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#1 Old 5th Mar 2024 at 7:53 PM
Default Mod Constructor v5 - Save location?
Hi. I hope I'm not missing something obvious. I have my mods in Mod Constructor v5, and I want to move them to a different computer, but I don't know where the mods are actually stored. There's no "Import package" that I can see, so does anyone know how to move v5 mods across PC's?

Field Researcher
#2 Old 6th Mar 2024 at 3:00 AM
Go to where MC5 is installed, inside is a "Projects" folder. Copy this folder to the next computer's installation folder, and that should be it.

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#3 Old 17th Mar 2024 at 5:53 AM Last edited by simorita : 18th Mar 2024 at 5:07 PM.
I can't seem to find a Projects folder in my installation folder, am I missing something? I've attached a screenshot. I'd really like to back up what I'm working on but I can't find where it is

edit update: I am noticing through use that *sometimes* a Projects folder appears in my installation folder but only contains one of my mods, seems to be the latest I was working on. It then disappears in some time or when I launch the program... I was able to copy it out as proof it existed at one point lol So I think something buggy is going on for me idk, I am using the latest v5.0-beta.14... despite all this, my mods are reliably appearing in the list when I launch the program, so for now I am just being very careful about not screwing em up.
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