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#1 Old 3rd Aug 2009 at 8:10 PM Last edited by Mole-chan : 3rd Aug 2009 at 11:32 PM.
Default Wishes Not Showing Up
I'm having this problem as well. It seems to be restricted to one town, and I'm hesitant to just give up on it since it happens to be where my long-running family is.

I've tried the above solutions to no avail.

And Mirrabella, where is the fix you mentioned? I've searched for it on MATY but I must have missed it.

Edit: I suppose I should clear things up, this was in a different thread. My main family will not gain any new wishes. I've tried testing without mods, and the effect is still the same.

The last thread creator mentioned a fix by Pescado, that I can't seem to find.
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#2 Old 4th Aug 2009 at 3:25 AM
I had the same problem, my sims didn't want anything
even with a new baby, no wants at all.
I removed awesome mod + indie stone (I thought maybe it could be awesome mod,) but nothing changed.
So, I tried to change active household, to see if they have wants or not.
Actually, they did have wants, so I changed again active households, back to my "depressed family" (lol) and the "no wants issue" was gone !!

So maybe it can work for you too (I hope so)
sorry for the bad english :s
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#3 Old 4th Aug 2009 at 4:04 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Sand_Ce
I had the same problem, my sims didn't want anything
even with a new baby, no wants at all.
I removed awesome mod + indie stone (I thought maybe it could be awesome mod,) but nothing changed.
So, I tried to change active household, to see if they have wants or not.
Actually, they did have wants, so I changed again active households, back to my "depressed family" (lol) and the "no wants issue" was gone !!

So maybe it can work for you too (I hope so)
sorry for the bad english :s

I didn't think of that. I'll try, thank you! c:
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#4 Old 4th Aug 2009 at 4:27 AM
It worked! Thank you! c:!!!

I guess I was on the right track with removing awesomemod, sadly. :C I just needed to switch houses to get the wants re-rolling again.
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#5 Old 4th Aug 2009 at 4:31 AM Last edited by Sand_Ce : 4th Aug 2009 at 7:54 PM.
you re welcome =)

just read your answer, =D i m so happy it worked :lovestruc !!!

(i put back awesome+indie, and the "no wants issue" did'nt come back, a least for the moment =__=" )

edit : the issue is back, don t put awesome back as i did
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