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#1 Old 2nd Nov 2005 at 1:30 AM Last edited by Rascal : 3rd Nov 2005 at 10:35 AM.
Default Game crashed and now lot wont load properly - Problem Solved!
I was playing my Legacy Family when the game crashed (because my husband was trying to run Media Centre off the same computer from the other room - too much for the poor thing!). Now when I try to go back into my Legacy family's lot it will sort of load, but everyone (everysim?) is stuck in a kind of jerky slow motion. I don't mean its just running slow - its completely unplayable. Even the sound comes in little jerks. Is there anyway I can fix this or do I have to start the family again from scratch? Any suggestions gratefully recieved.
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#2 Old 2nd Nov 2005 at 10:40 PM
The first thing I would try is to move them into a nice new house.

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#3 Old 3rd Nov 2005 at 2:18 AM Last edited by Rascal : 3rd Nov 2005 at 10:32 AM.
Thanks for the reply. I would do this but they're my Legacy family (4th generation) and I don't want to lose all their career rewards, family portraits and especially the ghosts. I did try using Inge's staythings shrub to keep everything in the house while I moved the family out then back in, but unfortunately the problem remained.

Someone on another site has advised me I may have the NPC Slowdown bug so I am going to check that out. I'll post back here if that's the case (or not).

Update: Problem solved! Yes it was the NPC Slowdown bug. Myst at MATY figured it out for me and sent me here http://bbs.thesims2.ea.com/communit...c1b1e4a19c479b2

So if anyone else strikes this problem try this method. This isn't really a complete solution, more of a workaround and - as simsample said - the best thing to do is probably to move the family out and buldoze the lot. But for me this is a way to keep my legacy family intact and worth the hassle.
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