shore nearby, surrounded by the shredded remains of her parcel's wrapping paper. Whatever had been inside the parcel was long gone.

Mr. Prism was thoroughly unnerved by these developments, and, as could be expected, decided to take his troubles to the police.

Apparently, someone was expecting him to take that particular course of action: while en route to the police station, he was seized roughly from behind by a male figure that had been lurking in the shadows of darkened doorway. The figure produced a metal canister from his pockets and removed its lid, releasing a strange, heavy vapor into the air, drugging Jack. The figure dragged Jack into a nearby alley, and the last thing he saw before losing consciousness was strange-looking and apparently horseless carriage...

When Jack awoke, he found himself in a vast room with wooden walls hanging with strange devices, tools, tubes, and wires. Heavy gears and strange bits of machinery buzzed and whirred all around him, and an ominous-looking metal rod spat sparks into the air.

At the very center of this cacophony of technology, leaning against the back of a comfortable-looking armchair that seemed laughably out of place, stood Jack’s assailant. He was clad in a white lab coat speckled with holes and mysterious stains, and regarded Jack through a pair of gold-framed spectacles with green-tinted lenses.

“Oh good,” the man began with a small smile. “I was beginning to wonder if you’d ever get up. Thought I might have administered too high a dosage again.”

Jack’s vision was blurred, and he stared at the man for a long moment, not understanding what he was seeing. When he spoke his words were half mumbled and slow. It took great effort to form the sounds, and once they were spoken, he wasn’t completely sure they were the ones he meant to utter. "What the devil? Where am I?" Jack demanded through the haze. "And more importantly, who in God's name might you be?"

The man stepped around the side of the chair to sit, leaning back and steepling his fingers. He watched Jack from over his fingertips. “This is my lab, where I conduct my experiments and research. And my name is Raymond York. I am...” He paused a moment, looking up at the tin ceiling as if searching for the right word written there. “I am… an inventor.”

“An inventor?” Jack scoffed, shaking his head, then thought better of it as it began to throb, still spinning from the drugs. “I’ve never seen an inventor’s workshop that looked anything like this!”

York smirked and crossed his arms over his chest. “Yes, well, I’m sure there are many things in this world beyond your understanding, Mr. Prism. But that really isn't important... your presence, however, is. I suppose I ought to explain."

"That'd be nice, yes."

“I’m sure you know all about the Essex murders, so I’ll skip over the gory details.” York reached to a side table and lifted the stub of a cigar, lit it, and brought it to his lips. He exhaled a ring of smoke into the air, then continued. “You see, Dr. Essex was a member of The Royal Society for the Advancement of Science, a rather ordinary group of scientists and researchers funded by Her Majesty’s coffers.”

“But what does that have to do with me? Dr. Essex never told me much about his work. We were just old friends back at university.”

”Ah, but let me finish. The Royal Society for the Advancement of Science is not well-known, but not a secret either. However, their inner circle is extremely guarded… they do a rather good job making sure that they remain unknown.” York paused, eyeing the end of his cigar as its glowing orange tip began to fade, and puffed on it a few times to get it restarted. A bit of burning tobacco fell onto his coat, and he brushed it onto the floor, stomping it out with one rubber-soled boot. He looked back up at Jack, almost confused to see him there, then nodded as if he suddenly remembered who he was and what they’d been discussing. “Anyway. There are six members of the Society’s inner circle, but I’m sure Dr. Essex is the only one you’ve ever heard of.”

“What exactly is the purpose of this inner circle?”

“Ah, I’m glad you asked. Though it’s sort of pointless as they wouldn’t be a secret society if they went blabbing all their secrets, would they? From my research, I have gleaned that, among their many secrets is their most closely guarded one. Some bit of arcane knowledge not meant for the rest of the world, perhaps? I’m afraid I don’t know exactly what this secret entails, but I can tell you this: each member of their cabal holds a piece of… the key, for lack of a better word. Apparently this key will lead the way to their secret.”

