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world renowned whogivesafuckologist
retired moderator
Original Poster
#1 Old 20th Nov 2013 at 5:07 PM Last edited by HystericalParoxysm : 14th Jun 2014 at 2:23 PM.
Default TS3 Worlds
These are the rubrics that MTS staff use for evaluating TS3 Worlds shared here.

1. Terrain painting
2. Terrain sculpting
3. Optimized
4. **Custom textures
5. Road network
6. Good amount of lots
7. Standard lot sizes
8. Flat lots
9. Lot edges
10. Lots near roads
11. Routing
12. Decorations
13. Spawners
14. **Rabbit Holes - Decorated
15. **Lots
16. **Sims

1. Right files
50. (From common rubrics) Rar, zip, 7z

1. (From common rubrics) Title
2. (From common rubrics) Description
3. Required information
4. Custom content - Credits and links
5. Custom content - Included/required

1. Overview picture
2. Scenery views
3. **Lot pictures
4. **Sim pictures
50. (From common rubrics) Size
51. (From common rubrics) Lighting
52. (From common rubrics) Clarity
53. (From common rubrics) Distance
54. (From common rubrics) Distortion
55. (From common rubrics) Photoshopping
56. (From common rubrics) Attached
57. (From common rubrics) Show all items
58. (From common rubrics) Inline images

1. (From common rubrics) Pay or pirated content
2. (From common rubrics) Adult content
3. (From common rubrics) Content we do not allow
4. (From common rubrics) Credits


Note: These are the only rubric items that can be rejected for on their own, with no other rubric items selected at all.

1. (From common rubrics) Uploader requested
2. (From common rubrics) Stolen content
3. (From common rubrics) Other
4. (From common rubrics) Duplicate
5. (From common rubrics) Uploads in Sets
6. (From common rubrics) Not Completed Requested Changes
world renowned whogivesafuckologist
retired moderator
Original Poster
#2 Old 22nd Nov 2013 at 9:50 AM Last edited by HystericalParoxysm : 22nd Nov 2013 at 11:21 AM.
Default Quality|1|Terrain painting
1:The world terrain needs quite a lot more work to make it look nice and natural. World terrain should have a smooth, natural-looking transition between different types of terrain painting, and resemble real terrain. If auto-paint is used, make sure to adjust the results with plenty of hand-painting.

2:The world terrain needs some more work to make it look nice and natural. World terrain should have a smooth, natural-looking transition between different types of terrain painting, and resemble real terrain. If auto-paint is used, make sure to adjust the results with plenty of hand-painting.

3:The world terrain painting looks pretty good, everything fairly nice, natural, and realistic.

4:Your world's terrain painting looks nice, natural, and realistic.

5:Your world's terrain painting looks amazing! Very realistic and natural. Fantastic!
world renowned whogivesafuckologist
retired moderator
Original Poster
#3 Old 22nd Nov 2013 at 9:53 AM Last edited by HystericalParoxysm : 22nd Nov 2013 at 11:23 AM.
Default Quality|2|Terrain sculpting
1:The terrain sculpting needs more work. For example: mountains should look like mountains, without being too jagged. It's ok to have some flat areas for housing, but a completely flat map does not look natural. Try to create some variation to the terrain and make it look natural. You can use Creator Feedback to improve your work.

3:You have sculpted the terrain in a way that looks nice and natural. Nice!

4:You have sculpted the terrain in a way that looks like there is nice amount of variation, and it looks natural. Good job!

5:You have really gone the extra mile sculpting this world. There is great amount of variation and it looks very natural and realistic. Awesome!
world renowned whogivesafuckologist
retired moderator
Original Poster
#4 Old 22nd Nov 2013 at 9:58 AM
Default Quality|3|Optimized
1:Based on the information provided on layering and terrains per chunk, the world is not optimized for performance. World objects and lots should be organized into layers, and terrain painting should be done with no more than 8 terrain paints per chunk.

2:The information on layering and terrains per chunk is not listed, so it's impossible to tell whether the world is optimized for good performance.

3:Based on the information provided on layering and terrains per chunk, the world seems fairly well optimized for performance.

5:Based on the information provided on layering and terrains per chunk, the world seems very well optimized for performance. Nice!
world renowned whogivesafuckologist
retired moderator
Original Poster
#5 Old 22nd Nov 2013 at 10:56 AM Last edited by HystericalParoxysm : 22nd Nov 2013 at 11:47 AM.
Default **Quality|4|Custom textures
1:The world appears to use custom textures, and they have some significant issues. Terrain saturation/brightness shouldn't be too high or too low, the scale should be appropriate, and terrain textures may require significant adjustment or mixing with other textures, so they're not too "repeaty" over large areas of terrain.

3:The world appears to use custom textures, and they look nice.

