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#1 Old 8th Feb 2025 at 12:57 PM
Default Can I add Fairies, Werewolves, and Witches to a world file through CAW?
Hey guys, first time making a post here....

I'm working on a custom world and planning to have a few versions: unpopulated, populated, and populated + occults.

I found this warning on Simswiki:

> A Warning about Ghosts & Mummies
Ghosts and Mummies added in Edit-In-Game lose some of their essential data during saving, specifically the data from when they were normal Sims. Hence, Ghosts and Mummies always become hopelessly corrupted. Likewise, urns containing dead Sims are stripped of their Ghosts and will present simply as "Remains" objects. Players seeking to incorporate Ghosts and occult Sims into their worlds must offer these Sims in a shared save file—there is no other way. Vampires and SimBots can both be added safely, thankfully.

A Warning about Horses
While dogs and cats seem to porter into worlds successfully, horses appear to make the households that they are in unplayable.

The only specific warning is about Ghosts, Mummies, and Horses, but then it says:

> "Players seeking to incorporate Ghosts and OCCULT Sims into their worlds must offer these Sims in a shared save file."

Does this mean all occults (except Vampires) are a no-go? Or is it just referring to Ghosts and Mummies?

So, is it safe to add Fairies, Witches, Werewolves, and Vampires directly in CAW (Edit-In-Game), or will they be broken like Ghosts and Mummies?

TL;DR: Can I add Fairies, Werewolves, and Witches to a world file through CAW without issues?
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#2 Old 9th Feb 2025 at 6:43 AM
It gives me the impression that the other occults aren't mentioned because that paragraph was probably written when Ambitions was the latest expansion- which means there are lot of patches and changes it may be behind on relevant information for.
Mummies can't be created in CAS and ghosts of deceased sims are slightly different to ghosts made in CAS, so it makes sense that they may suffer in any import/export scenario (CAW related or not). My guess is that any occults since the patch that made them available in CAS would be fine, but hopefully a world creator with experience doing so can confirm. You can always experiment and test ingame for yourself, NRaas MasterController and NRaas ErrorTrap would be useful for messing around with them and seeing if you get any strange behaviour or script errors.

I had personally forgotten that worlds could be 'officially' populated in this way because I so predominantly see them shared as save files, so that remains an option if you're unsure.

thecardinalsims - Cardinal has been taken by a fey mood!
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#3 Old 9th Feb 2025 at 1:10 PM
Quote: Originally posted by CardinalSims
It gives me the impression that the other occults aren't mentioned because that paragraph was probably written when Ambitions was the latest expansion- which means there are lot of patches and changes it may be behind on relevant information for.
Mummies can't be created in CAS and ghosts of deceased sims are slightly different to ghosts made in CAS, so it makes sense that they may suffer in any import/export scenario (CAW related or not). My guess is that any occults since the patch that made them available in CAS would be fine, but hopefully a world creator with experience doing so can confirm. You can always experiment and test ingame for yourself, NRaas MasterController and NRaas ErrorTrap would be useful for messing around with them and seeing if you get any strange behaviour or script errors.

I had personally forgotten that worlds could be 'officially' populated in this way because I so predominantly see them shared as save files, so that remains an option if you're unsure.

Ahh, I see! Yeah, I think the tutorial is a bit outdated too, so it's a little confusing.

I don’t plan to add Ghosts or Mummies, or Genies. only Fairies, Werewolves, Vampires, Witches, and maybe PlantSims and Mermaids if possible.

Oh, and I did some playtesting for one Sim week, and so far, no problems! Their powers are still intact, etc.

I think, just to be safe, I’m gonna make three versions: populated, populated with occults, and non-populated anyway....

I’m planning to upload the world here on MTS when I’m done, fingers crossed Lol. I’ve been working on this since last November 😭

Thanks for your response!
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