York removed his glasses, rubbing at the lenses with a clean part of the edge of his coat before placing them back on his nose. “I’m almost certain that Dr. Essex’s piece of the key was in the parcel that Margaret had in her possession at the time of her demise.”

"But... I still don't understand what this has to do with me!" Jack complained.

York smiled knowingly. “Well, you see, membership in the Society’s inner circle is inherited. As Dr. Essex had no male heir, the membership fell to his daughter, Margaret. It was then her responsibility to carry his piece of the key. And then when she was killed…” he trailed off, waving his hand in a vague gesture.

“She needed someone to inherit her membership?” Jack had a hollow feeling in the pit of his stomach.

“Precisely, Mr. Prism. And though it is a bit… outside the norm, Miss Essex has chosen you as her successor.”

Jack’s face whitened considerably, and he wrung his hands. “But why me? I was her godfather but we had only met on a few occasions. I had last seen her when she was just a child.”

“Well, that you would have to ask Miss Essex, though I believe that would prove rather difficult, considering. I can only assume that as a family friend and colleague of her father, Margaret assumed you already knew something about the Society and their inner workings.”

“But I don’t! This is all a horrible mistake.”

York puffed on his cigar and nodded slowly, the top of his bald head shining in the waning light filtering in through the boarded windows of the building. “Indeed, it very well may be, but life is a series of horrible mistakes. And for better or for worse, you are now in the thick of things.”

“I just want to go home and have a cup of tea and a hot bath,” Jack moaned miserably, looking up at the ceiling, shaking his head.

“Mr. Prism! Two people are dead – your friend, your colleague, Dr. Essex lies dead in the city morgue alongside the body of his daughter, your goddaughter, an innocent young woman caught up in something bigger than herself. You have a responsibility as a man, a friend, and a scholar to see this through!” York raised his voice, breathing hard through his nostrils as he stared through his spectacles at Jack.

Jack shrank back into the chair. “What must I do?”

“Dr. Essex was what the inner circle referred to as the Shepherd. With his death, his part of the key as well as this duty fell to Margaret… and now to you. In times of grave danger, it becomes the Shepherd’s responsibility to alert the other five members and gather them together. If this isn’t readily doable, then the Shepherd is charged with organizing a search party to locate the members.”

“Do we know who and where the other members are?”

“I know,” snorted York, “Or at least I have extremely educated guesses. But you don’t. I’ll give you the information you’ll need to track them down, but the rest is up to you. In the mean time, I would suggest that you begin forming your search party.”

“What?!” Jack cried incredulously. “How am I supposed to do that?”

York shrugged. “How should I know? I’m just an inventor.” He paused, then added with a chuckle, “I don’t know. Put up a flier or something.”

Between the lines where magic and science blur… with coal smoke and steam, brass pipes, mechanical men, and fantastic flying machines, we embrace the concepts of SCIENCE!!! and ADVENTURE!!!

Historical and scientific accuracy shall not be uttered here! Excitement, drama, and pulp are the prime goals – quibbling details be damned!

This is a freeform roleplay – no dice, no rounds or competitive aspects… more a cooperatively-written story created by all participants. I will be conducting light duties as GM, pushing the story along here and there (with some NPCs and such) and keeping things on track – but major plot can and will be influenced by players, and I’ll generally be letting people go where they want with things. jhd will be co-GM, and his word counts just as much as mine when it comes to matters of plot and such – he wrote the original version of the prologue (which I butchered with my edits) – thanks jhd!

There is currently a post limit on this roleplay of three (3) in-character posts per day, subject to change.

Participants should consider their characters applicants to Mr. Prism. Your characters will likely know very little or nothing about the Royal Society for the Advancement of Science, and simply be talented people looking for a job. Your characters are not only applicants to Mr. Prism but also to this roleplay – in order to keep the game of a manageable size a pool of characters will be chosen from the applicants to begin the story. If and when additional characters become needed I may open the game to other applicants later. Those chosen will be selected based purely on discretion of your GMs. I do not currently have a time limit for the application period. When I see that we have a good pool of applicants we’ll do an initial period of evaluation, see who will be the most appropriate characters for what I have in mind, and go from there.

