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Lab Assistant
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#1 Old 20th Sep 2009 at 10:06 PM Last edited by ABCRic : 27th Sep 2009 at 9:35 PM.
Default Introductions Thread - Welcome!
Hello and welcome to the Portuguese simmers group!
Introduce yourself here, and feel free to tell us your gender, location, whatever you want

Check my creations! http://www.modthesims.info/member.php?u=2248130
The Portuguese simmers group! Clicky!
#2 Old 21st Sep 2009 at 12:32 AM
Hi, my name is Claudia and I live in Maia/Porto and I hope to see here more Portuguese people...
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#3 Old 21st Sep 2009 at 10:20 PM
Hi Claudia, me too! The portuguese community has thousands of people, but not everyone speaks english, unfortunately...
Let's hope more people look at my sig

Check my creations! http://www.modthesims.info/member.php?u=2248130
The Portuguese simmers group! Clicky!
Lab Assistant
#4 Old 3rd Oct 2009 at 4:43 AM
Hi Claudia and ABCRic ! My name's Rui, I'm from Gaia and I'm currently in college.
Test Subject
#5 Old 18th Oct 2009 at 11:58 PM
Hey guys! My name is Eduardo and I live in Rio Tinto (Gondomar).

I'm registered here from a long time ( I lost my old account 2 years ago ).
I don't "speak" a lot here, I prefer seeing what's new in downloads area. And downloading things I (most probably) will never use.

I play Sims since it's first version, and what I like the most in Sims is creating houses. I played all 3 Sims, but I never played with a family over 4 weeks (Sim Time) I had more fun creating the perfect home (or business in TS2 OFB, or apartment in TS2 Apartments) for them then playing with the family. Those 4 weeks were probably playing continuously in my own business or reaching that lifetime wish of "woohoo" with 20 women (A lot of funny moments ).
Test Subject
#6 Old 28th Dec 2009 at 12:13 AM
Hi Everyone. My name is Sara and I'm from Gaia :D
#7 Old 28th Dec 2009 at 9:02 PM
Hi! Is nice to see more Portuguese people here!
Test Subject
#8 Old 21st May 2010 at 9:35 PM
Hi, My name is José Diogo and i'm from a secret area (i'm just not going to tell were i realy live).
#9 Old 21st May 2010 at 11:59 PM
Hi! Welcome!
Test Subject
#10 Old 1st Jul 2010 at 8:36 PM
Hello! I'm Tania from Porto
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#11 Old 3rd Jul 2010 at 12:41 PM
hey im mike. im from south africa.
Test Subject
#12 Old 24th Jan 2011 at 8:15 PM
Hey, I'm from Coimbra. It's great to see portuguese simmers!
Test Subject
#13 Old 24th Aug 2011 at 10:07 PM
Quote: Originally posted by ABCRic
Hello and welcome to the Portuguese simmers group!
Introduce yourself here, and feel free to tell us your gender, location, whatever you want


I´m from Lisboa Portugal but now i´ve moved to england

My sims2 is in Portuguese aswell!

I alway go to portugal once in a year and visit o santuario da nossa senhora fatima.I find that place so holy and peaceful...

I love seeing that so many portuguese people love the sims2!
Test Subject
#14 Old 5th Sep 2011 at 11:47 PM
Hi! I'm from Portugal too
The group seems a bit "dead"
#15 Old 7th Sep 2011 at 3:14 PM
Unfortunately Yes
Test Subject
#16 Old 11th May 2012 at 10:02 PM
Hi, I'm Mafalda, I live in Vila do Conde [:
Portuguese simmers rules xD
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