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#1 Old 10th Sep 2015 at 6:28 AM
A mural that doesn't wish to exist!
I have been trying, unsuccessfully, for the past few days to create a four part wallpaper mural for fellow hours lovers. I have managed to clone the wall, amd extract the DDS image files for editing. I have followed the instructions that I found on this site along with some found on tsr to section of the parts of the image that I want to use but when I get to the part where you paste the section of image into the other file it never fits right and no matter how hard it try to make it fit it just won't work. Please someone help me or point me in the right direction.

Horse lovers are Stable Sims
Field Researcher
#2 Old 28th Feb 2016 at 8:54 AM
Quote: Originally posted by horserider79
I have been trying, unsuccessfully, for the past few days to create a four part wallpaper mural for fellow hours lovers. I have managed to clone the wall, amd extract the DDS image files for editing. I have followed the instructions that I found on this site along with some found on tsr to section of the parts of the image that I want to use but when I get to the part where you paste the section of image into the other file it never fits right and no matter how hard it try to make it fit it just won't work. Please someone help me or point me in the right direction.

Not sure if you still need the help or not, but wouldn't going to edit>free transform work for you? I'm assuming you're using Photoshop, but if not, I think the other editing programs let you do the same thing.
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