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#1 Old 2nd Jan 2025 at 10:17 PM
Default Game doesn‘t run smooth anymore - after installing latest EP
Hey there,
this whole stuff is freaking me out
Here is what I did yesterday

So, I managed to stop the game from crashing with the 4GB Patch which I applied to the FreeTime.exe and it all worked fine yesterday: The game didn‘t crash anymore and kept running smooth.
A few hours before the patch I downloaded the simblender, which probably doesn‘t matter at all. I just want to give as much detailed info as possible.
So today I installed Appartment Life and thought, hey I am done. I have all expansion packs I want installed and the game is running fine…
Of course not!
I installed it, applied the 4GB patch to the AL.exe because I start the game with AL now of course, and as always changed the stuff in the graphic rules file with the resolution and also fixed the problem with the black squares under the sims by turning sim shadows to false.

Now the game isn‘t running as smooth as before…
It is definitely not unplayable and also not a HUGE difference but definitely noticable and it is really annoying.

I‘m pretty sure I‘ve done nothing wrong. It is probably just too much too handle with the latest EP.

Have you got any ideas what I can do to fix the issue?
What can I do to get my game running as smooth as before?
Any help is appreciated.

Thanks in advance!
Mad Poster
#2 Old 2nd Jan 2025 at 10:55 PM
More EPs can mean a slower game, because you are adding a lot of resources to the game. The later packs seem to be the heavier ones (FT/AL, possibly also BV). Also depends on your system.

When I added FT to an already overloaded game back in the days, I noticed a significant change in game speed (the computer was very old and outdated by today's standards, though - that particular laptop likely would've keeled over and did on the spot if I'd tried to add AL on top of it all...).
#3 Old 2nd Jan 2025 at 11:43 PM
Apartments bring a few undesirable features: frequent generation of new person portraits and spawning of witch NPCs. which cause a stutter when their special outfit is applied. There is a hack for decreasing portrait generation. It comes with a crack. Loading times of course are increased a bit because of more items.
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