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Field Researcher
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#1 Old 28th Jun 2007 at 2:41 PM
Default The school is over! What were your grades??
Hello people! :howdy:

The school is over! WOOHOOOO! :frog: :frog:

And what about your grades? They were good? You need to improve a little bit for the next year? Tell us here!

I'm happy with my grades, actually it was one of the best years I had (When we talk about grades!).

So, here they are!

(In my country we use the 1 to 5 grade scale. 5 means "A", 4 means "B", 3 "C", 2 "D" and 1 "E", in the American grade scale!) - I'm in the 8th grade.

Portuguese - 4+ (B+)
English - 5 (A)
History - 5 (A)
Geography - 5 (A)
Maths - 3+ (C+)
Physic and Chemicals - 5 (A)
Sciences - 5 (A)
Art - 3 (C)
Sports - 4 (B)
French - 4 (B)
"Manual Work" (Work with woods etc.) - 3 (C)
Informatics - A
And what about you people?? Say it here! :bow2:
Field Researcher
Original Poster
#2 Old 28th Jun 2007 at 3:05 PM
Is Religious education mandatory in England?
#3 Old 28th Jun 2007 at 3:54 PM
Spanish: A
Englsih: B
Algebra II: C (and I guess I didn't pass, so i'm taking stats )
AP World: B (but supposed to count as an A)
Chemistry: B
Forum Resident
#4 Old 28th Jun 2007 at 3:57 PM
Last year I gottt..

English Language - A*
English Literature - A
Maths - A
Statistics - A
RE - A*
ICT - A*
German - A
Art - A
Chemistry - A
Biology - A
Physics - A*
History - A

And this year, we don't get our AS level results until August, but my module results were
Chemistry - A
Biology - B

And I know I'm going to get an E in Physics and Maths I'm on a terrible slippy slope downhill to getting a U :/

Give me chocolate. Or the protagonist dies.

Lab Assistant
#5 Old 28th Jun 2007 at 4:13 PM
My grades were :
Race and Ethnic Relations: A
U.S. History II: B+
Int Spanish II: A
Art History I: A

They grade using a scale from either A being the highest to D being the lowest (if you get lower than a D then you don't get credit) and then a number scale which is 4 being the highest and 1 being the lowest.

I definitely should of studied more in History, but it was U.S. History, do you know how boring that is to take in college after taking it so many years in elementary, middle, and high school?
Anyway if I would of gotten an A that would of meant an extra $1000 next year from my university .
Test Subject
#6 Old 28th Jun 2007 at 4:23 PM
My grades aren't like all yours...It's just the regular 0-100. Last year they did the A B's C's ect, don't know what happened to that...

My grades were:
English- 94
US History- 90
Math- 97
Earth Science- 96
ASL- 96
#7 Old 28th Jun 2007 at 4:25 PM
Introduction to Logic: B
US History 1950 - 2000: B
English 150: A
B&W Photography II: A

So, I guess I did ok. Despite being a philosophy major, logic was pretty challenging for me.
Lab Assistant
#8 Old 28th Jun 2007 at 4:29 PM
My grades were pretty good. I'm surprised i didnt slack that much considering it was my last semester at university.

Jews in Latin America: A
Sex, Marriage and Family: A-
Dominican Community: A-
Urban Sociology: A-
Latin American and Carribean Civilizations: B+
Jews in Fiction and Film: B-
Test Subject
#9 Old 28th Jun 2007 at 4:42 PM
i to am waiting for gcse results in August, i only took 8 this year because I took french last year. We have one class of general RE but it isn't compulsory - it it at my brothers school and the school where my mum teaches.
My 8 are:
English Lit
English Lang
Science (3 exams, one in each of the sciences and then worth 2 GCSEs that are both the same grade)
Music (already got about an A on coursework alone)
(french - A last year)
#10 Old 28th Jun 2007 at 5:07 PM
not got my AS results yet, but my gcse's were:

english language A* (c)
english lit A (c)
french A (one language = c)
geography A
science A, A (c)
maths A (c)
history B
art D
nb (c) = compulsory

Not sure how i'm going to do with my AS exams ive had a tough year
Lab Assistant
#11 Old 28th Jun 2007 at 6:17 PM
Omg I almost failed!
I dont know my grades but I do know I got a D in P.E.
and a D in pre-calc(

I love Jude Law
Field Researcher
#12 Old 28th Jun 2007 at 6:25 PM
Earth Science: 101% - A
IB Art: 94% - A
English: 98% - A
Math: 99% - A
US History: 100% - A
Musical Theatre: 98% - A

Ugh, I was so afraid of what I would get on my finals. I didn't want my straight A's to magically disapear and me not have a chance to remedy it. D: But I got perfect scores on the ones I was worried about. ^^;

-Holy Hell!-
The cement is just - it's there for the weight dear!

Nice 'n' easy does it everytime...
#13 Old 28th Jun 2007 at 6:30 PM
I lost my grades
#14 Old 28th Jun 2007 at 6:39 PM
Want to know something sad?
My school sent my grades to the wrong house…On my paper that tells the school where I lives it says one of my old house adresses and as many times we’ve told them to change the adress to my current house they never did. So my report card got sent to one of my old houses and we can’t go to the school to get it, because they are closed until the next school year & they won’t have a copy of my report card. I really wanted to know if I brought my grades up, but thanks to the school I’ll never know.


