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#1 Old 5th Feb 2021 at 5:56 AM
Default VIP rooms, lounges, bars etc questions
Hello, I'm just wondering what Vip rooms give on gameplay. What is the difference between access for 4 stars celebrities without VIP room and 4 stars celebrities with VIP room? What does VIP room mean and change with gameplay? Will there be more celebrities inside the VIP room?

And second question, is it ok to have 2 or more Late night places of each type (bars, clubs, lounges) in one neighbourhood (with about 130 lots)?
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#3 Old 5th Feb 2021 at 12:53 PM
Quote: Originally posted by nitromon
As far as I know the VIP room setting is for the bouncer. VIP room means "only" celebrities of those star qualities you set can enter. If it is not set as VIP room, anyone can enter.

Well... there are options at the "gate" to restrict entry to ordinary Sims and let celebrities pass (with the stars we chose) . "VIP room" seems not to be neccesery for that. So I'm curious, what does this VIP room mean? Probably it's just a name
#5 Old 8th Feb 2021 at 1:49 PM
Quote: Originally posted by remedios8
Well... there are options at the "gate" to restrict entry to ordinary Sims and let celebrities pass (with the stars we chose) . "VIP room" seems not to be neccesery for that. So I'm curious, what does this VIP room mean? Probably it's just a name

VIP = Very Important Person. So, celebrities only.
Test Subject
#6 Old 18th Feb 2021 at 7:27 PM Last edited by SimmerMind : 18th Feb 2021 at 8:04 PM.
And second question, is it ok to have 2 or more Late night places of each type (bars, clubs, lounges) in one neighbourhood (with about 130 lots)?

You can have as many lots of the same type as you wish, even if it is the same type of bar or club, but, if there are too many venues like this, they will be almost empty; however, the game sometimes assigns a certain LN lot as hot spot, you can use newspaper or computer to check that; if you send your active sims to a hot spot, it is more likely to be crowded. This is also the reason why I don't like the whole celebrity access thing: these places are always empty, unless the town is actually full of celebrities with "clubbing-friendly" traits like Social Butterfly, Party Animal, etc.
Field Researcher
#7 Old 22nd Feb 2021 at 4:43 AM
Quote: Originally posted by remedios8
What does VIP room mean and change with gameplay?

From my observations, setting a room as VIP... fulfills the random wish to get into the VIP room. Other than that, there isn't much of a reason to set something as a VIP room unless you want only celebrities to be in the room (which means the rooms are usually empty unless you have a lot of celebrities and nothing much to do in the non-VIP area). As an aside, you can set the celebrity requirement of the ropes to 0. Of course, my first action in Bridgeport is to delete at least half of the bouncer ropes so I might be wrong.

Quote: Originally posted by SimmerMind
but, if there are too many venues like this, they will be almost empty;

The More Sims in Clubs (MSC) mod will draw sims to the lot when you have an active sim arrive on the lot. It won't change if the place is a 'hot spot' for the night but at least you won't be drinking alone.
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