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#1 Old 24th Feb 2014 at 4:44 AM Last edited by leefish : 24th Feb 2014 at 5:37 AM.
Can someone tell me what's wrong with my sims?
My game keeps crashing and I can't figure it out why.. Can some one help me to solve this issue? I would really really appreciate your help...

Former Hamster
retired moderator
#2 Old 24th Feb 2014 at 4:54 AM
Hi! There's most likely someone who can help you with this. That said, you'd be better off asking in the right forum: http://www.modthesims.info/forumdisplay.php?f=551. This one is for site issues, not game problems.
Sesquipedalian Pisciform
retired moderator
#3 Old 24th Feb 2014 at 5:37 AM
I moved the post to Help and wrapped the big list in a spoiler tag for you

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Mad Poster
#4 Old 24th Feb 2014 at 5:55 AM
When did the crashing begin? What have you tried already to resolve the issue?
Test Subject
Original Poster
#5 Old 24th Feb 2014 at 6:14 PM Last edited by mikey : 25th Feb 2014 at 7:47 AM. Reason: Merged posts: 4336632, 4336633, 4336635
Quote: Originally posted by mustluvcatz
Hi! There's most likely someone who can help you with this. That said, you'd be better off asking in the right forum: http://www.modthesims.info/forumdisplay.php?f=551. This one is for site issues, not game problems.

Sorry... I was new to this site and didn't really know where to write. But thanks for the notice!!

Quote: Originally posted by leefish
I moved the post to Help and wrapped the big list in a spoiler tag for you

Thank you so much for your kindness!!!

Quote: Originally posted by mikey
When did the crashing begin? What have you tried already to resolve the issue?

I believe it started when I move my family to moonlight falls.. or after I download a house from tumblr. So I erased the house and some other cc to see if they were the one causing the problem, I took out the mods.. changed the capability mode and resolution and stuff. But nothing helped...
Mad Poster
#6 Old 25th Feb 2014 at 7:54 AM
Most crashing is caused by Custom Content, so the it's suggested you start with Game Help:Sims 3 Game Problemwiki FAQ,

If you're still encountering issues after that basic 3-step troubleshooting FAQ, then we need to dig deeper. Do ALL the steps in Game Help:Sims 3 Crashing Checklistwiki. That should help clear up some crashes.
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