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#1 Old 28th Jul 2006 at 7:58 PM
Default Create a Breed of Animal?
I believe on the official site it said that you can "regsiter your animal and make it a new kind of breed" or something like that.

Wow... That's getting into detail. Create your own breed. I'm all about creation, but making a breed of cat or dog or hamster or bird is getting pretty detailed. I honestly can't wait 'till it comes out.

Though there was that creepy-looking gurbel that looked suspiciosly like a Panda Bear.

Anyway, check it out. The main question is, though: What would you call your new breed and what would it look like?

Mine would be a pursion/siamese and I'd call it a Momboy. I don't know why, but my cat Bitsy is a pursion/siamese, so... Yeah...
Test Subject
#2 Old 28th Jul 2006 at 8:16 PM
They said though that birds won't be obtained via create-a-pet; I have the sinking suspicion that they'll probably be like the parrots of Unleashed. Which is a shame since it's so cute seeing them waddle and hop around the floor, and having those cute little "dancing" fits. Please let me be wrong about them.

I hoping I can recreate some breeds my sister and I made via Petz. I'm hoping they'll also give us the ability to make breeds like the manx and Sphynx.
Test Subject
#3 Old 28th Jul 2006 at 9:14 PM
I don't think the birds will be as boring as the TS1 version. You should read the review over at TSR. They said that the bird can sit on your sims arm, and at the time of the review they were working on it sitting on the shoulder, pirate style. He also said something about leaving the cage open on accident and the bird flying around the lot. Oh, and I'm pretty sure the chat transcripts said something about teaching them to talk.

But, your right about the birds not being in Create-A-Pet. The Womrats (gerbils) are suppose to be that way too. So, its only to create cats and dogs.
#4 Old 6th Aug 2006 at 2:09 PM
I'm just hoping that they were lying when they said there wouldn't be a Pets Bodyshop program - I really want to be able to make new fur layer styles and meshes for my pets.
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