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#1 Old 15th Dec 2024 at 8:18 PM
Default ISO: someone to convert a sims 3 to a sims 4 file
Someone created my dog for 3 and I am eternally grateful to them because I had to put my dog to sleep in March of this year. I'm really missing her and was hoping someone could convert the file I have for her to a sims 4 format?

Forum Resident
#2 Old 16th Dec 2024 at 1:27 AM
That sounds like a lovely gift, but unfortunately even if requests were allowed here sims themselves aren't in a format that can be converted between the games

If it's any consolation, the Create a Pet in TS4 is quite intuitive and not very difficult to use. As long as you have some reference images, it wouldn't be overly complicated to recreate the same pet. You can also search the gallery for the same kind of dog, to use as a starting point if the Maxis templates are lacking.

thecardinalsims - Cardinal has been taken by a fey mood!
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