22nd Sep 2011 at 9:43 AM
Last edited by Phaenoh : 7th Feb 2014 at
6:11 PM.
Obsession Challenge
Obsession Challenge
(yeah I did it
You must start off with 8 Sims ages from child to elder (yes this includes young adult for you university package people). The only age I am excluding is toddlers because well obviously they need care and obsessions really are not formed till their a child. Social worker visits count for a child death. Teens-Elders must have jobs as soon as they can get them; Jobs are part of the points you earn. For college Sims obviously this is class and the dropping out I was talking about. Each Sim must be a differnt zodiac sign; one of the Sims must carry your zodiac sign.
First off you bust build/buy/rent a house/apartment/dorm and include all the things a Sim can get obsessed over. There is an obsession thread if you are not certain what a Sim is capable of getting obsessed over. I do not care how much you spend to achieve this. However, after everything is bought and checked over (double check to make sure you bought everything you want, and need) you must drain your account to be =50,000 or <50,000. No using cheats to make it exactly you must use your skill to get as close to that number but not over.
Hunger, Fun, Bladder, Social, Energy, and Hygiene are all one point for green, and half of point for yellow per day. Obviously if it is red you get no points for the need; they fail. You also get a bonus four points for not being fired/dropped out of school. Clearly teenagers are at a disadvantage since they have school and work so consider them the hard challenge version.
Wow, 7 teenagers you'd have one heck of a challenge on your hand.
If your Sim IS NOT obsessing over something (example standing there picking their noses or doing something you know for certain they won’t go back to once you cancel the action) you can help them with their needs. I am certain 3 days can give you a good idea what your Sims vices are so after 3 days they are left to their evil vices. Sims will die; there will be a busy reaper. If one of your Sims roles a save a Sim from the reaper or be saved I will allow it, but the points restart as zero once the Sim is resurrected.
If the repo man stops buy -15 from all surviving Sims. Hopefully you will still have money and/or your sim will be able to go to the mail box.
+10 points for each sim for any townie who dies on their lot obsessing.
Talented Sim title: Sims who die from something other than needs.
Gifted Sims title: Sims that take out other Sims as they take themselves out.
Special Sims: Sims that manage to scrape by and live the rest of their lives. (I think this one would count as over 9,000 XD But does not include any Sims resurrected from the dead.)
Note: Your Sims CAN have children but note you cannot marry (well if it is two of your eight they can). You can either choose to carry on and create a legacy of obsession (see if they get wiser) or you can be nice (boo)). I probably do not have to mention that you have to wait for a Sim or two to die before you can do this. Babies add another possible obsession so be leery (for all those who have hacks to prevent this don’t sweat it).
Any on else feel free to toss in their two cents.
Disclaimer: I am just being a goof ball, please ignore me if offended.