5:Your world appears to use custom textures, and they're really exceptionally beautiful and well-used. Nice!
world renowned whogivesafuckologist
retired moderator
Original Poster
#6 Old 22nd Nov 2013 at 11:12 AM
Default Quality|5|Road network
1:There are issues with the roads. The road network should make sense, and there should be intersections where the roads meet, and at any dead-end. The intersections should also be properly connected to roads to create crosswalks. The roads should have smooth grade and not be too steep. Please check that your road network meets these requirements.

5:Your road network seems to be very well planned and executed!
world renowned whogivesafuckologist
retired moderator
Original Poster
#7 Old 22nd Nov 2013 at 12:05 PM
Default Quality|6|Good amount of lots
1:The world doesn't have very many lots. There should be enough lots for at least several residential homes, rabbit holes, and community lots, even in a tiny world.

5:You have placed plenty of lots. Great!
world renowned whogivesafuckologist
retired moderator
Original Poster
#8 Old 22nd Nov 2013 at 12:08 PM
Default Quality|7|Standard lot sizes
1:All or most of the world's lots are in non-standard sizes (not in multiple of 5). While some non-standard sizes are okay when you need a lot to fit into a precise space, the majority of the lots should be in multiples of 5. Create-a-World displays the lot size in the bottom right corner when dragging out a lot to place it.

3:Some of the world's lots are in non-standard sizes (not in a mulitple of 5) but there are good reasons for it in this world.

5:All of the world's lots are in standard sizes (multiples of 5) so that the world is easy to use and versatile! Excellent!
world renowned whogivesafuckologist
retired moderator
Original Poster
#9 Old 22nd Nov 2013 at 12:33 PM Last edited by Nysha : 16th Feb 2014 at 7:43 PM.
Default Quality|8|Flat lots
1:Some or all of the world's lots are not flat. Use the Flatten Terrain tool before placing a lot, so that the lot is on a completely flat patch of ground (unless there is a very good reason to not have a flat lot, like a beach lot or one built into a hillside). This makes it easier to place and share lots.

3: Most of your lots are flat, but a few are sloped for no obvious reason. Unless a lot is deliberately sloped, such as a hillside or beach lot, it should ideally be flat, to make it easier to share and place custom lots.

5:You have some lots that are not flat, but they make sense to have. Nice work!

5:Your lots are flat. This makes it easy to place and share lots. Thank you!
world renowned whogivesafuckologist
retired moderator
Original Poster
#10 Old 22nd Nov 2013 at 12:41 PM
Default Quality|9|Lot edges
1:Many of the lots in the world have significant problems with the edges, causing a visible seam. Not only does this look strange, but in more dramatic cases, can cause problems with routing (as sims can't step onto the edge of the lot). Make sure all lots are placed on flat ground, and use the tool in CAW to fix the lot edges.

3:Some of the lots in the world have some problems with the edges, causing a visible seam. However, from the pictures, this doesn't seem to be bad enough to cause routing issues, and even EA worlds sometimes have a bit of those slight errors. Whenever possible though, it's worth fixing by making sure all lots are placed on flat ground, and using the tool in CAW to fix the lot edges.

5:It appears all the lots have very nice, smooth edges without visible seams. Well done!
world renowned whogivesafuckologist
retired moderator
Original Poster
#11 Old 22nd Nov 2013 at 12:47 PM
Default Quality|10|Lots near roads
1:Some or all of the world's lots are far away from roads, or not aligned against them. Lots should be placed next to a road in most cases, unless there is a very good reason not to do so. Make sure to use the grid tool so the lots are aligned right up against the roads too, without a gap.

4:You have placed some lots away from roads, but their placement makes sense.

5:Your lots are placed near roads and align nicely against them. Great job!
world renowned whogivesafuckologist
retired moderator
Original Poster
#12 Old 22nd Nov 2013 at 1:03 PM
Default Quality|11|Routing
1:Based on the information provided, the world needs more work on the routing to ensure that routing works logically and correctly for both the camera and sims.

2:As there is no information provided on the routing, we cannot evaluate this point. Please provide information on how the routing in your world has been done.

3:Based on the information provided, the routing sounds like it's logical and correct for both the camera and sims.

5:Based on the information provided, the routing sounds like it's really good and well-thought-out, working logically and correctly for both the camera and sims.
world renowned whogivesafuckologist
retired moderator
Original Poster
#13 Old 22nd Nov 2013 at 2:36 PM Last edited by HystericalParoxysm : 22nd Nov 2013 at 2:48 PM.
Default Quality|12|Decorations
1:The world decorations don't work very well together, needing more work to create a cohesive theme that makes sense with the terrain sculpting and painting, and the world's overall style.

3:The world's decorations work pretty well, creating a fairly cohesive theme that makes sense with the world's overall style.

4:Your world is very well decorated, with a nice cohesive theme that works well with the world's overall style.

