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Virtual gardener
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#1 Old 17th Feb 2019 at 2:15 PM
Default FEEDBACK - What do you like/hate about the Download pages?
Hi guys!

Yep, another thread! I figured let's just divide the 2 because the other thread started to become a little more discussion themed, which is great! I personally really appreciated the replies already given since you have no idea how much it helps! This thread though is more dedicated to the Download pages. That being, the download browse page and the download page.

Just a small warning, any reply that has to do with the discussion forums will be moved to this thread: Feedback - what you like/hate about the Discussion forums

If you wanna talk about the homepage as well, you can do it on either thread, but for consistency let's just do it here
#2 Old 17th Feb 2019 at 5:10 PM
The download browser is mainly fine, except I'm tired of seeing the same 4 featured uploads going round and round for months on end. The white BG on the game switch logos also bugs me.

The drop off has been made. You've been warned.
Virtual gardener
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#3 Old 8th Mar 2019 at 8:42 PM
As discussed on the discussion forums, regarding the mockups. Here's the one I ended up with a looooooot of talking and a looooooot of (fun) nights working on it. Be gentle though Don't just say "THIS SUCKS!" please tell me what because no one would say "this is ugly" without saying what's wrong with it, that's what feedback is all about! Another note is that, the buttons and stuff might feel too big/small... this obviously won't be necessarily the case on the site because it's easier to work with different screensizes once it's been realised (or well, made a digital mockup without much functionality) So see this as a sketch!

Anyways, this is a FIRST draft, and we are all aware that people have different taste in what a site looks like so, therefore, this mockup is based on the current style that sites go for. (Sorry early 00s site lovers :/)

(The elements pic is bascially the styleboard for buttons, alert and what not)
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#4 Old 8th Mar 2019 at 10:54 PM
Now I'm worried about that kitten. Someone find a llama!

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#5 Old 9th Mar 2019 at 1:47 AM Last edited by d_dgjdhh : 9th Mar 2019 at 2:05 AM.
I like the idea of the categories going to the left side and being expandable downwards. That feels like a good idea.

Question, will the thumbnail images resize to fit the height of the download box? Or will it be that download box resizes based on the width of the picture?

I'm thinking that it would be a good idea to have a maximum thumbnail width, and to let the download box get taller to accommodate the image.

And then set a maximum thumbnail height, where if the image is too tall, display only the top half/section of the image.

See thumbnail for idea of variable download box heights.

Check out my latest version of Superman's Classic Uniform for The Sims 2.
See what images I have posted on DeviantArt as well related to The Sims 2 and designs.
Also check out My Website to see my superhero uniform creations for The Sims 2. THANKS!!!
Virtual gardener
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#6 Old 9th Mar 2019 at 10:20 AM
Question, will the thumbnail images resize to fit the height of the download box? Or will it be that download box resizes based on the width of the picture?

Basically what Tash and I came up with was keeping everything the same height and width and having a background blob that will take the primary colour of the picture (as you can see really well with the lot, note the green background ) The original idea was actually this:

So having a block that gets the primary colour (And those tools do exist ) makes the design looks much cleaner.If we made it so that we changed the images in height or cut it off, there's going to be people not liking that at all (Nor would I tbh) I think this was already tested before and people didn't appreciate that idea, for valid reasons of course. So this was the only way of doing things to have equal height without ruining the image perse. Hence why the current download page doesn't have that We can even set a guide saying, if you want fill thumbnails, you want to have one that's 600x600 or something. (Obviously this shouldn't become a rubric but in case people want that)

I do appreciate the feedback though! If you have any more ideas, let me know! You've been a pretty good help already

Now I'm worried about that kitten. Someone find a llama!

#7 Old 9th Mar 2019 at 10:16 PM Last edited by d_dgjdhh : 10th Mar 2019 at 6:07 AM.
Where would the next page/previous page buttons/link be located for viewing the next list of downloads?

Also, what would be the indicator that says you're on an 'Eyes' page or 'Makeup' page? Would it be that the word on the list to the left becomes bold & italizied?

