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#1 Old 2nd Nov 2005 at 12:33 AM
Default Neighborhood camera BELOW the world!
My neighborhood camera has somehow moved to =below= the world! I have to pan it UP to see the bottom of the world - no streets, the water is bulged down and black, etc. How do I fix the camera??
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#2 Old 2nd Nov 2005 at 12:42 AM
To give a little more info -

I had GunMod's camera .txt files hack, and after this I took them out and revered to normal - but the camera is still bad (under the world).

There is the NeighborhoodManager.package which might contain the current position of the neighborhood camera (ever notice that it's usually in the same place every time you first start the game?), but I don't know if anyone has poked through it enough with SimPE to know where the neighborhood camera start position is.

I know the "start" position of the camera does change now and then - maybe it'll just clear itself up after a while - but it's really weird.

<jade_han> It has affected =all= neighborhoods, inc. downtown and universities
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#3 Old 2nd Nov 2005 at 1:32 AM
I got this fixed, no need for a reply!
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