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#1 Old 11th Jul 2015 at 3:19 PM Last edited by VerDeTerre : 11th Jul 2015 at 3:30 PM.
Default Scottish Adventures with the Fab Club
Jake, Janet, Ronnie, and Nymphy have all moved to the Scottish village of Glen Donnach. So far, I've only played with Jake, getting him set up in his new home.

Here are a few screens of the first days of playing in our new home in Scotland! The world is a little strange with many of the properties built on slopes and certain basics lacking (such as a town square or a grocery store - may add that later!), but it's very charming and fun to explore, just the same.

Jake is spending his days fishing, building cooking, athletic, and logic skills, and getting familiar with the town. Here's a picture of his little house. The poor guy was robbed the second day there and his toilet was stolen. It's rough because he doesn't have a lot of money, but he managed to scrap enough together for a new toilet and later caught enough fish to be able to buy an alarm. There are three doors to the outside in three different locations, so he'll need to get another alarm or two as soon as he can.

Below are pictures of Jake's new home and the local Scottish club, which is right next door. In the second shot, you can see Jake's house again in the top left corner. There's a park and lots of good fishing just beyond the club.

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#2 Old 11th Jul 2015 at 3:22 PM
It's already fall and Jake hasn't found a grocery in town yet nor has he found much that he could harvest around the town. Outside of town, on a hill, is a huge manor. The place is gorgeous! I'll get a shot or two next time Jake heads out there. There's a nice garden with a bee hive set up in it. Since no one lives there yet and the bees and garden are falling into neglect, Jake snuck in to gather up some provisions for winter.

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#3 Old 11th Jul 2015 at 3:26 PM Last edited by VerDeTerre : 11th Jul 2015 at 3:38 PM.
One night, a young lady dressed as a cat came by trick or treating. It was Ronnie. Another evening, Jake was feeling peckish and stopped at a local spot where he met Janet. He hasn't run into Nymphy yet, but is bound to, sooner or later. It's a small village and there aren't a lot of people.

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#4 Old 11th Jul 2015 at 4:06 PM
Heh, I was right - there wasn't long to wait before Jake met Meg and under the most peculiar circumstances. The thief who stole his toilet figured he was an easy mark and returned to his home in the wee hours of the morning. But she was no match for Jake! Meg was out, maybe just coming home? She saw the whole thing. After Jake taught the thief a lesson, Meg stayed to chat with him. He congratulated her on her medical degree and found out that she was working as a stylist to earn enough money to move closer to a hospital where she might intern*. Jake thought about inviting her in, but he was really wiped and just wanted to crawl back into bed. (Again, he thought about inviting her in, but thought it would be better to get to know her first.)

*(Meg, is that how you built your Sim, with a medical degree and a stylist job, or is that a random generation? She's also a "jock", which doesn't seem right.)

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#5 Old 11th Jul 2015 at 6:00 PM
It's already winter! The river hasn't frozen over yet, so Jake has been fishing. He also taught a class on fishing at Corporation offices. He took a little time to explore the street near his home and found the town square and the catacombs (underneath the church). He also found Ronnie at one of the venues. Below are some pictures of the town, of Ronnie, and of a surprise visitor who stopped by while he was out.

Addicted to The Sims since 2000.
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#6 Old 12th Jul 2015 at 1:51 AM
Ver, I'm still taking this in. You're a good photographer! which makes the postcards-from-Scotland very enjoyable to look at.

(And you've got proper clothes and hair on Fenton, which motivates me to get all my EPs installed too.)

Quote: Originally posted by VerDeTerre
... The world is a little strange with many of the properties built on slopes and certain basics lacking (such as a town square or a grocery store - may add that later!), but it's very charming and fun to explore, just the same.

I wonder if it was a clachan? That would have been sort of like a kirktown minus the kirk; it would have grown up gradually as the (very few) farming families grew and built more houses. It wouldn't necessarily have a distinct centre, because there never had been a time when someone came upon a big empty place and said "oh let's start a town here."

Or maybe that manor house is a clue: maybe Somebody Important was once there (or, somebody that thocht himsel' aw that, onyway), and then later the lands got broken away. Well, this supposed manor-house does not look quite so grand or cold as to be the kind of place whaur the auld laird used tae bide. But, things change.

Or maybe both. You know the English would craft their ploys to divide & rule. At some point, a newly-made minor noble may have been dropped in upon an existing town, being momentarily prestigious, until things changed again.
Top Secret Researcher
#7 Old 12th Jul 2015 at 3:05 AM
Quote: Originally posted by VerDeTerre
Heh, I was right - there wasn't long to wait before Jake met Meg and under the most peculiar circumstances. The thief who stole his toilet figured he was an easy mark and returned to his home in the wee hours of the morning. But she was no match for Jake! Meg was out, maybe just coming home? She saw the whole thing. After Jake taught the thief a lesson, Meg stayed to chat with him. He congratulated her on her medical degree and found out that she was working as a stylist to earn enough money to move closer to a hospital where she might intern*. Jake thought about inviting her in, but he was really wiped and just wanted to crawl back into bed. (Again, he thought about inviting her in, but thought it would be better to get to know her first.)

