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#1 Old 18th Mar 2012 at 7:11 PM
Sims 4 ideas
So, I don't even know whether this is a right place to start such a thread but at least I'll give it a try. Sorry, if I've posted this thread in a wrong category, couldn't find better place.

Now, finally, moving onto the topic - as you've all probably guessed by now, I'm curious what would you like to see in Sims 4. I'm pretty sure, it'll be coming (sooner or later), so I've set up tumblr called sims4ideas.tumblr.com .

I, myself, am big enthusiast of Sims but I'm not really satisfied with how Sims 3 turned out. Even though I'm willing to give it a second chance after I've seen loads of beautiful cc on this site, I'm making a pile of all the ideas for an upcoming Sims game. Do you have any ideas, what would you like to see in the game? Just post them in there or in my ask on my tumblr. When I'll pile up a considerable amount of Sims 4 ideas I would e - mail the link of my tumblr to the game developers. What do you think?
Mad Poster
#2 Old 18th Mar 2012 at 7:20 PM
A bigger focus on Architecture and Landscaping. Seeing as the Sims 1 started off as an architecture game, EA REALLY dropped the ball with 3. I'm going to make list of crap I want, but we really do need mroe architecture with the base game, and we shouldn't have to wait years on end for something really simple. It took a years for us to get mutli-story features (columns, arches, etc.), where the Sims 2 base game game them in the base game.

Even if it's decorative, we shouldn't wait forever to get it.

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Lab Assistant
#3 Old 18th Mar 2012 at 7:49 PM
Being able to plop down lots where ever YOU want them to go and not just already designated ones..
Field Researcher
#4 Old 18th Mar 2012 at 7:56 PM Last edited by PoisonFrog : 18th Mar 2012 at 8:15 PM.
Swimming in the bodies of water & usable boats...and about 50 other things...but I don' wanna take all the good uns an leaf nuffin fer da resta da folks..hyuk hyuk.

απολαυστικά κακό
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Original Poster
#5 Old 18th Mar 2012 at 8:07 PM
Just write ´em all down, no matter how many of them ^^ The more, the merrier actually
Mad Poster
#6 Old 18th Mar 2012 at 8:52 PM
I would like to properly be able to see the second floor if there is no ceiling. I mean I have a church, and it has this balcony part, so only part of first floor has a ceiling. now when I'm in the first floor and look up I see the ceiling, then I see the sky where I should see the second story walls.

Sims making a bigger mess in the kitchen. Sims have it too easy, only messing up 1 plate when they make dinner. I want to see dirty pots and utensils and I want to see my sims drink while eating. Also, would it kill EA to give Sims those glove things normal people put on when they take hot things out of the oven.
#7 Old 18th Mar 2012 at 9:16 PM Last edited by jenieusa : 19th Mar 2012 at 12:53 AM.
#8 Old 18th Mar 2012 at 9:20 PM
I would like to see a gradual aging system. No more birthday glitter rockets, they grow up over time.

Also, varying heights between Sims.

Cagley Family Legacy (A Random Legacy Challenge)
Field Researcher
#9 Old 18th Mar 2012 at 9:29 PM
I want better graphics, better and more diverse looking sims and the possibility to add round corners in buildings. Oh and walls at a custom size in height.
Field Researcher
#10 Old 18th Mar 2012 at 9:45 PM
A bigger focus on Architecture and Landscaping. Seeing as the Sims 1 started off as an architecture game, EA REALLY dropped the ball with 3.

I totally agree with this. What build improvements do you want?

Here’s most of what I want:

Most importantly, a big improvement in the roofing system, which would include—
• Roof decorations like fascia board, gutters or exposed beams
• To select the angle of roof hinges (for example, on the hipped roofs)
• To select the amount of overhang of the roof
• To select the direction of any roof (and roofs would no longer automatically change direction because you increased the size.)
• The common roofs they skipped (like this one)
• Thicker roofs

I also want:
• Selectable wall height without the constrain floors cheat
• A choice whether different height walls attached to each other with or without sloping
• Fully selectable foundation height
• Walls buildable on half grid tiles
• Windows can be moved up and down
• Retaining walls
• Daylight basements with window wells (and without the depressing pitch-blackness that sims 3 has.)
• Upper stories would be visible from lower floors and attic rooms would have sloped ceilings
• Separate categories for railing and fences. And, fences and railing would look like either fences or railings. (No more trying to make multipurpose options that don’t look like either)

I also want walls to have bump maps, so they looked texture, but this would probably be too hard on computers.

