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#1 Old 3rd Nov 2005 at 11:44 PM
Default FFSD LotDebugger
Here goes...
I downloaded Pescados Lot Debugger from www.moreawesomethanyou.com to make my sims more randomized. It worked, I had one blonde parent and one brown haired parent and they had a blonde child (usually would be a brown haired child) and they had no family history so i know it was from his sim randomizer. I ended up deleting the debugger in the process of deleting some other things and so i redownloaded it and now i cant get it to work the same anymore. Its not really causing problems in my game or anything but now with a brown haired man and a blonde haired woman, all the children always have brown hair. I dont know why its different now...Does anyone know anything at all about this? Maybe i did something different the first time. Its also strange because when i first had it, it was on my lot but i never clicked the randomize button because i didnt want the game to restart and it still randomized it...If that makes sence to anyone. So when i tried it this time i tried pressing the randomize and then restarting and i also tried just putting the debugger on my lot. Hmmm....
#2 Old 4th Nov 2005 at 3:26 AM
Might want to try asking this at pescado's site, bet someone there can help.

Field Researcher
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#3 Old 5th Nov 2005 at 6:10 PM
Ive looked and you cant get into the message board or anything until you subscribe. I just really want something that is going to make it so that nothing is dominant...me and my bf, i have blonde hair he has brown and our kids on the game always have brown hair. We have a blonde haired child so i think this is a little unrealistic. Does anyone know of anything else that will make it more random...besides going and changing hair color
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#4 Old 5th Nov 2005 at 6:56 PM
In game, brown hair is dominant over blonde. You will never get a blonde haired child from brown/brown and blonde/blonde parents.

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#5 Old 5th Nov 2005 at 7:49 PM
Best way is to ask - just click the login button witout typing anything in the login...
Field Researcher
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#6 Old 6th Nov 2005 at 12:03 AM
Well somehow with his lotdebugger i DID get a blonde haired child from one brown haired parent and one blonde haired parent with no family history...but i figured out how to get into his site i will just ask there, thanks
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