5:Your world is beautifully decorated, with an excellent theme that works very well with the world's overall style.
world renowned whogivesafuckologist
retired moderator
Original Poster
#14 Old 22nd Nov 2013 at 2:54 PM
Default Quality|13|Spawners
1:Based on the information provided, the spawner placement needs more work. Generally, there should be more common spawners than rare ones, and the placement should make sense, with common ones easily accessible and rare ones in out-of-the-way places.

2:Without any information provided on spawners, it's impossible to tell whether the spawners are done well.

3:Based on the information provided, the spawner placement makes logical sense and seems to work well.

5:Based on the information provided, the spawner placement makes logical sense, works well, and sounds really well-thought-out. Yay!
world renowned whogivesafuckologist
retired moderator
Original Poster
#15 Old 22nd Nov 2013 at 4:23 PM
Default **Quality|14|Decorated rabbit holes
1:There are some rabbit holes included with the world, but the lots on which they are placed are not decorated at all. Rabbit holes should be incorporated into the world's overall style by placing things like lights, benches, trash cans, trees, etc., not just a rabbit hole building on a blank lot.

2:There are some rabbit holes included with the world, but the lots on which they are placed are not well decorated. Rabbit holes should be incorporated into the world's overall style by placing things like lights, benches, trash cans, trees, etc., not just a rabbit hole building on a blank lot.

3:There are some rabbit holes included with the world, and the lots have some decoration that fits well with the world's overall style.

5:You have included some rabbit holes with the world, and the lots are beautifully decorated, with decoration that fits very well with the world's overall style. Lovely!
world renowned whogivesafuckologist
retired moderator
Original Poster
#16 Old 25th Nov 2013 at 11:36 AM
Default **Quality|15|Lots
1:The lots in the world need significantly more work. Make sure to read the Creator Guidelines for Lots and Houses to see what is required. Perhaps try some of the tips in this tutorial: Building Great Realistic Houses, and consider posting in the Creator Feedback Forum for help and guidance from other creators.

2:There are lots included in the world, but no pictures of them, so their quality cannot be seen.

3:The world's lots look to be good quality. Thanks.

4:Your world's lots are lovely!

5:Your world's lots are fantastic! Excellent work!
world renowned whogivesafuckologist
retired moderator
Original Poster
#17 Old 25th Nov 2013 at 11:40 AM
Default **Quality|16|Sims
1:The sims in the world need significantly more work. Make sure to read the Creator Guidelines for Sims to see what is required. Perhaps try some of the tips in these tutorials: Fool-Proof Facial Sculpting and Making Sims in TS3. Also consider posting in the Creator Feedback Forum for help and guidance from other creators.

2:There are sims included in the world, but no pictures of them, so their quality cannot be seen.

3:The world's sims look to be good quality. Thanks.

4:Your world's sims are lovely!

5:Your world's sims are fantastic! Excellent work!
world renowned whogivesafuckologist
retired moderator
Original Poster
#18 Old 25th Nov 2013 at 12:16 PM Last edited by HystericalParoxysm : 26th Nov 2013 at 12:57 AM.
Default Information|3|Required information
1:The text contains some or all of the information needed for world uploads, but this information appears to be incorrect. Please double check the information required, listed on the World Guidelines, and ensure all of this information is included in the post text and is accurate.

2:The text is missing a significant amount of critical information required for world uploads. The information required is listed on the World Guidelines. Make sure this information is included in the post text, and is accurate.

3:Most of the information required for world uploads is included in the post text, though there are a few items that seem to be a bit off. The information required is listed on the World Guidelines. Make sure all of this information is included in the post text, and is accurate.

5:All of the information required for world uploads is included in your post text, and it all looks to be clear and accurate. Thank you!
world renowned whogivesafuckologist
retired moderator
Original Poster
#19 Old 25th Nov 2013 at 12:24 PM
Default Information|4|Custom content - Credits and links
1:All custom content used in a world must be credited and linked. This means a short description of the item, the name of who made it, and a clickable, working link to where the item may be found (example: Fence by armiel: http://www.modthesims.info/download.php?t=446927 ). If you can't link to a download page (because of a frames/flash site), then link to the creators page or the site you got the content from, and explain in the post how the items can be found. Please do not claim unknown or other creators work as your own or just put "unknown."

2:You have credited custom content, but the links are either not clickable, are incorrect, or are not labeled clearly. All custom content used in a world must be credited and linked. This means a short description of the item, the name of who made it, and a clickable, working link to where the item may be found (example: Fence by armiel: http://www.modthesims.info/download.php?t=446927 ). If you can't link to a download page (because of a frames/flash site), then link to the creators page or the site you got the content from, and explain in the post how the items can be found. Please do not claim unknown or other creators work as your own or just put "unknown."

5:Your world uses no custom content, so need for credits and links. Yay!

