12th Jun 2009 at 11:17 PM
Hallo anderen Österreicher! My name's Otto, the owner of this group. There seemed nowhere for any western europeans here so i just went and fixed that for us Austrians! Talk about anything you want, just keep your posts on topic mmKay?
I was born in Innsbruck, Austria, I now live in Canada, i moved there when i was 5. Ohh i miss Austria. I like Austria, Sims 2/3, Civilization 3/4 Europa Universalis 3, politics, chess, guitar and my cats.
When posting here include why you like Austria, and some stuff about yourself.
1 out 100 people think their insane, if you're of the 99 that think you're sane, put this in your sig.
here for my all-purpose profile!