I have a few more, but I'll spare you all my more detailed wishes.
Field Researcher
#11 Old 18th Mar 2012 at 9:56 PM
I have posted so many places of what new things/graphics/animations/interractions on so many forums concering TS4 that I hope the Development team saw some of them.

But today, I miss TS2. I have no idea why TS3 just doesn't live up to my idea of how the game should be.

But I really miss weather, I really miss OFB, Nightlife, Uni, etc.

I really miss the freedom in TS2 to make my own videos then edit them in my own PC program and upload them to Sim site the enjoys videos. Not having to use TS3's website's moviemaker which really hampers me.

The open world is nice, however, it really cramps a player's style to add lots, and venues etc. anywhere they want.

So, for TS4, please don't go down the Social Route. Have weather in the game from the get go, allow Simmers to start a business (not a rabbit hole) on a community lot, bring back 'take a spin' in the car so I can get rid of some of them sometimes. BTW, so I don't have to check on them while they are gone, like I do when they are out in the town in TS3.

Bring back interactions between kids and parents, in the base game, not waiting on an EP....and for goodness sake, bring back Slow Dance, and Sims actually sitting down to a meal together (Serve) and talking and getting to know each other.

It is not hard to play 3 or 4 in TS3 and have them live their entire lives without having a relationship if your got the new ShowTime EP or some of the others.

And somehow, make it possible to play a legacy in this new game. It is almost unbearable to do in TS3 with the way the game system is, imho.

But I digress...just feeling lost without my little fav. Sims in TS2 wishing they could live in TS3....and live forever from new game to new game...imported into new Serials like many other games allow.
Field Researcher
#12 Old 18th Mar 2012 at 10:10 PM
Please give me back my view of the ground from a basement window. It was fun to put the camera at that level and film a Sim's (outside) feet passing by that window. The problem with this last series is it has taken away so much more than it gave me compared to TS2.

Please, no story progression. It doesn't work anyway. There are lots of things to add to the TS4, however, I am more inclinded to believe (Fear) it will be even more about EPS and SPs in the Store catagory (sets) and a lot less focus on gameplay/freedom to dream/imagine/do....and more Social Networking right now in this point of time...that I have given up on dreaming about TS4 altogether.

Now, that's bad.
#13 Old 18th Mar 2012 at 10:11 PM
I would like to see accidents. (I know how that must sound) What I mean is instead of vehicles going right through another vehicles, or even standing-by sims, sims crossing the street, the vehicles would stop or go around. And if not, there would be an accident. More realism.

Most of the stuff/features that I would want to see would make the game no longer a "Teen rated" game, though, so I doubt I will ever see it.
Mad Poster
#14 Old 18th Mar 2012 at 10:45 PM
Quote: Originally posted by morphius1
I would like to see accidents. (I know how that must sound) What I mean is instead of vehicles going right through another vehicles, or even standing-by sims, sims crossing the street, the vehicles would stop or go around. And if not, there would be an accident. More realism.

Most of the stuff/features that I would want to see would make the game no longer a "Teen rated" game, though, so I doubt I will ever see it.

Definitely this. I don't want every sim living to reach old age.

I'd also want more intertwined interactions/ multitasking. I want my sim to be able to sit down, lounge, sit on the toilet, or lie in the bed while talking on the phone or using the laptop. I want them to eat while reading the newspaper and talk to sims while travelling. By doing this so much time can be freed up for your sims to do other things, and it makes things more realistic!

I also want that 'everything is explained' feeling back in the Sims 4. I don't want to automatically upgrade my sims via lifetime achievement points (really, who gets upgraded in real life?). I want them to have to undergo a process in order to earn that improvement, either through a wacky machine or a medical procedure.

The same goes for shops- modern day life is based around consumption and buying things, so a more accurate depiction of purchasing food and other minor goods should be in the game. I want EA to bring back back open grocery stores, phone dispensers, clothing stores and restaurants!
#15 Old 18th Mar 2012 at 11:51 PM
Okay, every time someone mentions "The Sims 4", my imagination runs wild. So I apologize for the length of this post. But here is my fictional preview of what I would like The Sims 4 to be like....


Despite being around for ten years, countless expansion packs, and millions of fans, The Sims series is apparently still going strong. After many expansion packs for The Sims 3, the Sims Studio at EA appears ready and confident they can make the magic happen all over again. Building on the strengths of the previous games, while improving on their weaknesses, The Sims 4 seems ready to take the series to the next level with deeper gameplay and incredible new options to make the series more compelling than ever before.

