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Warrior Gryphon
site owner
Original Poster
#1 Old 18th May 2022 at 6:15 PM
Default Changes to the Edit page / Moderation process
Hi all,

As part of Quality of Life improvements to the site, I've been looking at the Edit Upload page (the new one!), specifically at how the process works from start to finish, and how best to make everything as easy as possible. Most creators probably know about the Moderation Queue Thread that gets created whenever an upload needs changes, or is approved/rejected. The reason these threads are there is to provide a good idea of history of an upload. However, every time a Changes Required is marked on an upload (some need more than 1, for example), the Moderation Queue thread gets basically "reset" from scratch, and it can be difficult to see past messages or keep a good idea of what needs to be done.

To that end, I've made the following changes to the MQ threads, and the Edit process in general.

Edit Upload

I've moved a lot of the information that was on the MQ thread into the Edit Upload page instead. For example, the information on how to edit/replace images is now within a link right in the Screenshots box. The primary change, however, is the display of all Changes needed right at the top of the upload. We've also added the "short title" of a Guideline, so it's easier to see specifically what it's about. The guidelines pages have also been re-ordered slightly, with the "Possible Assessments" being moved much further up.

These detail which guideline, but more importantly, which image or file, along with a staff message, right at the top of the edit page. Right beneath that, if the moderators have left a message, this will appear too.

There is now the ability to directly see and reply to the MQ thread from within the Edit Upload page itself. This is accessed from the image on the bottom right:

This then pulls up a modal dialog with the contents of the MQ thread:

You can see here the standard chat-style dialog. Staff replies are on the left (including System Generated ones), and your replies are on the right. Scrolling to the bottom gives you a standard Reply box where you can then reply.

I've also added some more information dialogs, specifically to the CC links section (and that section has been renamed too), and there is a new Tour too! This way you can make sure you get the most out of the page.

Moderation Queue Thread

The format of this thread has changed. Now it only displays a short message and a table (similar to the edit table) consisting of the basic changes needed. We felt that having everything in a giant block of text and guidelines etc on the MQ thread was a bit overwhelming, and hard to find what you actually need to change. Now, the moderation process is more like the old-style one where we only mark things that really need changing, and additionally we mark things "correct" if they where previously incorrect.

Here is an example of a Changes Required within the MQ thread now:

You'll notice that each message also has a "Read" tick, which uses standard date checking similar to the forums, and also shows which images/files are affected, plus a link to the Edit Upload thread. As part of the integration, I've also added a system whereby when a staff member replies on the MQ thread, you will get a PM immediately. This should help get things moving somewhat.

Bugs etc

Please let me know here or on Discord if anything isn't working correctly for you (preferably with Screenshots). These changes are live from today!


Story books are full of fairy tales, of Kings and Queens, and the bluest skies.
#2 Old 22nd May 2022 at 9:47 PM Last edited by Honeywell : 26th May 2022 at 5:01 PM.
I can't find where to pick the display style?

If I view the site in a private window (I'm using Firefox) I see there's an option to "view old style" at the bottom of the page but I can't find a "view new style" option when I'm logged in. It's such a nice update I'm sure I'll prefer it once I get used to it so I'd like to use it (even if I hit the view old style button occasionally out of curiosity). I feel like I've looked through all of the options but I'm just not seeing it.

5/26/2022 ETA:
I uploaded a new lot and it wouldn't let me input this link http://www.moreawesomethanyou.com/s...ic,12053.0.html. I also had to link to a dead site because it required a link (dead site wasn't accepted).

Adding links to included cc was unintuitive for me or didn't work as intended. There were boxes in red with spaces to fill in the name, creator and link but all of the information was always rejected for invalid links when I tried to save. It feels like I had to work around that by using the add cc field at the bottom and removing the boxes in red. Also, as I was in the process of filling in the included cc links several times the box for being the creator was checked off on other peoples cc and I had to keep unchecking it.

Per policy, I had to go back in and edit out links to cc I made that wasn't hosted at MTS. Without those links if someone was looking for more information on the cc I used they're not getting it. What's nonsensical about that is if I made cc specifically for the upload the policy requires photos and details of that cc. If my goal wasn't to give as much information as possible to the downloader I'd just check off I'm the creator of the cc and done--no extra info. needed. One of the things I always appreciated about MTS was the thorough documentation of the cc used so I'm sorry to see that go.

I also added tags but they didn't show up on the download. I edited my post after it was published and the tags didn't save again.
Warrior Gryphon
site owner
Original Poster
#3 Old 28th May 2022 at 11:37 AM
Thanks for the feedback. I don’t understand what you mean about ‘thorough documentation of the cc used’? That hasn’t changed in, well, forever. The cc links is the same as on the upload wizard, so I’m confused. You’ve only ever had to supply title, author, and a correct link forever now.

The cc links section is just for the links. I’m confused about the comment about screenshots since that’s a totally different thing and always has been.

Story books are full of fairy tales, of Kings and Queens, and the bluest skies.
#4 Old 29th May 2022 at 4:59 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Tashiketh
Thanks for the feedback. I don’t understand what you mean about ‘thorough documentation of the cc used’? That hasn’t changed in, well, forever. The cc links is the same as on the upload wizard, so I’m confused. You’ve only ever had to supply title, author, and a correct link forever now.

The cc links section is just for the links. I’m confused about the comment about screenshots since that’s a totally different thing and always has been.

I used cc in my upload that's not hosted on MTS. Properly documenting that cc is now considered advertisement. "Do not add in your patreon/youtube/tumblr/other social media, to any boxes - if you do you will be marked for advertisement"

It's nonsensical. I received a changes required for not providing a full link to cc I used (the link above I reported that can't be entered) because a generic link isn't good enough and downloaders need to be provided a link they can actually use. But I am not allowed to provide any links to other cc I used. Taking it a step further, if I made that cc (that I'm not allowed to link to) specifically for an upload here I'd be required to provide pictures and other details... or I could just tick a box and all of a sudden not only don't I have to provide those details I'm not allowed to per your policy.

The new advertisement policy as stated here is perfectly reasonable but the policy in bold above directly contradicts it and detracts from what I think used to be a strength for MTS.
Warrior Gryphon
site owner
Original Poster
#5 Old 1st Jun 2022 at 1:28 PM
I think you must be getting confused. The advertisement is only used for when you add seperate links on your description - not for CC links. Of course you can link to CC that's not hosted on MTS - people do it all the time. You only have to check a lot of the other uploads to see what links they use. So again, the advertisement link is *nothing whatsoever* to do with CC links.

Story books are full of fairy tales, of Kings and Queens, and the bluest skies.
#6 Old 1st Jun 2022 at 3:20 PM
That's what understood reading the policy (cc links were fine) but as I was adding links to the cc used boxes the warning "Do not add in your patreon/youtube/tumblr/other social media, to any boxes - if you do you will be marked for advertisement" appears. So obviously (to me) I didn't add any links to my cc I made and used that wasn't hosted here at MTS.

The idea that it wasn't allowed was reinforced when I received the changes required for the one link above but not for any of my own cc without proper links. I'll go back and fix my upload as soon as I can. Thanks for taking the time to explain.
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