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#1 Old 2nd Jun 2022 at 11:58 PM
Default Edit In Game When Used, It Opens The Sims3Launcher.exe Instead Of TS3W.exe, But TS3W.exe Still Starts With The Launcher At Same Time
When i start the Edit In Game on my custom world that i need to create it called Zaraga on WorldBuilderCS.exe (WorldBuilderCS.exe is the codename of Create a World Tool executable), it opens Sims3Launcher along with TS3W.exe, but i don't see any Sims3Launcher.exe starting on Windows Task Manager, but of course, it forces to start The Sims 3 Game Launcher, but as already said, no Sims3Launcher.exe Tray and no process on Windows Task Manager that's because of the commandline that uses to start, it's uses this commandline, so the WorldBuliderCS.exe Edit In Game Starts With In TS3W.exe commandline.

But if i removed all of the commandlines, but keeping the -worldFile: thing on Run, it starts TS3W.exe, but later, at 2 seconds, if you see on Windows Task Manager, it changes to Sims3Launcher.exe instead. but no TS3W.exe after it changes, so that's why i cannot start it with this commandline.

So, anyways, i can start the game via Edit In Game button, i need to wait 19 minutes to see it start because of the Launcher as i see the Black Screen meaning that it's not responding, but after The Sims 3 First Loading Screen finishes loading, something stragery happens with the second loading screen when it starts loading the world, the game has a black screen, but i can continue see all the text, after 5 seconds, the game crashes, but if i see with Crash Log Analyzer the crash, it's just says Insufficent Computer Memory. I just what to edit the 2 empty lots i created with Create A World Tool. There's a fix for it?

Edit In Game Commandline: TS3W.exe -nosound -worldFile:C:\Users\[Your Username]\Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3 Create A World Tool\UserToolData\Worlds\[Your World's Name].world -editInGameMode:true -campos:[Your Campos Number] -camtarget:[Your CamTarget's Number] -disableDumpCopy -speed:0 -noObjMgrsFile: -waitforexit
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#2 Old 12th Jun 2022 at 2:56 AM
Default OK, Only A Fix For It!
I just no longer use Store Content and CC and problem was fixed.
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