Building houses and neighbourhoods is still a vital part of the Sims experience, but the tools now offer a level of flexibility new to the series. Wall lengths and heights can now be adjusted, and a new curved wall option functions similarly to the curved pool tool from TS3. There's also a plethora of new architectural details that snap conveniently onto building exteriors for more realism and detail.

And the dreaded "rabbithole" buildings from TS3? They're gone...sort of. New "rabbithole doors" allow Sims to disappear to take care of tasks too boring to watch, such as classes in school and jobs in offices. But every building in town can be completely customized, allowing you to "rabbithole" parts of the game you're not interested in seeing or opening up those areas you want to focus on.

This all ties in nicely with the new careers and professions systems in The Sims 4. Unlike the mostly non-interactive career systems in previous Sims games, TS4 allows as much interaction or autonomy as you'd like. Not interested in what your Sim does from 9-5? Get them a "rabbithole" office job. Want them to get out in the community, meeting new Sims and helping them out? How about a job as a traffic cop or door-to-door salesman? Leave your Sim to his own devices and he'll put in an honest day's effort. But take complete control over everything your Sim does at work and he'll be eligible for faster promotions and more Simoleons while you experience more interactivity at work than ever before.

But besides building homes and going to work, the real focus of The Sims 4 is squarely on the Sims themselves. TS4 boasts an astounding variety of animations and interactions. The producers claim that their new technology can actually "evolve" new animations to suit the Sims' personalities, and I can believe it: even after 50+ hours of play, I saw very little repetition in the Sims animations, and watching the little virtual people act and react has never been more fascinating.

Speaking of personalities, TS4 also boasts an entirely new system for defining how your Sims behave. Each Sim has a complete "profile" that defines their personality in all the basic areas: cleanliness, bravery, social skills and so forth. But beyond this are a number of "quirks" and "talents" that further allow you to define what your Sims are good at or interested in. All of this stuff has a huge effect on how your Sims will react to situations, and react to each other. And if you just want to fill your town with a few stereotypes without diving into the details, there's also a number of "archetypes" to choose from, allowing you to quickly build characters such as "the jock", "the diva", the "mad scientist" and so on.

The new Dynamic Neighbourhood system goes far beyond the rudimentary "story progression" system introduced in TS3. To put it succinctly, towns in The Sims 4 truly feel alive. Every Sim in town has a network of memories that defines who they are, but the town itself also has a strong sense of history. You'll see closed-up buildings in abandoned parts of town, and overgrown lawns and weeds surround houses that haven't been lived in for some time. Don't worry, you won't have to deal with day-to-day chores like mowing the lawn or painting the walls, but you will see a distinct difference between your town's various social classes. And even more remarkably, your town can evolve with the passing of years: those lavish townhouses by the river might turn into a depressing slum after five generations of neglect. That gorgeous mansion on the hill might turn into a haunted house...or it might be completely destroyed in a fire. Everything in TS4 feels alive, dynamic, and evolving. "We wanted to create a sense of dynamic life in town that would allow you to keep playing the same town basically forever," said one of the producers.

Towns are no longer fixed to a specific size, either. New "districts" can be added on easily, and while the flow of time is continuous across the entire town, any non-active districts are rendered with less detail, allowing the game to run at a decent speed. It's an interesting and effective combination of the "open neighbourhood" from TS3 and the "sub hoods" from TS2.

There's also a whole new "scenarios" system, a natural evolution of the relatively bland "opportunities" system from TS3. Scenarios allow your Sims to participate in special events, such as helping a best friend move into a new home, or throwing a party to raise money for charity. Unlike the straightforward goals and rewards in TS3, TS4 scenarios can have a variety of different solutions and outcomes. You might be able to throw a successful party with a buffet table and music, but risking a big wad of money to hire a hot rock band from out of town might give your party (and your Sim) a whole new level of renown. In other words, TS4 constantly presents new situations and goals for your Sim to aspire to, while also giving you the flexibility to approach these situations with any solution you can dream up. It's a fabulously versatile system that gives The Sims 4 an incredible level of replayability and spontaneity and truly makes it the ultimate "sandbox game".

