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#1 Old 6th Mar 2013 at 11:42 PM

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Sims 3, World Adventures, Ambitions, Late Night, Generations, Pets, Showtime, Supernatural, Seasons, University Life, Island Paradise, Into the Future
Default Too Many Accessories? (crash)
So an interesting thing keeps happening to me.

I use Master Controller to lift the limit of accessories I can wear, so I can wear as many as I want. But I seem to be having an issue.

Is there a such thing as too many accessories? I seem to be getting crashes when trying to make a sim, while adding accessories to them. For instance:

I deck my sim out with piercings. multi-piercings on the ears, plus dangly ones. Then I add an eyebrow piercing, nose hoop, "snake bite" lip piercings, and then good to go. Then I'll add two necklaces, one sits under the other and looks neat. Then I'll add the nails as acrylics, then a ring, a bracelet and gloves.

Yet everytime I try to add the gloves, my game crashes. I don't even get to add the stockings or anything else I had planned. Sometimes it crashes when I try to add the bracelet.

Just seems that each time I reach a certain amount of accessories, the game crashes instantly.

So I'm wondering, is there a limit to how many accessories I can wear on my character (using Master Controller)?
#2 Old 6th Mar 2013 at 11:56 PM
This question should be posted over at nraas where the mod is supported.
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#3 Old 7th Mar 2013 at 2:36 AM
Well it's more of a general question, not really NRAAS related. Though I can see how it might relate to NRAAS more, as it wouldn't happen without that mod.

But guess I'll ask over there instead. Thanks any ways.
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#4 Old 16th Jul 2014 at 4:01 PM
Hi there I know it's like super late ^^

But I have been doing the same today and after multiple tests it appears that you cannot add more than 9 accessories on a sim (with nraas as well) probably because independantly of the fact that we use multiple time the same slot, there is in total only 9 slots of accessories equipable.
So if you you try to add a tenth piece -> the game crashes.
#5 Old 17th Jun 2021 at 3:29 PM
I know this may seem like a necro, but as I recently had this issue, found this thread, and actually have possibly more to add for others who may read this, I currently have one sim with 10 accessories. One thing I found is that the size of the accessory image files may make a difference, as there appears to be a limit as what can be squeezed into one outfit file.

Originally, when I added the 10th accessory, CTD. I make CC, and one of her accessories was new that I made, but it had not been an issue on other sims. I went through the other accessories and found one had 1024 x 1024 textures, and another had an uncompressed texture. I sharpened and reduced the 1024 x 1024 to 512 x 512, and compressed the other to DXT5.

My sim now has 10 accessories. I haven't tried more... yet.

Yes, I use the Nraas mod for multiple accessories per location.
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#7 Old 23rd Jun 2021 at 9:38 AM
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