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#1 Old 12th Sep 2016 at 10:11 PM
Default Question about credits
Hi, I hope that I'm right here with my question so if this is the wrong playce, please remove it.

I did my first upload and it was rejected among others because of missing credits. Here is the text about it:

"Some of the resources used in this creation (like textures, images, or meshes, for example) seem to have been made by another creator. That's probably fine, but we need a link to each resource on its creator's website so we can make sure that they allow others to reuse their work. We also need a credit with the resource name and the creator's name, something like this: "Wood texture by Creator1 - www.creator1.com/woodtexture". Search results like Google images are not an acceptable source."

Maybe I understood the rules about crediting wrong or something else and I'm far away from complaining, but to be sure what (especially in this case) I do have to credit, I would like to "present" my working steps and ask for someone to tell me exactly what I do have to credit here.

Programme: "Sims 4 Studios"
I used the mesh of "It's Amber" and pasted the pictures of movie posters (movies with Humphrey Bogart) I found via google. That's all.

Thank you in advance.


Field Researcher
#2 Old 12th Sep 2016 at 10:27 PM
You need to credit the person who created 'It's Amber' by linking to their website/profile.

When uploading, you need to also credit that person by pasting the link into the meshes used section. (They tell you to check the box if it's created by you, as it's not you fill it in with that link and the name of it).

Also if the images were taken randomly from Google, then credit each website that hosted that photo, in your additional credits section. If all the photos came from a website, e.g a Humphrey Boggart site, then you would credit that site.

I hope that made sense and helps.
Former Hamster
retired moderator
#3 Old 12th Sep 2016 at 10:43 PM
You don't need to credit the mesh since it's an in-game mesh that was added in one of the patches.

The images you use DO need credits but they can't be generic "found on Google" credits, they need to be links to the site the image originally came from. (Which is not Google.) We're aware of the fact that credits can be difficult to track down since a lot of sites just gather different images and offer them for download, often with a rather generic TOU that may or may not be the same as the original creators. Google does have an image search - that can help track down the original source of an image.

Again, we're aware that it can be a pain to track down the original source. But we need to be sure that artists TOU's aren't broken and also have to be aware of copyrights.
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Original Poster
#4 Old 12th Sep 2016 at 11:37 PM
Quote: Originally posted by mustluvcatz
You don't need to credit the mesh since it's an in-game mesh that was added in one of the patches.

The images you use DO need credits but they can't be generic "found on Google" credits, they need to be links to the site the image originally came from. (Which is not Google.) We're aware of the fact that credits can be difficult to track down since a lot of sites just gather different images and offer them for download, often with a rather generic TOU that may or may not be the same as the original creators. Google does have an image search - that can help track down the original source of an image.

Again, we're aware that it can be a pain to track down the original source. But we need to be sure that artists TOU's aren't broken and also have to be aware of copyrights.

Thanks for the answer, now I see clear.
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