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#1 Old 15th Oct 2005 at 9:36 AM Last edited by MTS2Staff : 20th Oct 2005 at 12:01 PM.
Default Children's Grades Not Improving
One of my families adopted two children (both of which were formerly part of another family, but were taken by the social worker for bad grades). They have been with the new family for 4 weeks, have done their homework each night, and gone to school when required, but one child has a D+ and the other stopped improving at B+. I keep getting the "Social Worker" warning every morning. No matter what I do, such as fulfilling their aspirations, etc..., they just won't improve & it's really driving me crazy since the children in question represent my real-life niece and nephew...!

I have downloaded the following:

dizzyz's Homework In Bedroom hack ver 1c
Jenflower's HomeworkSometimesFasterFun

The only other non-homework hacks I have are Merola's Mind Control Mirror and the Porsche (which I don't think is really a hack?). I have aging off, but this never affected children from improving their grades in the past.

Thanks for your help and really love this site!
Stupid people are stupid
#2 Old 15th Oct 2005 at 9:48 AM
Do you play with the "aging off" cheat? Sometimes that cheat prevents children from getting good grades. Just let them age and the grades should go up.
Field Researcher
#3 Old 15th Oct 2005 at 12:17 PM
@cosmicaura: The kids need to age just one day, so that kids will have a remaining life span in their age group of 7 days, and Teens a remaining life span of 14 days. If this is done, their grades will rise, even with "aging off". Just set "aging" to "on" until it is 6 pm, and when the age bar shows a little filling, set "aging" back to "off". This will do.
Field Researcher
#4 Old 15th Oct 2005 at 4:14 PM
cosmicaura: What CtjG said is correct. also have the children ask for homework help from an adult once. Make sure they have not started any of the assignment on their own. This will allow them to build homework skills which is a hidden skill. However as I said the whole assignment must be done together or it won't count as filling requirement.

Burn The midnight oil, it will be daylight soon...
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#5 Old 18th Oct 2005 at 12:18 AM
Default Thank You!
I appreciate your tips and am happy to report both children have A+'s. Now, if I can only get them into shape, things will be copasetic... Again, many thanks, angel_f, CtfG, billyd1000 and the MTS2 staff for the help and resources!
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