Scenarios are also tied into the game's all-new "karma" system. Do good things ever happen to bad people? Well in TS4, bad things certainly happen to bad Sims...and very bad things happen to very bad Sims! As your Sim interacts in increasingly good or bad ways, karma responds with good or bad returns. Unlike TS3 with its mostly meaningless "evil" trait, TS4 truly allows you to play out the life of a complete jerk...and also has you dealing with the consequences. It makes for challenging and often hilarious gameplay, and also affords the player a lot of control over how "dark" things can get in the game. Cheating on your girlfriend? Expect retaliation in the form of broken windows and slanderous gossip that could lead to a demotion at work. Crossed paths with a vicious crime boss? Don't be surprised to find your car has been sabotaged. Living out the life of a pariah has never been more fun!

But perhaps your Sim wants to be a goody-goody who helps out the neighbours and donates money to charities while adopting orphaned children? This is also possible, and increasingly good behaviours help to swing the fates in a positive direction. Perhaps your Sim will win the lottery, or inherit a fabulous mansion from a long-forgotten relative... In The Sims 4, it truly feels like anything is possible.

The interaction menu in TS4 has also been re-worked and feels much more organized, as well as more powerful. Click to have your Sim interact with another Sim and you'll see basic options like "talk" or "flirt", but mousing over those options will open up new sub-menus that contain more specific interactions. Interactions are also organized from "positive" to "negative", so you can easily find any interaction almost instantly and activate it with a single click. It all feels wonderfuly intuitive and efficient.

It goes without saying that The Sims 4 features an all-new graphics engine that looks fantastic. But what players might not have expected are the addition of new "rendering modes" that allow you to totally change the look of the game from within the options menu. Want your Sims to have a flat, cell-shaded cartoon look? You can. Want your Sims' town to have a gritty, Fallout style charm? That's possible too. With a number of powerful options for altering the game's visuals, it's completely possible for two players of The Sims 4 to have dramatically different looking games.

The Sims 4 is shaping up to be an incredible game. Powerful new technology, classic Sims charm and remarkable new options for varied gameplay should give Sims fans new reasons to get addicted all over again.
Test Subject
#16 Old 18th Mar 2012 at 11:52 PM
Quote: Originally posted by jje1000
Definitely this. I don't want every sim living to reach old age.

I'd also want more intertwined interactions/ multitasking. I want my sim to be able to sit down, lounge, sit on the toilet, or lie in the bed while talking on the phone or using the laptop. I want them to eat while reading the newspaper and talk to sims while travelling. By doing this so much time can be freed up for your sims to do other things, and it makes things more realistic!

I also want that 'everything is explained' feeling back in the Sims 4. I don't want to automatically upgrade my sims via lifetime achievement points (really, who gets upgraded in real life?). I want them to have to undergo a process in order to earn that improvement, either through a wacky machine or a medical procedure.

The same goes for shops- modern day life is based around consumption and buying things, so a more accurate depiction of purchasing food and other minor goods should be in the game. I want EA to bring back back open grocery stores, phone dispensers, clothing stores and restaurants!

Ooor, we can simply call it: NO RABBIT HOLES EA!!! NOT IN TS4!!!! And for the first time in The Sims i want to see where my sims work and what do they do at work.... it's too boring just to see the work title, and the workplace.....
Field Researcher
#17 Old 19th Mar 2012 at 12:00 AM
Everyone wants "sandbox" play. I want "fishbowl" play.

I want to be able to put sims in situations or new environments and see how they deal with them. I want them to be more aware of each other, their surroundings, and their memories- MEMORIES SHOULD HAVE PERSISTENT EFFECTS ON BEHAVIOR.

I'd like a richer and more flexible traits system- younger sims should be able to acquire and drop traits the way pets do, in Sims 3.
Field Researcher
#18 Old 19th Mar 2012 at 12:10 AM
I would like to have more customization possibilities, not only the ability to texturize objects, walls and floors (a good step up in TS3, no doubt!) but to model/remesh clothing, hair and buy/build objects by ourselves in game.
Lab Assistant
#19 Old 19th Mar 2012 at 12:23 AM
While I would love more building, that is secondary to me. I love building in sims 3 because it is the most versatile tool, and the sims themselves are slightly robotic which makes the gameplay less fun. The idea of personality traits is wonderful, but I'd like them to have more effect and for sims to seem more endearing and do silly little things. Often it seems like sims are just differently-coloured versions of the same thing, and I don't think that should seem that way. I'd love them to be more whimsical too.
It would be great to have better story-progression and autonomy too. So that sims to interesting things, and things in their wishes without me making them do it.
Forum Resident
#20 Old 19th Mar 2012 at 12:26 AM
More user-made custom content. One of the worst things about TS3 is the amount and quality of custom content made by the fanbase took a big, big nosedive. Being part of the Sims world back then, for us, meant you got to talk about things you wanted to make or you wanted other people to make. They took a lot of that away from us with Sims 3.