*(Meg, is that how you built your Sim, with a medical degree and a stylist job, or is that a random generation? She's also a "jock", which doesn't seem right.)

Sounds like that is random I don't believe I had set anything. And no, I am definitely not a jock, at all. More of a creative type!

She was rouge and red lips, dark hair and soft hips, mischief and laughter - and she wanted you to love her faster.
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#8 Old 12th Jul 2015 at 11:44 AM
That would have been my guess. Of the social groups that came with University, I'd probably put you in the 'Rebel' class because they see things from outside the box (shouldn't we all live there?), are typically, more creative, and they take up causes and show concern for social and environmental issues.

Thanks for the feedback, Nymphy. I try to ignore the groups when it comes to adults, unless I'm playing a character who is married to that identity. I figure adults are more fluid in their self-definition and move between groups according to their tastes. The game keeps wanting Jake to be a jock, for example, just because he's athletic.

My thoughts are that if Meg was given medical as a major, she must be driven on some level. Now that I've heard from you, I'm remembering how artistic you are and am thinking your character will probably go into art. Too bad I can't go back and change that major. I guess I could send her back to the university, but I'm not sure I'm up for that. We'll see.

Ronnie - thanks for all the information about Scotland! I was the guilty party who placed the manor house because it was that beautiful one based on a real place. It barely fits the space with some awkward drops and dives around the edge. It must be the type of town you described, a clachan. I did find a square, but it was very tiny. It's at the end of a street with lots of buildings that are next to one another, a mix of homes and community lots. The church is also at the end of that street, right before the square. It and the square must have come later since most towns I know have the buildings clustered around the square or have populated roads branching off from the square.

.There's one building with a diner in the basement and I've downloaded some rabbit hole rugs, which I think is what the creator of the town intended to use. One of the buildings now houses a grocery and I need to figure out which one will be the "clinic". The town is way too small for a hospital.

Addicted to The Sims since 2000.
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#9 Old 12th Jul 2015 at 1:27 PM
Quote: Originally posted by VerDeTerre
My thoughts are that if Meg was given medical as a major, she must be driven on some level. Now that I've heard from you, I'm remembering how artistic you are and am thinking your character will probably go into art. Too bad I can't go back and change that major. I guess I could send her back to the university, but I'm not sure I'm up for that. We'll see.

Rebel would fit more than any of the other ones, I think. As far as the medical goes, I was taking psychology in school for a while, so it does sort of fit, to some degree. I'm sure as long as you treat Nymph nicely, she won't mind what she is doing in your world.

She was rouge and red lips, dark hair and soft hips, mischief and laughter - and she wanted you to love her faster.
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#10 Old 12th Jul 2015 at 2:46 PM
A couple more shots of Jake, fishing by the river and watching a young horse. I can't resist either dogs or horses in this game.

Addicted to The Sims since 2000.
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#11 Old 12th Jul 2015 at 10:43 PM
Quote: Originally posted by VerDeTerre
Jake... watching a young horse.

The horse is thinking poorly of Jake -- but it's a young horse and has things to learn yet.

And a small horse. Jake's gaze is slightly downward. I remember the first time my Da took me to a Highland Games event and I saw a Clydesdale horse up close, I had to look way up. Oh my goodness, what a horse. I think I had to look three times to see all of him.

Quote: Originally posted by VerDeTerre
I can't resist either dogs...

I remember those too! There were sheep-herding demonstrations. The last time I saw that, I think all of the dogs scored lower than their masters had expected, due to one exceptionally un-herdable ewe.
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#12 Old 12th Jul 2015 at 11:16 PM
OMG- Ronnie, you're reminding me of all kinds of stuff. The young horse in The Sims doesn't take to unfamiliar people easily. Jake has chased him around for three entire nights and has only just begun to budge that friendship bar. It almost goes completely back the next night! The adults are easier.

But Clydesdales, yes they are something. There's a Budweiser plant not too far from me that has some Clydesdales. They're beautiful giants. A young lady I used to work with who had CP rode one at a riding academy that catered to those with disabilities. Those horses are gentle.

And the sheep dog trials - I would love to see one of those! Have you ever seen this?

Under three minute video

Addicted to The Sims since 2000.
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#13 Old 13th Jul 2015 at 10:36 AM
Quote: Originally posted by VerDeTerre
Have you ever seen this?
Under three minute video

No I had not, previously.
I am still laughing and gasping.
After that, I intend to see it more times.
#14 Old 15th Jul 2015 at 4:58 AM
Hey you guys, if I can join in on the fun... Welcome Glen Donnach's newest member, Blake (as shown with my quickly made self sim)

Blake: Young Adult

- Virgo - Neurotic - Hopeless Romantic - Family Oriented - Ambitious - Virtuoso -

Here, Blake starts off her journey by applying for an entry level position at the school. She can only hope to be a teacher or even higher up on the chain and really help kids!

After exploring around what felt like a ghost town, Blake was excited (and quite nervous) to have bumped into somebody else at the library. The other woman introduced herself as Kelly, and it turns out that they would be co-workers starting tomorrow!

