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#1 Old 23rd Jul 2024 at 8:18 AM
Default How do I change the motive gain of an object in Sim PE
I searched everywhere, but I'm sure I'm using the wrong terms so I can't find any tutorial. I just want to make the beds give the same motive gain (energy). Thanks in advance.

Are you a contestant on Papa Chet's Pizza Pandemonium?
#2 Old 23rd Jul 2024 at 3:45 PM
Marhis already did all the work for you:

Jonain päivänä mä toivon, että pääsen käymään Suomessa – ja heti perillä unohdan kaiken, mitä oon oppinut suomen kielestä, ja sanon vaan 'kahvia'.
DJ. who?
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#3 Old 3rd Aug 2024 at 3:42 AM
Quote: Originally posted by topp
Marhis already did all the work for you:

Sorry for post necromancy, I've been busy. It doesn't show in the shop that they have the same energy production, though. Is that normal?

Are you a contestant on Papa Chet's Pizza Pandemonium?
#4 Old 4th Aug 2024 at 5:26 PM
@Chet R. Chase Yes, it says so in the download thread:
Quote: Originally posted by Marhis
The energy rating value advertised in the catalog will still be shown as the original value, but it will matter no more.

Btw, it's not necromancy life gets busy, and you're still on topic, so don't worry about it.

Jonain päivänä mä toivon, että pääsen käymään Suomessa – ja heti perillä unohdan kaiken, mitä oon oppinut suomen kielestä, ja sanon vaan 'kahvia'.
DJ. who?
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