Applications should be submitted as a letter to Mr. Prism explaining your character's skills and background. While one does not necessarily know what sort of positions are available to be applied for, think about what would be useful skills to an expedition for a scientific establishment and go from there. Players are also strongly encouraged to add their characters to the S2C-RP-Characters Database, as much of the information one might wish to have known about their character may not necessarily be covered in a job application. You can also include a character picture there - you'll need to register separately for the wiki to edit. PM me if you have any questions on how to edit and use the character template.

No meta-knowledge (stuff your character shouldn’t know, but you do because you’re playing them) when in-character, no godmodding or godmodeing unless you have been given permission from the GM(s) or the player you’re godmodding. We are playing in the third person perspective – please compose your applications and posts accordingly. Applications should be a single post - I'll let you know when actual play has begun.

This is not a beauty contest, and applicants should be interesting, unique characters… male and female, and not just those under 30. You may submit a character picture – sim pictures are only allowed if you go out of your way to really outfit the sim correctly for the style. Photographs are NOT allowed… sim pics or drawings/artwork only. I will likely be drawing character sketches for anyone who would like one later on, so if you can’t find just the right picture don’t worry too much about it.

If you have any questions please post in the thread rather than PMing so that myself or jhd can answer you and have everyone benefit from the answer.

The following resources have been compiled to help participants better understand what steampunk is about, as well as provide inspirational themes, ideas, and images to help with play. If you have other good inspirational links they can be added to this list.

Steampunk at Wikipedia
Journey to the Center of the Earth at Wikipedia
Sons of Ether at Wikipedia
Mad Scientists at Wikipedia
Alternative Science at Keelynet
The Steampunk Workshop
Brass Goggles Steampunk Blog (tons of great pics!)
Da Vinci Automata Steampunk Blog
Aether Emporium Steampunk Wiki
Steampunk Name Generator


Mr. Jack Prism - jhd1189
Mr. Raymond York - HystericalParoxysm

Ms. Edwina Artois - Julieth (Application)
Lord Montgomery Mentmore - jhd1189 (Application)
Miss Sarah Stibbons - Lethe_s (Application)
Mr. Elijah Steel - Haylifer (Application)
Mr. Amos Muggeridge - Gerbera (Application)
Mr. Sohn Bon-Hwa - cherryp3 (Application)
Dr. Jennifer Whitmore - skylark (Application)
"Dark Johnny" - Gallowsraven (Application)
Ms. Prudence Hudson - ~LadyAshe~ (Application)
Miss Lucinda Dickinson - devoshka (Application)
Ms. Maggie Farwine - Schellikins (Application)
Mr. Jackson D. Foster - SpacemanHPSpiff (Application)

my simblr (sometimes nsfw)

“Dude, suckin’ at something is the first step to being sorta good at something.”
Panquecas, panquecas e mais panquecas.
Lab Assistant
#2 Old 4th Jun 2007 at 8:41 AM
((OOC: YAY!!! I hope I'm doing my app correctly...I thought it'd be more fun to do as a letter. Picture coming later, I am going to draw it in a little while.))

Dear Mr. Prism,

I am writing in regard to the interesting position for which you have advertised. My name is Edwina Artois, an adventuress by trade, and I believe that I would be quite suitable for your needs.
You may be wondering about my credentials; after all, one cannot be too certain about one's business arrangements. I have recently returned from a voyage to Araby, where I was assisting several gentlemen with their inquiries into matters of a supernatural nature. To my knowledge, their mission was unsucessful, but then, I have never been particularly interested in the occult. My passion is adventure, the discovery of virgin territory and the thrill of danger, and I daresay I have become somewhat well known as a capable explorer. I can pilot a zeppelin, shoot a pistol, and hold my own in a swordfight, among other things. While I may not be the scientist you desire, I am more than able to ensure the safety of any expedition. In my proffession, there is a rather low life expectancy, and the fact that I am 34 years of age may be the best indicator of my skill.
In regards to my personal demeanor, I am afraid to say that I can be quite gruff at times, and there are those who would label me as one who does not know her place in society. I am not content to cower behind the men of this world, and I regard any woman who does so as a discredit to her gender. However, I will keep my own council and not threaten the expedition with my views, which are somewhat unorthodox I must admit. Nonetheless, I will not be pushed aside should danger threaten.
In conclusion, I would very much enjoy the opportunity to be a part of this society. Though your flier leaves the purpose of your expedition somewhat vague, the cause is immaterial. I have enclosed my current adress and other such information should you decide to enlist my services.

