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Field Researcher
Original Poster
#1 Old 8th Dec 2005 at 4:46 PM
Default Where did all these kids heads come from??
Quick background... I just bought Sims 2 a few days ago (no expansions yet)
So naturally I downloaded several (ok a LOT) of heads yesterday.

A few were for kids... and now when I go to build a character and click
to see the custom content for girls I have a bunch of the exact same
heads in there. They are all blonde, and on several different Maxis head
meshes... but when I do the mouse hover its showing creator info so
I know its something I have downloaded.

So what could this be? A couple meshes missing? Maybe I missed
it and downloaded some heads based on Expansions I dont have?
Maybe my game is smoking crack? I have no idea....

Thanks in Advance! :devil:
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#2 Old 8th Dec 2005 at 7:43 PM
Is this when you click on custom hair? Because it sounds like yo maybe have downloaded some sims which have hair which needs a mesh. You'll have to go back to where you downloaded the Sims from, and find the link to get the hair meshes- and clothes meshes too, if required. If you download Sims based on meshes that are in any of the expansion packs then you won't be able to get the meshes from anywhere except the expansion packs, so they will not work in your game.

I will choose a path that's clear- I will choose free will
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Field Researcher
Original Poster
#3 Old 9th Dec 2005 at 4:14 PM
Yeah... its in the custom hair.

I bought the Expansion Packs last night (I have no willpower.. LOL!)
so I'm going to check it out later and see if thats the problem.

Thanks for the reply!

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