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#1 Old 4th Feb 2025 at 7:41 PM Last edited by M.M.A.A. : 4th Feb 2025 at 8:02 PM.
Default Sims 3 Random Thoughts
Hey, everyone!

I felt like The Sims 3 deserved its own version of the 'Random Thoughts' thread, since The Sims 2 has one, and I play both games. I couldn't find anything of the sort upon searching here on MTS, or even when Googling it, so I decided to create one. As AndrewGloria explained in the Sims 2 version of the thread, the purpose of this thread is for any random thoughts you may have about The Sims 3, that don't justify a thread of their own. It's similar to the Stupid/Random Questions thread, but for thoughts that don't require an answer. You can of course respond to anything interesting that another user posts here.

So, here goes...

Random Thought:

I wonder how or what The Sims 3 game-play would have been like if each trait had an intensity, strength, or dominance slider... 🤔
Forum Resident
#2 Old 4th Feb 2025 at 8:49 PM
There's no slider nor is there anything official that I am aware of, but all Sim A.I.'s use traits as little or as much as possible depending on their personality outside of traits and/or the context of whatever situation, relationship they are involved in. There's more factors as well like their life history/experiences, external influences and so on. Sims do actually communicate with each other and understands but typically not in a way the average player can understand unless perceptive and knowing at least the basics of human psychology which TS/TS2/TS3 A.I. are all based on. TS3 being the most improved and advanced; an in-depth life simulator. TS3 is like the ocean, most only swim on the surface and very few dive under and see so much more than meets the eye.

I have seen my Sim A.I.'s in my game use any of their traits with whatever intensity. I also used to play still connected online where I suspect there's still an active A.I. server that passes information for a continuous learning A.I. And may be why the longer I played with the same exact Sims for real life years, the more I learned from those specific Sim A.I.'s. Plus it's why I could not ever get bored playing my Sims because the Sim A.I.'s are all dynamic just as TS3 A.I. designer, Richard Evans, created it to be.


Or at least I wouldn't be if I hadn't lost it all. Before I said all I wanted was to love and be loved but actually that's always been fulfilled spiritually...really I just want to delve into my passions and get lost in my own world. I'm honestly not interested in people generally speaking. But Sims...my Sims were a different story, lol.

Previous Game: Batman: Arkham Knight (Hard Mode/Unfinished-Another Time)

Current Game(s): ObsCure and Cyberpunk 2077
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