Obdt. yours,
Edwina Artois

*counter culture since '03 and counting*

"LMAO wtf r u syaing?!!1!"
The above sentence is not english. I only understand english. Thank you.
world renowned whogivesafuckologist
retired moderator
Original Poster
#3 Old 4th Jun 2007 at 9:27 AM
Not exactly what I had been thinking with the letter concept but I like it, Julieth! Very creative.

my simblr (sometimes nsfw)

“Dude, suckin’ at something is the first step to being sorta good at something.”
Panquecas, panquecas e mais panquecas.
#4 Old 4th Jun 2007 at 9:54 AM
this looks interesting, I am thinking about joining...
what do you want in the application Hysterical? anything specific?
Moderator of Extreme Limericks
#5 Old 4th Jun 2007 at 6:24 PM
stylequeen- HP and I decided that Julieth's letter was probably the best way to apply, so we'd like people to try and use that format from now on. HP's going to edit the rules to make everything a littler clearer.

There's always money in the banana stand.
world renowned whogivesafuckologist
retired moderator
Original Poster
#6 Old 4th Jun 2007 at 6:49 PM
Okay, first post is edited with the new info on the application. I really like the letter thing, and if we need character pics or further bios (which might be nice) there's the RP Character Database linked up there so you can add more info on your applicant.

my simblr (sometimes nsfw)

“Dude, suckin’ at something is the first step to being sorta good at something.”
Panquecas, panquecas e mais panquecas.
Lab Assistant
#7 Old 4th Jun 2007 at 7:16 PM
good, I did not screw up!

*counter culture since '03 and counting*

"LMAO wtf r u syaing?!!1!"
The above sentence is not english. I only understand english. Thank you.
#8 Old 4th Jun 2007 at 9:13 PM
This space reserved for an application. :D

Pardon me while I have a strange interlude.
Moderator of Extreme Limericks
#9 Old 4th Jun 2007 at 9:45 PM
Dear Mr. Prism,

Earlier this afternoon, as I was returning from a visit to the tailor, I stumbled across a most peculiar flier pasted unceremoniously upon a lampost on Savile Row. Although I rarely pay any attention to this sort of thing, something you had written caught my eye. Perhaps it was the ambiguous nature of whatever your mission may be, or the reference to the Royal Society for the Advancement of Science.

Either way, it became immediately clear to me that both science and danger would be involved--both of which, in my experience, have proven to be infinitely rewarding. However, if you truly are in league with a government-funded group of scientists, then I fear that you will not receive a penny more than Her Majesty sees fit to give: where science is concerned, that will translate to nowhere near enough money.

This is where I come in, Mr. Prism. I am a man of considerable means, and I am willing to fully furnish your endeavours with as much funding as necessary. I ask only that in return, you allow me to join your party on whatever your mission may be. I suppose you could say, Mr. Prism, that I have taken a special interest in your journey--whatever it is.

I am, of course, fully qualified to fill one of the positions you have advertised. I have studied the sciences independently for years, both orthodox and otherwise. In addition, I have a decent grasp of mathematics, and you will find that I am quite well-read. Furthermore, I am a skilled marksman, and can easily hit my target from over a hundred metres away.

I do hope that you will consider my offer, Mr. Prism--I doubt that there will be any others like it.

