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#1 Old 13th Aug 2016 at 3:49 AM
Default Can't get Graphics Rules Maker to Work Properly?
Hi MTS I'm contacting here as for some reason I cannot post a help thread? Anyways, I ran into some problems with the Graphics Rules Maker after using it for years without issue. I was wondering what is happening and if anyone could help? I know that the path to the game is right, so I do not know what is throwing the error. I've reinstalled the game and redownloaded the GRM. I really hope someone can help because with this I am able to run the game with shadows on high and no black boxes. I've included a picture if that helps, and I've contacted the SNW. Thank you if you can help me. ~ SaharaVx
Mad Poster
#2 Old 13th Aug 2016 at 3:28 PM
It looks like it is pointing to EP99 is that the correct path and I have never seen it point to EP99 before.

Also you have in your list AL and if that is so it should be pointing there instead.

Always have it point to your last EP/SP (SP if M&G) you have installed.

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