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#1 Old 23rd Feb 2023 at 8:08 PM Last edited by 3ttu : 23rd Feb 2023 at 8:23 PM.
Default Trouble with custom objects
Hello. I downloaded a converted pack of objects from the sims 4, which was divided into many parts and decided to make them myself "from scratch". As far as I understand, the problem is in the geometric node, but I can't fix it.. the problem is that when I get to the object in the directory - the game crashes
And also I have some problem with the shadow, but I don't think that the problem is because of it..

Oh, there's also a toy bear, but I didn't manage to correctly assign the binding to the bones to make the object move.. would be grateful for teaching the correct way. changed the model in blender 279 because I like this version better and because the plug-in for 280 somehow does not work
By the way, I wrote the vertex groups myself, but I took the skeleton from the base bear and assigned weights to them manually

And one more thing .. where are the descriptions of the fences stored?
Attached files:
File Type: zip  3ttu_ForgottenWomanStatue4.zip (1.04 MB, 2 downloads)
File Type: zip  3ttu-yuxi_fallout3teddybear3.zip (99.5 KB, 3 downloads)
Mad Poster
#2 Old 23rd Feb 2023 at 9:24 PM Last edited by simmer22 : 23rd Feb 2023 at 9:40 PM.
For the skeleton - after you've cloned a file, and before you do anything to the mesh (the GMDC resource), make sure you extract the GMDC (right-click/extract) so you get the skeleton and the joint assignments. It can also be useful to have the original item as a size/shape guide.

For the bear, it doesn't seem to have a skeleton or joint assignments in the GMDC, so you'll have to fix that and reimport.
I'm not used to the process in Blender (I usually do joint assignments and all that in Millkshape - I can help you with that, though), so the exact process of going through this in Blender is something you need to figure out on your own, but essentially for animations to look good ingame, you need to make sure the mesh is about the same size and positioned roughly the same as the one you cloned, and use roughly the same joint assignments in the same areas as for the orignal. Moving bones, adding/removing bones, or making up your own joint assignments that don't closely match the original won't work.

There are some hair tutorials that show how to assign joints manually in Blender - the process would be similar, and the import/export and such, so if you can't find anything else, those could maybe help?

Also, it doesn't seem to be recolorable, but I think that's an issue with the original bear, too. If you've installed the CEP it should have gotten the resources it needed when you cloned it.


Apart from the shadows, I can't immediately find anything suspicious in the statue file - have you tried checking if it works fine alone, without the bear?

Have you changed anything in the other resources than the GMDC, OBJD and TXTR, like subset names? Usually, if an object crashes the game it's because something has gone wrong either in the CRES (the resource with the skeleton info - but if this one has issues there's usually an error if you preview the GMDC), or if you've incorrectly changed something in spesific places in the GMND. The file can misbehave a bit in regards to how it shows up (but is less likely to crash) if you've changed any of the subset info in the GMND, SHPE or GMDC (all this info needs to match, so the easiest is to just match the GMDC subset name to whatever exists in the file).

For the shadows, they need to be imported as DXT3 or 5, and then changed to the ExtRaw8bit format in the dropdown list, or they won't be read correct by the game.
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