Most sincerely yours,
Lord Montgomery Mentmore

There's always money in the banana stand.
retired moderator
#10 Old 5th Jun 2007 at 12:33 PM
Dear mister Prism,

I write to you on behalf of Miss Sarah Stibbons, aged 11, who has expressed an unhealthy interest in your undertaking.
The child is an Orphan, her parents both passed on to the Lord some years ago, and she has been in the care of the Church for several months. She is known to have several brothers who are Sinners Unto God. I believe I do not have to stress that it is our Duty as responsible members of Society to not let her stray onto the same path. To keep her out of trouble, it is imperative that she finds employment. Due to her enthusiasm, she may be of use to your organisation.
The child is fast en remarkably witty for a female of her age. She seems to have a knack at fixing clocks. Though her main accomplishment is surviving without a responsible Authority for at least two years, without significant effects on character. To be sure, she was caught once, while in my care, when stealing cakes from a local merchant. However, after a lecture on sin, a Severe Beating and a penance of fifty Hail Mary's, she has not been seen doing it since.
I must, of course, warn you of her negative traits, which are a dislike of cleaning and a complete inability to cook or behave in a manner stroking with etiquette. This makes her useless as a maid. Employment in a stable or mine seems more fitting. She certainly has no fear of the dark.
The child is of a usually gentle nature, but very stubborn. She was given a basic education in reading and writing, while in my care, but is neither very fluent nor diplomatic.
I do believe she has a good heart, and can be a hard worker. If you can find a use for her, please reply as soon as possible.

Highest regards,

Father Joseph MacKenzie,
Chapel of Saint Giles

((rubbish piccie))
#11 Old 5th Jun 2007 at 1:51 PM
Mr. Elijah Steel,
5-2-1 Ginza, Chuo-ku,
Tokyo 170-3293,

Mr Jack Prism,
112B Chesterton Street,

Mr. Prism,
I write to you from the Land of the Rising Sun, where I am currently in the charge of Matsukata-sama on a task of undisclosable nature. My squire informs me that you seek the assistance of 'able-bodied men and women who are willing to serve Her Majesty in the name of Progress'. I may assure you that you need continue this search no longer, for there is a possibility that the end of my assignment in the Orient is rapidly approaching. Should my duty here be amended, have no doubt that I shall be on the next airship back to my homeland to be of service to your Royal Society.
In response to your forthcoming request for an application of sorts - which my gifted foresight informs me of - I believe I am precisely the man you had in mind for whatever business it may be. I have spent the twenty-six years loaned to me on this planet following the sun around the world on the trail of every sort of adventure possible and necessary. From artefact-hunting in Peru, to ridding a Tibetan village of an unruly cult, my experience is broad and covers neigh everything you may have in mind. Ah - I see that your charge is for the interests of Science. In which case, I believe you may already have studied the works of my late father, Dr. Lucas Steel. Having spent my childhood investigating his tincatures, concoctions and instruments, I stand well-educated as to Science. I attach a portrait of my humble self for your benefit. I have deepest confidence that you will write back immediately confirming my successful application.
Mr. Elijah Steel

((OOC:I hope the he's in the right style? I've only just came across the term "Steampunk" even though it reminds me a lot of Final Fantasy. The drawing sucks as it's just a badly-photoshopped sketch. My graphics tablet pen broke when I threw it at my sister, so all I have is a pooey pencil sketch that I can't colour properly So I'll just upload the sketch for now. Oh, the rubber was appalling too, and my drawings are always a mess.))
Test Subject
#12 Old 5th Jun 2007 at 2:43 PM
Dear Mr. Prism,

It has come to my knowledge that you are requiring “persons to serve Queen and Country in the name of progress.”
I am more than willing to do this service to the Royal Society for the Advancement of Science and to travel to destinations around the world.

I have a natural interest for the sciences and am a skilled mechanic. Beeing this, I have already worked at various places here in London. I can repair every kind of mechanism, known or unknown to me. It may also be of interest to you that I have learned to not only repair machines but also to build new ones. In addition to that, I have acquainted myself with the lasted developments in technology.
I have no family whatsoever because my wife and children died in the past year from a mysterious disease. Thus I do not see a reason to stay in this city any longer, where I am constantly reminded of my past life with my family.