Check out my latest version of Superman's Classic Uniform for The Sims 2.
See what images I have posted on DeviantArt as well related to The Sims 2 and designs.
Also check out My Website to see my superhero uniform creations for The Sims 2. THANKS!!!
Mad Poster
#8 Old 13th Mar 2019 at 4:47 AM
Looking at a lot that recently posted that I added to my favorites, it would be great if we as users could see who else has either Thanked or Favorited downloads from that download page. I know you can do it by looking at the pages for individual users, at least as far as favorites, but being able to see who else has expressed a favorable opinion of a lot could be useful for finding people whose tastes are similar to your own, and who might have found other similar things that you haven't yet.

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We lied about having cookies.
#9 Old 14th Mar 2019 at 10:11 AM Last edited by Crowkeeper : 14th Mar 2019 at 10:37 AM.
I really like the new design. It is clean and simple. Having the avatar in the top corner is an awesome idea. I would personaly prefer a different shape for the thumbnails since I believe a majority of thumbnails here are not square but I understand that it might become too wide If it were to be rectangles. Afterall, as you said, creators can adjust their images If it bothers them. Good job

One question: will the site users still be able to costumize the "theme" - colours, fonts etc.? Edit: I mean beside the default options you showed.

Visit my Tumblr for more creations http://crowkeeperthesimmer.tumblr.com :)
Warrior Gryphon
site owner
#10 Old 14th Mar 2019 at 12:19 PM

Thumbnails are a PITA from a web developer perspective. . It's really hard to come up with a design that looks good for all types. Regarding the customisation.... With the new site I'm using Bulma and using a custom SASS file to change it to the MTS colours, etc. I plan on having a few colour schemes (the MTS standard, maybe one for Classic which makes everything smaller, and also a "Dark" version). Other than that, I don't plan on re-doing the ThemeGen thing I did for the current site anytime soon. I *might* allow people to link to Bulmaswatch though, or re-add the custom CSS functionality we used to have (so you could upload your own overrides), but since hardly anybody actually uses custom themes on MTS, it's really not a high priority.

@d_dgjdhh That design doesn't contain all of the elements. Don't worry, we'll have proper headings and pagination etc.

Story books are full of fairy tales, of Kings and Queens, and the bluest skies.
#11 Old 10th Apr 2019 at 1:28 AM
Still no 'sort by amount of downloads' filter........
Would be nice to know what the most popular mods are on this site.

Can't find stuff in build and buy mode? http://www.nexusmods.com/thesims3/mods/1/?
Virtual gardener
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Original Poster
#12 Old 20th Feb 2020 at 4:19 PM
Loooong time since we've used this thread, but I would like to resurrect it with some more design ideas!

This is a new design for Creators/guests. it's a version for a potentially new download page, especially since after the new features being added, it has started to become a little cluttered!

Something to keep in mind: The design also took in account that almost all downloads have images that aren't the same size. Therefore, the first big image and the download info (title, username, etc) are imagined to be in 2 columns and therefore the image is always in the middle and NOT fully sized.

Any feedback is appreciated! Especially, since that's the only way we can all have a new design that everyone's happy with!


Lab Assistant
#13 Old 24th Feb 2020 at 9:02 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Lyralei
As discussed on the discussion forums, regarding the mockups. Here's the one I ended up with a looooooot of talking and a looooooot of (fun) nights working on it. Be gentle though Don't just say "THIS SUCKS!" please tell me what because no one would say "this is ugly" without saying what's wrong with it, that's what feedback is all about! Another note is that, the buttons and stuff might feel too big/small... this obviously won't be necessarily the case on the site because it's easier to work with different screensizes once it's been realised (or well, made a digital mockup without much functionality) So see this as a sketch!

Anyways, this is a FIRST draft, and we are all aware that people have different taste in what a site looks like so, therefore, this mockup is based on the current style that sites go for. (Sorry early 00s site lovers :/)

(The elements pic is bascially the styleboard for buttons, alert and what not)

Looks amazing!!
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