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#1 Old 15th Jun 2016 at 10:25 PM
Default Multiple aliens visiting my lot, is it possible?
Hello all!

A female alien visited my lot, but I want a male alien to visit. Is it possible that another alien will visit me? Because in another gameplay in april an alien visited me randomly, and then I played more and nobody visited me again. And i do not want to use testingcheatsenabled to turn the female alien to male. I wan't a natural gameplay.
Field Researcher
#3 Old 16th Jun 2016 at 4:35 AM Last edited by Eehna : 16th Jun 2016 at 6:05 AM.
In my games, I have always had multiple aliens.
But I think abductions are the reason for my sims getting to know many aliens... So, make sure to get abducted, and then you should be able to "invite them over" from your relationship panel. Maybe you need to try and talk to them too before they run off after they have brought you back to your lot after abducting you.
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