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#1 Old 7th Feb 2012 at 5:37 PM
Marriage Thread
Talk about who you married or who is the best character to marry here.

I'm not married, yet but I am going to marry Onmund at the college of Winterhold. Even though, he has a small glitch, he still will be great in battle for me since I don't use magic much.

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Mad Poster
#2 Old 18th Feb 2012 at 8:58 AM
I want to marry that Argonian who has the jewelry stall in Riften but I can't get him to ask (can't remember his name either). Ho-hum, just like real life. Vilkus is willing though. My character is pretty far along and I think it's time she had a househusband to cook a meal for her every day! :b
Test Subject
#3 Old 3rd Aug 2012 at 9:31 PM
Quote: Originally posted by edejan
I want to marry that Argonian who has the jewelry stall in Riften but I can't get him to ask (can't remember his name either). Ho-hum, just like real life. Vilkus is willing though. My character is pretty far along and I think it's time she had a househusband to cook a meal for her every day! :b

Is he marriageable though?

I really want my character to marry Brand-Shei but he isn't an option, so I'll probably go far some other Dunmer male.

My Nord female character married Vilkas, he's a really nice guy
Field Researcher
#4 Old 3rd Aug 2012 at 9:40 PM
With my character Samar, I wanted her to marry Cicero but he's not an option. So she's holding out for a love that could never be.

With my wood elf, Parwen, she's got her eye on Vilkas.

My male Nord, Lucien, courted Lydia. She was sworn to carry his burdens, and that was one of the reasons he loves her.

Life Stage: Teen Traits: Hopeless Romantic, Computer Whiz, Couch Potato, Shy Partner: Ted
School: High School Career: Writing; Fan Fiction Drafter Miscellaneous: Rich; Scorpio
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