I do not doubt that you will find many fine men and women that will support your business, perhaps more noble then me. But let me assure you that I am a good and stable man one can always rely on.

If you require any further references I will be glad to give you the adress of my current employer.

Sincerely yours,

Amos Muggeridge
43 Shawclough Row
#13 Old 5th Jun 2007 at 8:30 PM
Reserving this post for my letter application.
#14 Old 6th Jun 2007 at 7:45 AM
Sohn Bon-Hwa
82L Westerly Lane

Mr. Jack Prism
112B Chesterton Street

Mr. Prism:

Your flier was very robust. A small street urchin handed it to me this very morning, the print was great and bold, with dramatic statements about how I would have the chance to serve the queen herself and further the expansion of science. I must tell you, after reading the first few lines I was appalled, tempted to crumple it up and toss it into the nearby fountain. Blast the queen and her foolery, I had thought. But, as the paper began to crinkle at the force of my grip, I noticed another set of large words scrawled across: ‘Exotic Locales, Travel, and Adventure’. It was there that I found myself compelled to send this application.

My name, sir, is Sohn Bon-Hwa. I am son to the successful doctor, Sohn Dak-Ho who currently serves the city of Liverpool. I originate, however, further east in the Korean capital of Seoul and periodically travel to Hong Kong to visit my mother. Despite this, I am very articulate in the English language; in fact, I am multilingual, able to speak fluent English, Chinese, and Korean. I’ve also been instructed on German and French, though I am not quite as coherent in these areas. Furthermore, in all the time I spent in Seoul and Hong Kong, I went through rigorous training in order to learn the Korean tang soo do, and the Chinese kung fu. I am something of an unstoppable force, as I have not discovered a real challenge since reaching the age of eleven.

While I do not have much background knowledge when concerning science, the unknown both intrigues and fascinates me, and is that not the very route of science? The lust to bring fact and security into something once unfamiliar and bizarre? It is this nature that beckons me to this adventure. I want to help to fill in the blank pages of this map splayed before us.

Mr. Prism, I am young, not yet over the age of seventeen, but I am wise beyond my years. I am knowledgeable in art and literature and by watching my father I have picked up on a few natural medicinal cures for anything from curbing stomach pains to diminishing a fever. These things seem rather imperative for a long journey, do they not? All my life I have sought for an adventure. The world is such a tedious place, and I seek for something new and exotic that will chase excitement back into my lackluster being. I believe that this is just the sort of task I am in need of, and I am confident that I will hear back from you in the near future.


Sohn Bon-Hwa

((OOC: Major edit. D: Sorry about that.))
Field Researcher
#15 Old 6th Jun 2007 at 8:13 AM
Mr. X Chamberlain
British Society for Paranormal Investigation
13 Murray Street
Mr. J Prism
112B Chesterton Street

Dear Mr. Prism

It has come to my attention that you seek agents for what appears to be fieldwork for your society. Might I be so bold as to suggest the indefinite loan of one of our agents to aid your cause? While many scoff at our goals, I am certain that you will find our members as thoroughly scientific as yours.

The agent in question is one Dr. Jennifer Whitmoore. She has been with us in a purely administrative role for quite some time and we wish to further develop her training to fieldwork. But, alas, we have no suitable projects for her at the moment.

As I am not certain what tasks you require agents for, I shall explore her weaknesses as well as her strengths. Dr. Whitmoore suffered some major psychological trauma at University whilst dabbling in the occult and has suffered from poor nerves ever since. Unfortunatly she has never been able to communicate what this event was - we suspect a curse of some nature. I suspect that when put in danger she may appear to be a coward, but perhaps this is for the best - she does have the physical capabilities of small kitten when it comes to agressive or defensive action. Shooting is also not one of her strong points. She is fairly scrawny and struggles with heavy weights beyond her well-stocked medical kit. Socially, she is not known for her ability to make friends or influence people. I also do not suggest attempting to seperate her from her medical kit - it does rile her up quite severely.

