12th Feb 2011 at 11:54 AM
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Hi, here are all the links I've collected about animations.
I hope you will find what you need, it can be a bit outdated.
You can also Google the name Atavera, for his program.
Chaos Mod Painting - Update 3/29/10 - CRY ON DEMAND, Other Machinima Madness, Tunability, & HEL COMPATIBILITY
TigerM Smooth Jazz animation script editor
Sims 3:Jazz
WesHowe 14th Oct 2009
Clip -> SMD conversion
TESTERS WANTED: AnimTool (update, V0.04)
Turning game animations into AVI files
TS3 Animation base
TUTORIAL: Object Modding (aka adding interactions) - UPDATE 1/17/10
How I made a toilet with its own class and its own tuning - by Inge Jones
The game uses the granny animation system, but the format for those files hads been tough because these guys have a "better than zip" compression format that we don't understand.
But you can see the object rigs, and extract the necessary joint information by using the granny reader, a free viewer from the makers, a group called Rad Games
http://www.radgametools.com/. But there is no cut and paste, it is pencil and paper copying. Ugh.
Bink Video Downloads
The RAD Video Tools [1.2 MB]The RAD Video Tools for Win 9x/Me, NT, 2000, XP, and Vista.
Includes the Bink and Smacker Compressors!
TS2-Tutorial: Making your first custom object animation