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#1 Old 16th Apr 2024 at 12:33 AM
Default For all the modders/programmers down here, would be possible to recreate the skill tree ability system for vampires/werewolves of TS4 in TS3 with a mod? Or is an impossible task?
I didn't know where to post it, but could be possible something like that? Or something almost equivalent, I feel that those skilltrees for occults are one of the few things TS4 did better then TS3 in terms of gameplay

I'm super new about modding, I'm aware that doing something like that would be very hard even as an experience modder, but I just wanted to know if in your opinion could be possible to do
Mad Poster
#2 Old 21st Apr 2024 at 1:16 PM
I think the main issue is the lack of an ability to extensively edit the UI for TS3. So we won't get TS4 style fancy skilltree windows, at most NRAAS-style menu lists.

There is a vampire mod here by PuddingFace:
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#3 Old 22nd Apr 2024 at 9:59 AM
Quote: Originally posted by jje1000
I think the main issue is the lack of an ability to extensively edit the UI for TS3. So we won't get TS4 style fancy skilltree windows, at most NRAAS-style menu lists.

There is a vampire mod here by PuddingFace:

I'm a big fan of him! I'm working my head around the "only unlock special powers if you really want" and maybe going for a custom skill approach would be best to recreate the feeling, while using the completion of custom "challenges" to choose what "powers"(and maybe debuff?) you wanna unlock

I also saw he edited the lycantrophy skill for werewolves so I'm sure this will be a more viable way, but here I'm talking as an absolute filithy beginner
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