11th Jun 2008 at 4:31 AM
hah..i like this.
Starz Said:
" Any violation of these rules and I will eat your babies or your computer. Either is good."
I like that its funni.
Although then again i dont worry cause,i dont have any babies.lol
Oh, and this is my fave
Starz Said
"Starz is not responsible for any problems your game might have. All items have been tested by three different people whose systems did not spontaneously combust. If your computer blows up, melts down, runs away, or your cup holder breaks, not my fault. I dun wanna hear about it."
"If my computer blows up,melts,OR RUNS AWAY???!!! oh,if my cupholder breaks.??!!"
hah your funny.its true though,your NOT responsible.Its nice you have a sense of humor.
but thanks for these really great downloads!