While this may sound dire and awful for a man searching for those who are able-bodied, do not dismiss her until you have heard of her strengths. She has a keen mind and is an unparalleled surgeon - I do not suggest that you forget how neccessary a physician can be. You may also have read some of her recently published papers on the effects of modern medicine on the mind, something which she theorises could stabilize those of unbalanced mental nature. She has been improving socially over time (which is why we belive her to be ready for the introduction to fieldwork). Whilst not strong she can run like the blazes (when unencombered) and can be difficult to track if she disappears. You will also find her to be well-versed with some occult knowledge (although not all) and yet stick staunchly to the scientific desire to prove and test theories. She is very well suited to a support role that will aid other members of a fieldwork team, through her knowledge and skill.

I hope that you will consider this offer of our best doctor and see her strengths for what they are.

I wish you luck with your venture.

Yours sincerely,
Mr. X Chamberlain
Lab Assistant
#16 Old 7th Jun 2007 at 4:46 AM
I have a question for HP...is this set in a world where steampunk things like robots, mechanical wings, etc. are commonplace, or rare? Just wanna know for my picture of Edwina...if it's the former, she might look a little more outlandish.

*counter culture since '03 and counting*

"LMAO wtf r u syaing?!!1!"
The above sentence is not english. I only understand english. Thank you.
Moderator of Extreme Limericks
#17 Old 7th Jun 2007 at 4:52 AM
Julieth- This is supposed to be, more or less, England right around the turn of the century and during the Industrial Revolution. Although we aren't really going for historical accuracy, England is more or less the way it would have appeared in real life. All of the advanced steampunk stuff is sort of--esoteric. It's only known to a small handful of scientists and tinkerers and society's elite. So no, there aren't balloon-powered horses and mechanical winged people floating around everywhere. They exist, but they're uncommon.

There's always money in the banana stand.
Lab Assistant
#18 Old 7th Jun 2007 at 5:07 AM
Ok, thanks for the quick response! That's what I thought, but I wanted to make sure.

*counter culture since '03 and counting*

"LMAO wtf r u syaing?!!1!"
The above sentence is not english. I only understand english. Thank you.
Lab Assistant
#19 Old 7th Jun 2007 at 4:19 PM
Default Miss Lucinda Dickinson
Dear Mr. Prism,

I am writing you in regards to your advertisement flier. I would like to express my interest in a position that you are offering. First I would like to introduce myself, I am Miss Lucinda Dickinson, of the Buckinghamshire Dickinsons. My father, Major Henry Dickinson, served his queen in British Raj during the years of 1858-1870, where I was born. There in India, Father discovered his passion for learning. He was befriended by the Subedar-Majors that he worked with and learned their ways. Upon coming home it was a great shock for him to be back in England and retreated into his study. I always admired my father and he always as a child would draw me onto his knee and tell me stories. My mother, Dame Edith Trenton Dickinson, had hated her time in India, and felt it was penance for marrying beneath her station. When returning to England she dived into the demi-monde and all it had to offer, dragging me in her wake. She had hopes to make me a fine match, where time and time again I turned down each suitor. Unfortunately according to her, I take more after my father than my mother, and regards me as an old maid at the age of 23.

Hearing my father's stories sparked an interest in learning. I devoured anything that I could get my hands on and one day while in my most treasured of places, the library, I met a most peculiar man. He was a follower of Nikola Tesla, whom he had met while in Paris. He shared with me the genius of Tesla, and I know that great things will become of him. It was this meeting that first sparked my interest in all things scientific. Science is the answer to this world's problems and I am eager to undertake any endeavor in the name of progress.

Faithfully yours,
Miss Lucinda Dickinson

PS. Forgive me of my digression, I tend to run on when I start speaking of a topic that I am passionate about.