5:You have given proper credits and links for the custom content. Yay!
world renowned whogivesafuckologist
retired moderator
Original Poster
#20 Old 25th Nov 2013 at 12:35 PM
Default Information|5|Custom Content - Included/required
1:You have not stated clearly what custom content is included and what is not. Any content that has packaged with the world must be listed as "Included". Any content that has not packaged with the world must be listed as "Required but Not Included". If you are not sure what items are included in your file, you can check it with CUSTARD.

3:Your world appears to need no custom content, though this is not entirely clear from the text of your post. Perhaps edit your post text to clarify?

5:You have clearly stated that your world requires no custom content. Thank you!

5:You have clearly stated what custom content is included and what is not. Thank you!
world renowned whogivesafuckologist
retired moderator
Original Poster
#21 Old 25th Nov 2013 at 12:54 PM Last edited by PharaohHound : 12th Aug 2016 at 11:38 PM. Reason: remove typo, slight wording adjustment
Default Screenshots|1|Overview picture
1: There is no overview picture of the world, showing the entire world from a high angle or top-down view. If it's impossible to fit everything in one screenshot, then it's okay to use multiple pics to show the whole thing.

2: There is an overview picture (or pictures) of the world, but not enough of the world can be seen in the overview. Make sure that you show the entire world from a high angle or top-down view, and if you need to do multiple pics to show everything, that's fine too.

3: The overview picture shows the entire town layout, though it could benefit from some kind of labeling - numbering, shading, or otherwise small, unobtrusive labels to show the different areas works best.

3:Your overview picture(s) show the entire town layout with labels, though the way the labeling is done gets in the way a bit of seeing the layout itself.

5:Your overview image(s) are fantastic. It shows the entire town so that the layout is clear and easy to understand. Thanks!
world renowned whogivesafuckologist
retired moderator
Original Poster
#22 Old 25th Nov 2013 at 1:11 PM
Default Screenshots|2|Scenery views
1:There are no scenery views included. Show at least four pictures of some of the views people will see in your world. This should be nice scenic views, taken from a lower angle (a sim's eye view, or a low player's eye view). You can of course take more than four pictures to show off all the pretty sights!

2:There are scenery views included, but these are insufficient. Make sure they are big, clear, well-lit, etc., and that there are least four pictures of some of the views people will see in your world. This should be nice scenic views, taken from a lower angle (a sim's eye view, or a low player's eye view). You can of course take more than four pictures to show off all the pretty sights!

3:You have included the required scenery pictures. Thanks!

5:You have included the required scenery pictures, and they really show off your world's landscape very well! Thank you!
world renowned whogivesafuckologist
retired moderator
Original Poster
#23 Old 25th Nov 2013 at 1:16 PM
Default **Screenshots|3|Lot pictures
1:There are lots included as part of the world, but there are no pictures of the lots in the upload. One front view picture of at least 5 residential and 5 community lots is required (which particular lots are shown is up to you).

2:There are pictures of the lots, but some/all of these pictures are insufficient to see the lots well. One front view picture of at least 5 residential and 5 community lots is required (which particular lots are shown is up to you). Make sure these are nice and big, clear, well-lit, etc.

3:There are pictures of the lots included in the world, and the pictures are good enough to see the lots well. Thanks.

4:You have included pictures of your world's lots, and these pictures are very nice, so the lots can be clearly seen. Yay!

5:You have included pictures of your world's lots, and these pictures are great, so that the lots can be clearly seen, and are very well presented. Excellent!
world renowned whogivesafuckologist
retired moderator
Original Poster
#24 Old 25th Nov 2013 at 1:27 PM
Default Files|1|Correct files
1:The world appears to be corrupted, or is otherwise in an incorrect format. Make sure you are sharing the .sims3pack file which is created in the Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3\Exports\ folder when you do File > Select World to Export in Create-a-World.

5:It looks like you've uploaded the correct .sims3pack file for your world. Yay!
world renowned whogivesafuckologist
retired moderator
Original Poster
#25 Old 25th Nov 2013 at 1:32 PM
Default **Screenshots|4|Sim pictures
1:There are sims included as part of the world, but there are no pictures of the sims in the upload. One face closeup of at least 5 sims is required (which particular sims are shown is up to you). Make sure these are nice and big, clear, well-lit, etc.

2:There are pictures of the sims, but some/all of these pictures are insufficient to see the sims well. One face closeup of at least 5 sims is required (which particular sims are shown is up to you). Make sure these are nice and big, clear, well-lit, etc.

3:There are pictures of the sims included in the world, and the pictures are good enough to see the sims well. Thanks.

4:You have included pictures of your world's sims, and these pictures are very nice, so the sims can be clearly seen. Yay!

5:You have included pictures of your world's sims, and these pictures are great, so that the sims can be clearly seen, and are very well presented. Excellent!
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