The two quickly started chatting and realized they had quite a lot in common. Kelly, feeling sympathetic, invited Blake over for dinner and offered to help her adjust to her new life here in Glen Donnach

After dinner, they both went straight to their favorite hobby, reading. It was clear these two are meant to be best friends

Just call me Blake! :)
Hola, hablo español también - Hi, I speak Spanish too.
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#15 Old 15th Jul 2015 at 5:43 AM
Blake!!!!! (((((((Big Hugs!)))))) Missed you - how are you???

Did you download Glen Donnach, too? Can you share your Sim? I'd love to throw her into my game. The others' Sims are in the other thread. I haven't made one for myself yet.

So nice to see you! Love your entry into the village and the pics and story with it
#16 Old 15th Jul 2015 at 3:31 PM
Awww!!! (((((Hugs Back)))))) I'm great, I've just been quite busy but I'm getting back into Sims this summer.

Yes, I did download Glen Donnach and other than the ghost town feel of it right now, I quite like it. I'm on my laptop right now but once I can get back onto my desktop I'll definitely share my (self)sim. She may look different on your end because I'm using skin and eyebrow defaults, I also hope any CC attached to her isn't an issue.

Just call me Blake! :)
Hola, hablo español también - Hi, I speak Spanish too.
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#17 Old 15th Jul 2015 at 3:57 PM
I'm so glad you'll have some time for us this summer. I'm looking forward to having your Sim join the gang in Glen Donnach in my game. I'll also add her to Heaven's Peak so we can have two great adventures. The cc shouldn't be an issue.

The town was fairly empty at first! I've had to change many of the Sims to fit the theme, but they're slowly moving in and it's all working.

So, Jake is slowly getting to know that little horse. Who knows, he may even adopt him (her?) Shots below showing Jake, horse, and lovely backdrop of the ruins and the river. Also, there's a shot of Fenton at the library. Looks like he forgot to silence his cell.

I think in one shot, Jake is telling the little horse what kind of horse he'll grow up to be and in another shot, the little horse thinks Jake smells good, like freshly laundered clothing.
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#18 Old 16th Jul 2015 at 11:57 PM
Here are a few more pictures of Jake and Jake's new horse. Yes, he adopted him and called him Bannock. He was such a baby that Jake had to bottle feed him and he was so ill-tempered that he was enemies with the two adult horses he spent his days with. I changed his traits and aged him up so Jake could ride him. Bannock has gone looking for the horse herd and, after many days, caught up with them and started making amends. Jake moved to a more comfortable home with a bigger yard so that he could give Bannock the space he needs. He could actually use with a little more space, but this is what Jake can afford for now. Shots of his home are included below.

Jake is now a high school teacher! I finally found his Sim description and so, when he had enough starting life skills and had gotten comfortable in Glen Donnach, he applied at the local school and started out helping out during recess.

Also below is a picture from a party Jake went to at the principal's home. It was Halloween again (a whole year has passed!) and guess who showed up in a cat costume again?
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#19 Old 17th Jul 2015 at 12:08 AM
Now it's Anna's turn. After Anna moved into her little home and bought the necessary burglar and smoke alarms, she didn't have much money. She went out immediately and looked for ways to get cash. Fishing wasn't very successful, but finding a rare snake and a rare flower was. Who would have thought? She also found a beautiful little bird and let it go after playing with it for a while.

Here are some pictures of the area where Anna lives and of her first day of Sim life. The pond is actually by the big estate near Anna's little house.
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#20 Old 17th Jul 2015 at 2:35 PM
Here is a shot of Anna's little home, next to a larger, yet similar style house in Glen Donnach. Madison moved in! Anna went to go see her, but she wasn't home. She saw Madison running down the street and went to talk to her. Madison was upset about some jerk. Anna told her about her new home. Their hair glowed silvery in the moonlight. Anna saw some people walk by with umbrellas and thought she should get one.

While they were talking, Blake ran out of a store. Anna and Madison wanted to say hi to her, but she was moving too quickly. Maybe next time they could have a good chat.
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#21 Old 17th Jul 2015 at 2:44 PM
Anna heard there was a Manor outside of town that had a large, untended garden. She thought she'd go and pick a few things, but it turned out that someone had moved in. The new owner was really nice and offered to give Anna a tour. The place was filled with antiques and every room was beautiful and very comfortable looking. Anna thought she might like to live in a place like this someday.

Madison called while she was still there and Mrs. Callen left Anna alone so she could have a nice chat.
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#22 Old 17th Jul 2015 at 5:43 PM
Quote: Originally posted by pizza
That is a likely story!
lol - I didn't make it up, see the icon above her head?
#23 Old 17th Jul 2015 at 6:20 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Ver
"While they were talking, Blake ran out of a store. Anna and Madison wanted to say hi to her, but she was moving too quickly. Maybe next time they could have a good chat."

Always in a rush! I can see my sim is quite like me too, Ver.

Just call me Blake! :)
Hola, hablo español también - Hi, I speak Spanish too.
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