Date Posted: 17th Dec 2013 at 10:56 PM Views: 623
Hi guys.

I just wanted to let you (whoever even reads this anymore) know that I will no longer be posting my creations here and will not be responding to messages. If you need me, you can get in touch with me via my Tumblr, but as of now you may consider my creations uploaded here as unsupported. I'm not totally leaving, but I don't feel like any of my new stuff belongs here anymore. This has nothing to do with MTS itself, or especially with any of the lovely mods and admins that have all been nothing but nice to me. I don't feel comfortable uploading here because of the users who seem quite unhappy with what I do, some of which have chosen to send me anon hate via Tumblr because they were unhappy that I uploaded my Supernatural sims here using Queue Bypass, which some don't feel I deserved. I'm pretty sure my sims would have made the cut without the bypass, because I have worked my ass off trying to get them right. I took down those sims by my own choice and will not be uploading them here again, because there's no pleasing some people no matter how hard I work.

I used to think of MTS as my home and I love it still, but the current atmosphere upsets me and my life is stressful as it is already...Thank you to those who followed and liked my creations, I appreciate it and I always will. Anyway...I'll see ya around.

Recent Comments for: ....
By roband3ladies (23rd Dec 2013 at 9:52 AM)
This is tragic. I don't understand why users have to be some picky and hateful. If they don't like something on the site, they should just move on. I hate that another amazing creator has closed up shop on this site because of something like this. You will be missed around here Misty.
By Mootilda (21st Dec 2013 at 2:05 AM)
You can report hurtful comments and they will be deleted by the moderators.
By HystericalParoxysm (18th Dec 2013 at 1:55 PM)
Oh Misty. Your sims were -lovely-. Please don't let one asshole's comments get you down. Your sims absolutely would have made the cut even without bypassing, and whether or not you bypassed is nobody's business. I've seen multiple folks looking for your Supernatural sims here, confused why they were gone when they were so good. Please reconsider - your work is lovely and the negative crap that some people thoughtlessly spew shouldn't stop you from sharing the things you've made.

Also... can I maybe suggest turning off anon commenting? I've almost never seen it used for good stuff and is just a way for assholes to be assholes without having to be accountable for the things they say. It saddens me to see a talented creator giving trolls what they want.
By leefish (18th Dec 2013 at 1:49 PM)
Misty, I have read this, and you did deserve your bypass and even though you are a moderator you have EVERY right to complain if someone posts on one of your uploads and is hurtful. Constructive critique is FINE and is encouraged (I know you know that) but downright meanness is not.

I am appalled and saddened that you feel the atmosphere here is not conducive to sharing as it is one of our goals to have a friendly helpful community.

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