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#1 Old 17th Apr 2010 at 2:39 AM
Default Hey guys i am making a lady gaga sim :)
Hey guys i was just wanting to let u guys know that i will be making an enitire line of lady gaga simmies. Starting with when she was a teen and or young adult and when she still went by stefani Germanotta. I was wondering what were yall looking for in her? I know of course she will have a few of her tattoos i already have those done (Working on the one on her back/torso its very hard to recolor that lol) she will have the peace tattoo and the one flower tattoo and the rose one if i can get it to work. So thats guys I was wondering what else would u like to see in stefani germanotta/ GaGa ^=^
Top Secret Researcher
#2 Old 25th Apr 2010 at 1:29 PM
Thats a great idea, I can't wait to see it coming along.
I want to see the right faces, and how they have changed. The hair, eye colour, and makeup can be easily changed when I download her for myself, so its definitely the face which needs to be the most amazing (:

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#3 Old 27th Apr 2010 at 5:16 AM
Yeah I know right? I wish I could make her better on The Sims 3 cause i have the hair ECT. BUT I might make the fame monster dark hair cover cause i have the tears, hair, and the arm, shoulder, and wrist tattoo. BUT its sooooo hard crop in the tattoo on her back because it runs up her torso so i might have to leave it out! T=T! But! When The sims 3 ambitions comes out with the tattoo stuff and im sure u can make them urself ill upload ALL of her tattoos from the game where i created them !
Top Secret Researcher
#4 Old 6th May 2010 at 9:38 PM
^ Nice!
I don't have the Sims 3 though, but don't let that stop you!
Post some pictures of her in this thread, so we can see how your getting along with her and give you some gagalicious advice (:

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