Whats to come in 2016
Date Posted: 27th Jul 2016 at 5:57 PM Views: 977
July 27th 2016

Well it's the summer of 2016. Thanks to all the people who have participated in AF requests, we have more sim food. My main requests are food based since that seems to be what I'm best at. In the past, I've also made sim 2 careers and make up. I would like to change it up every now and then and create a few new careers.

---What to look forward to---
*Royal Careers such as King,Queen,Prince,Princess (If this hasn't been done yet)

AF Requests

*Request from Selinsezgin- Burger Icecream

*Request from lientebolemeis- Red Cabbage with Tripe/Belgian Chocolate Seafood Belgium chocolate Seafood Red Cabbage With Tripe

*Request from Qinarachilla- Egg toast with frenchfries

*Request from MarkiplierxJacksepticeye- Campers Stew

*Request from VeryJealous- Scottish Haggis http://www.modthesims.info/private....m&pmid=11537370

*Request from Endless_Letsplayer- Melon Bread & Black,red,gold German cake [

*Request from Namisakura- Icecream pot Icecream Pot

*Request from Goldenbtrfly - http://www.modthesims.info/private....m&pmid=11450325

*Request from Nabilavathania- http://www.modthesims.info/private....m&pmid=11443981

These requests won't be uploaded to the community in the order they are listed.
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