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#1 Old 7th Mar 2007 at 2:10 AM
Default Roth=Goth?
Dunno if there has been others of these. But has anyone noticed the similarities?

Roth=Goth: Pretty clear.
Morty=Mortimer:The Morti and Morty sound the same. Just a mer added.
Stella=Bella:The ELLA describes this one.

I haven't paid attention to their house or kids, I was playing Ramaswami when they came over and I seen this.
#2 Old 7th Mar 2007 at 2:12 AM
Yep. The Roths are a parody of the Goth family. Kids Sandra and Xander are self explanatory too, and their house is an exact copy of the Goth mansion, only with different furniture. Personally I love them, and how shy Cassandra from Pleasantview who got dumped by Don is now loud Sandra, who stole another girl's boyfriend :P

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