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#1 Old 13th Oct 2005 at 8:26 PM
Default Where-oh-where has my little lot gone?
I have lost a lot. :insane:

It was in the neighborhood, now it's not. (this isn't a poem by the way)

It's not in the Lots bin.

However... I can still see the family & lot in SimPE, and open their respective files.

I've no idea how this happened, I did rearrange my neighborhood, but I certainly didn't bulldoze it... So the lot exists, but it's somehow in limbo...

Can anyone think of a way I can get it back on the neighborhood map (or in to the lot bin) using SimPE?

Please help!!! :gonemad:
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#2 Old 13th Oct 2005 at 10:44 PM
Just an extra bit of info... The family members of the lost lot can still be invited over by other families...

Definitely in some sort of limbo...
#3 Old 13th Oct 2005 at 11:07 PM
only a thought because you have me stumped........but you say you were rearranging your lots. and that your sims can still be invited by neighbours. suggests they are in the neighbourhood somewhere
could you have sent it to a part of the neighbourhood you can't get at? you know, like picked it up but accidentally let go of it and it went somewhere inaccessible? you would need to modify your camera view to be able to get at it. i did mine but would need to find the post that told me how to do it.
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#4 Old 14th Oct 2005 at 1:23 AM
Quote: Originally posted by anelca
only a thought because you have me stumped........but you say you were rearranging your lots. and that your sims can still be invited by neighbours. suggests they are in the neighbourhood somewhere
could you have sent it to a part of the neighbourhood you can't get at? you know, like picked it up but accidentally let go of it and it went somewhere inaccessible? you would need to modify your camera view to be able to get at it. i did mine but would need to find the post that told me how to do it.

Thank you, that's a good thought... but I do have the camera config to let me see everywhere... made me think maybe I'd somehow stuck it underground or in the water or out of bounds somehow...

However good news... I have been experimenting a lot with Simpe, trying to solve the problem, and succeeded in returning the lot... seemingly with no repercusions. So I'll say how I did it in the hopes this is useful to someone else...

As I originally said, sim and lot files were still there, but I discovered in the neighborhood file, under "Lot Description" the entry for this particular lot was NOT THERE. (I knew which row it should be from the instance number, which is the same as the "Lot Instance" listed on the Family Information section of the neighborhood file for that family).

So that was the problem, and for me the fix was going in to an old SimPE backup of the neighbourhood, opening the old SimPE neighbourhood finding that Lot Description entry, right clicking, choosing Extract, writing the data to a file...

Then closing the old neighborhood file, going back to the new one, going to the Lot Descriptions, right clicking, choosing add, and selecting the file I exported.

Then I committed the change, ran the game... and there was my missing lot!

It was back where it originally was (which interestingly was now under a road sign decoration, which I quickly moved elsewhere before anything else weird could happen).

If anyone has the same problem, please post as I'm curious about how this happened.
#5 Old 14th Oct 2005 at 2:50 AM
glad you got your lot back :D
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#6 Old 14th Oct 2005 at 10:45 AM
Quote: Originally posted by anelca
glad you got your lot back :D

Thanks Anelca

I'm real happy about it too

Thanks again for your suggestion, and I forgot to say thanks to Quaxi and everyone who's contributed to SimPE!

Without it, Sims 2 wouldn't be worth playing...

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