I want the ability to make more realistic Sims. In fact, I demand it. I came back to Sims 3 recently (thanks to my new computer upgrade). I had hoped that the quality of the skins and the camera problems (like outdoor pudding faces) would be fixed, but there hasn't been much change since the first couple of months since TS3 in that regard.

There aren't enough sliders in TS3 to do anything useful with the faces. It was a step backwards from TS2. I understand it probably made it easier for EA to compress the meshes for the many additional sims that would show up in TS3 compared to TS2, easing the graphics demand, but in the process, the Sims we make in TS3 aren't as interesting or as fun to dink around with in CAS as they used to be. And, by the way, that's where I used to spend most of my time in TS2 -- in CAS or Bodyshop, making new Sims.

I'd like to get rid of the four stages of growing. I've tried to think of why Sims can't grow bigger gradually as they mature. I suspect it's because of the primitive style of animations EA has been using since TS1 that requires Sims to all be the same size so lips match up when they kiss, hands match up when they shake hands, etc. That's not a difficult problem to overcome, though. If they don't try, it's just laziness and low expectations.

I'd like an easy way to make new custom animations for the game. The community could go nuts with that.

I'd like the game to be sexier, the way it was in TS2. They really tamed it down below PG-13 for TS3, getting rid of the raunchy cut scenes, sex in cars and photo booths, and huge point bonuses for woohooing in public places or with service workers or with ten sims.


Above and beyond this, the most radical suggestion I could make, one I've thought about a lot recently. I would like a First Person Shooter mode version of the game. One that would have the camera always over your shoulder, Quake style. Roofs and walls would always be up. It would be a fuller immersion in a virtual universe than what we have now, although there might be control problems. I've been wondering if it might be possible to do something like that with TS3, as it is, through mods.
#21 Old 19th Mar 2012 at 1:59 AM
I would also like to see a totally new spin-off Sims game, but made for a mature audience. In other words, a game like The Sims, but with more options for adult content.

I know not everyone wants their games to be full of sex trade workers, drug addictions and what not, but I would at least like to have the option. I'm an adult, and I don't have any kids, and I would like to have an adult version of The Sims. But it really needs to be a totally separate game.
#22 Old 19th Mar 2012 at 3:44 AM
I've got a few things, so I'll try to limit myself.

First of all, I want better content management. I don't expect EA to support third party content, but I don't think it's too much for them to have a utility to identify problematic content.

I'd like to see more traits, but I'd like the traits to be influenced by other traits. For instance, Evil plus Flirty would be a deliberate home-wrecker. I'd like to be able to chart a course for my non-active Sims, if I want Joe to grow up and marry Beth, I'd like to be able to set that in effect and the game move them toward completion.

I actually like RH for some things. If one of your sims is pursuing the new Sims 3 style career, it's very handy that the other can vanish into the RH. But I'd like it better if you had a variety of building styles which you could place and then assign it's role.

As far as building... I'd like to see the ability to have walls of different heights, as was mentioned above, without cheats. I'd like a choice of regular walls or glass walls, also curving walls and I'd like to able to adjust the thickness of each kind. I'd like for the windows to be more adaptable -- sizeable, so you would only have to have one style and then could drag the corner lower to increase the height or outwardly to increase the width.

I'd like the ability to build true row housing as well as true apartments. And I'd like to be able to sub-divide a large lot with my own streets and have them tie into the worlds routing system.
#23 Old 19th Mar 2012 at 3:50 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Glic2003
-snip for big post-

I feel like some of those might be going a bit too far, or might be infeasible for current gaming power, but I pretty much have to give a resounding YES to your entire post.

I promise I'm not as grumpy as my avatar looks.
#24 Old 19th Mar 2012 at 3:57 AM
Quote: Originally posted by EmotedLlama
I feel like some of those might be going a bit too far, or might be infeasible for current gaming power, but I pretty much have to give a resounding YES to your entire post.

Yeah, I would imagine that a lot of what I described would be difficult or impossible to do. But even if they could approximate most of that, I'd still be impressed.
Field Researcher
#25 Old 19th Mar 2012 at 5:57 AM
I would love more realistic aging as mentioned above. I'm not really into a sim who's very attractive going from HOT to NOT in a matter of hours. It's quite sad actually. Anybody else wish there would be more realistic divorces? I hate that you can break off a marriage like that!!! I'd prefer a longer, one day seperation type event and then you can dissolve the union.
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