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#1 Old 2nd Dec 2023 at 9:39 PM
Default How do I add moodlets to a custom career?
Specifically, I want there to be a chance of a moodlet occurring right when a sim comes home from this career (just like the Boring Work moodlet). I think the buffs themselves have been created correctly, but I don't know how to get them to show up.

I'm relatively new to this, so I'm sure I'm doing several things wrong or missing something obvious.

First I created the career (which works just fine aside from the buffs), then I created three Buff Elements. I only changed the buff info, so no modifiers or anything else. Except I tried adding an action-- a Career and/or Level Condition to all those buffs, with the Lower Bound at 1 and Upper Bound at 5, but they never showed up in game. I then deleted those actions and created a separate Loot Action Set Element and did the same thing as before, adding the action Add Random Buff, and putting those three moodlets on the list with the chances of one of them happening set to 100. Still nothing. I can cheat for these moodlets using MCCC, but I can't get them to show up naturally.

I'll really appreciate any help you guys can give me.
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