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#1 Old 8th Feb 2011 at 4:32 PM
Default Add existing Sim animation/pose to cloned object?
Hello! This is my first week with the Sims and first post here of course I am a professional game developer (semi-retired) but I specialize in world building and no practical experience in scripting or coding.

Can anyone point me toward a tutorial on how to have a Sim perform a specific animation when interacting with a new object. I am happy to use existing animations, I don't need to know how to create or add new animation, and I'm happy to use functionality of existing objects (but probably with different than default artwork).

Over the years I've learned to make due with existing assets to keep budgets down and stretch the usefulness of every piece of art and code created so I guess I'm looking for guidance on where to find out how to put these types of things together into one new object from different existing objects and behaviors.

Hopefully that is clear! I've tried searching but being new to the Sims Universe there's so much to sift through from so many versions of the game it's very hard to tell where to start without a little leaning on you veterans.

Thanks all!
#2 Old 12th Feb 2011 at 11:54 AM
Hi, here are all the links I've collected about animations.
I hope you will find what you need, it can be a bit outdated.
You can also Google the name Atavera, for his program.

Chaos Mod Painting - Update 3/29/10 - CRY ON DEMAND, Other Machinima Madness, Tunability, & HEL COMPATIBILITY

TigerM Smooth Jazz animation script editor

Sims 3:Jazz

WesHowe 14th Oct 2009
Clip -> SMD conversion

TESTERS WANTED: AnimTool (update, V0.04)

Turning game animations into AVI files

TS3 Animation base

TUTORIAL: Object Modding (aka adding interactions) - UPDATE 1/17/10

How I made a toilet with its own class and its own tuning - by Inge Jones

The game uses the granny animation system, but the format for those files hads been tough because these guys have a "better than zip" compression format that we don't understand.

But you can see the object rigs, and extract the necessary joint information by using the granny reader, a free viewer from the makers, a group called Rad Games But there is no cut and paste, it is pencil and paper copying. Ugh.
Bink Video Downloads
The RAD Video Tools [1.2 MB]The RAD Video Tools for Win 9x/Me, NT, 2000, XP, and Vista.
Includes the Bink and Smacker Compressors!

TS2-Tutorial: Making your first custom object animation
Test Subject
#3 Old 9th Nov 2023 at 11:38 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Cocomama
Hi, here are all the links I've collected about animations.
I hope you will find what you need, it can be a bit outdated.
You can also Google the name Atavera, for his program.

Chaos Mod Painting - Update 3/29/10 - CRY ON DEMAND, Other Machinima Madness, Tunability, & HEL COMPATIBILITY

TigerM Smooth Jazz animation script editor

Sims 3:Jazz

WesHowe 14th Oct 2009
Clip -> SMD conversion

TESTERS WANTED: AnimTool (update, V0.04)

Turning game animations into AVI files

TS3 Animation base

TUTORIAL: Object Modding (aka adding interactions) - UPDATE 1/17/10

How I made a toilet with its own class and its own tuning - by Inge Jones

The game uses the granny animation system, but the format for those files hads been tough because these guys have a "better than zip" compression format that we don't understand.

But you can see the object rigs, and extract the necessary joint information by using the granny reader, a free viewer from the makers, a group called Rad Games But there is no cut and paste, it is pencil and paper copying. Ugh.
Bink Video Downloads
The RAD Video Tools [1.2 MB]The RAD Video Tools for Win 9x/Me, NT, 2000, XP, and Vista.
Includes the Bink and Smacker Compressors!

TS2-Tutorial: Making your first custom object animation

Please if you could put the Chaos mod painting if you still have it in a Simfileshare file or something then i would be MOST Grateful!!!
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