The First Time I saw him....I knew he was the one.
Currently:A Model.
Field Researcher
#15 Old 28th Jun 2007 at 6:46 PM
Oh my school hasn't broke up yet we just had a week of yr 10 GCSE exams though... get results in august.

Likeing new TS3 build grid and placements, not liking TS3 Store and changes to shops.
Lab Assistant
#16 Old 28th Jun 2007 at 6:50 PM
in my country they use percentages my best was a whopping 96 % for geography
a fabulous 93% for history and very good and satisfactory grades for all the other courses except for arts wich i had hoped for better grades

my dear lord, it's the ferocious black beast of Rhipsanydoridontodontodontodon, with its large black teeth that can eat 3 humans at once, mate 3 times a year, can reach an average speed of 80 miles/hour, and is 50 ft aaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrggghhh

P.S. if you have seen him put this in your signature
Lab Assistant
#17 Old 28th Jun 2007 at 6:53 PM
Quote: Originally posted by PixieDust_fairy
Want to know something sad?
My school sent my grades to the wrong house…On my paper that tells the school where I lives it says one of my old house adresses and as many times we’ve told them to change the adress to my current house they never did. So my report card got sent to one of my old houses and we can’t go to the school to get it, because they are closed until the next school year & they won’t have a copy of my report card. I really wanted to know if I brought my grades up, but thanks to the school I’ll never know.


bummer, that realy has to suck

my dear lord, it's the ferocious black beast of Rhipsanydoridontodontodontodon, with its large black teeth that can eat 3 humans at once, mate 3 times a year, can reach an average speed of 80 miles/hour, and is 50 ft aaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrggghhh

P.S. if you have seen him put this in your signature
#18 Old 28th Jun 2007 at 6:54 PM
Quote: Originally posted by PixieDust_fairy
Want to know something sad?
My school sent my grades to the wrong house…On my paper that tells the school where I lives it says one of my old house adresses and as many times we’ve told them to change the adress to my current house they never did. So my report card got sent to one of my old houses and we can’t go to the school to get it, because they are closed until the next school year & they won’t have a copy of my report card. I really wanted to know if I brought my grades up, but thanks to the school I’ll never know.

Couldn´t you write a letter to your old address and give them your new address asking them to send your report card to you? Or alternatively find out their number and call them?
Test Subject
#19 Old 28th Jun 2007 at 6:58 PM
I got As in all my classes except chorus. I got a C in that because I didn't go to concert

Read True Hollywood Story! You'll love it I swear!!
#20 Old 28th Jun 2007 at 7:02 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Merrilees
Couldn´t you write a letter to your old address and give them your new address asking them to send your report card to you? Or alternatively find out their number and call them?

We tried something somewhere along the lines of that. We drove over to the house and asked if they got it and then they told us that they had thrown it away thinking that it was a miss print on the report card...I was so mad, because i brought so many d's and c's up to a's and b's and i wanted to prove to my dad that i brought my grades up.


The First Time I saw him....I knew he was the one.
Currently:A Model.
Field Researcher
#21 Old 28th Jun 2007 at 7:02 PM
World History: 100%
British Literature: 96%
Biology: 93%
Consumer Math: 100%
Adv. Trig: 98%
French II: 96%
Art History: 100%

And thank God my junior year is over! Next year's my last year of high school! Woot!

Simberry Fields
A "For Sims, By Sims" City
Test Subject
#22 Old 28th Jun 2007 at 7:25 PM
Art- 96 (A+)
French- 99 (A+)
Career Planning- 95 (A+)
English- 96 (A+)
Math- 95 (A+)
Science- 98 (A+)
Social Studies- 96 (A+)
Gym-100 (A+)
Tech- 100 (A+)

Won student of the year too! :D
Test Subject
#23 Old 28th Jun 2007 at 7:39 PM
Service Learning (AKA Community Service) -100- A
English II -95- A
Algebra 2 -93- A
Driver's Ed -95- A
Biology I -98- A
World History -95- A
P.E. -94- A
Drafting and Design -100- A
Drawing, Composition, and Design -100- A

... yea... I did pretty well this year, if I do say so myself... Oh, and Driver's Ed is not a required class at my school. It's just offered for free so I took it at school rather than paying for it at the DMV.
#24 Old 28th Jun 2007 at 7:59 PM
Quote: Originally posted by SSChan
Earth Science: 101% - A

How did you get 101%? :S
Top Secret Researcher
#25 Old 28th Jun 2007 at 8:07 PM
Mine school uses the 0-100% grading system. I did pretty good for my first year in high school though I barely passed Geometry.

Advanced Geometry-72%
Advanced World History-89%
Advanced Algebra I-90%
Advanced Biology-90%
Advanced 10th Grade English-83%
French II-95%
Computer Applications-91%

~* Childish, Eco-Friendly, Snob, Couch Potato, Inappropriate *~
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