((I hope this picture is ok, if not let me know and I'll remove it, and I hope my letter was good enough....she loves to talk and will if you let her ))

See how crazy all your fellow simmers are! The MTS2 Community Neighborhood
#20 Old 7th Jun 2007 at 8:01 PM
Guh. I love everyone's entries. The characters are all so diverse.

But mine seems to stand out like a knot on a log. u_u; I feel like it's too much of a personal bio than an actual application... do I need to edit it?
Test Subject
#21 Old 9th Jun 2007 at 4:43 AM
((OOC: Okay looked like too much fun, couldn't resist. If my character is completely unsuitable to enter then feel free to tell me. I know he's a bit different than everyone else so far. Edit: Picture finally finished!!.))

Mr. Jack Prism
112B Chesterton Street.

Mr. Prism:

I ain’t got much of an education so I’m sorry if this letter sounds a bit like rubbish. Anyway, I was just walking back from a, uh, unmentionable job and I caught a glimpse of your flier. Well actually it kinda blew off of the window it was posted on and hit me in the face. Maybe you wanna think about fastening those fliers better? Well, guess that’s kinda beside the point. Fact is, it turns out I’m sorta in between jobs now. See, my boss kinda, y’know….disappeared. Kinda thing that happens in our business. Anyway, with him gone I got nothin’ to do, and I need to eat. I know I probably ain’t soundin’ like the best candidate, ‘specially for a science expedition, but hear me out. I can fire a straight shot with a variety of firearms and can be pretty much counted on to win a fist-fight. I’ve never been out of the country, but I’m open to the idea of exploration. I have basic medical knowledge and have been known to stay up 16 hours straight (provided there’s coffee available). I ain’t the most sentimental guy and I’m willing to go whatever extents needed to get a job done. I fix can most things that are gonna need fixin’ and I can cook food. Of the edible variety. I’m also 25 years of age, and overall very healthy…..if you’re willing to overlook my rare asthma attacks. Oh and uh, not sure how useful this’ll be, but I can make really interesting sculptures from pocket lint. Like I said, not sure how useful that’ll be but still. Could come in handy. You never know.

An’ that’s pretty much it. If you decide that you have some use for my services then look for me in one of the local pubs. Can’t really miss me, I’ll be the shortest guy in the place in a worn black trenchcoat, patched red hat and holding some kind of fighting implement in my hand.

Dark Johnny------obviously not my real name. But I ain’t think it such a good idea to tell you my real one---------

P.S. Sorry ‘bout the bloody splatter on this letter…..was sorta bleedin’ all over when I was writing it
Field Researcher
#22 Old 9th Jun 2007 at 3:23 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Gallowsraven
Oh and uh, not sure how useful this’ll be, but I can make really interesting sculptures from pocket lint. Like I said, not sure how useful that’ll be but still. Could come in handy. You never know.

:laugh: Wow! That cracked me up! LOVE your application!

Just a question for our DMs: Roughly when are you planning on starting this? Just curious. Also - are you accepting all applications, or whittling them down a bit? *bites nails at the though*
world renowned whogivesafuckologist
retired moderator
Original Poster
#23 Old 9th Jun 2007 at 5:12 PM
We'll be starting when we feel we have a solid crew. We don't have a solid time limit at the moment but won't let it go too long either way.

Whether we accept all applications depends on how many we get and who they are - we may do some light in-character suggestions using the NPCs (Prism and York) if something needs changing or there are particular roles that we might want filled we don't yet have.

my simblr (sometimes nsfw)

“Dude, suckin’ at something is the first step to being sorta good at something.”
Panquecas, panquecas e mais panquecas.
#24 Old 9th Jun 2007 at 5:47 PM
Can I join with like a Lara Croft like person? Like is it ok if they aren't mechanical? But they can do puzzles and stuff?
Moderator of Extreme Limericks
#25 Old 9th Jun 2007 at 6:49 PM
What do you mean by "mechanical"? Someone who's good with machines, you mean? It would actually probably be good if that weren't the case, because that seems to be just about every character's talent at the moment. We want variety.

Hmm... and how would you make Lara Croft work in Victorian London?

There's always money in the banana stand.
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