Date Posted: 30th Nov 2020 at 8:34 AM
Views: 486
?????  !  Well darn! This wisiwg won't print Korean so I'll have to give an image instead.
 Hello !
A journal update! Nov. 2020 (about time lol )
I've been making stuff for sims since Sims2 and have been a member here since 2006. I sure miss all the old modders from Sims 2 days. I am still here though even though I was mostly gone for the last few years. My hubby was terminal and required a lot of care. Taking care of him and working full time didn't give me any free time. I had to take early retirement from my job and also retire as a moderator here to take care of him. He's been gone now for a year and a half. I'm finally getting back to making stuff. I really like that I'm retired and have a LOT of free time. :DÂ
I ended up moving from the middle of nowhere to town and guess what! I can STREAM! At our old house, we always had poor internet speeds and no arial tv or cell phone service out there. Could not stream anything -- buffering... buffering... buffering... It took HOURS to download anything and that only worked if the internet didn't hiccup and kill that download. I know things were available but I couldn't take advantage of it while working. (Ya see, they have this thing where you Actually have to work at work to get paid. They won't pay you to surf. Isn't that rather mean of them? lol) So, since January, I've been watching a TON of Kdramas. Lots of them have missing subtitles so I decided to learn Korean. And... I can get the gist of a lot of conversations now. Of course, I am not fluent but I am getting the hang of it. I've also accrued a whole folder of pictures of actors and singers I want to make into Sims. (They may object to being turned into a sim so I may just have to make a fac-SIM-ile of them instead. {yea, I know, BOOOOO} lol.)Â
I actually love to model meshes and have the patience for it. I am still not all that great at art work textures though so finger painting is still a struggle for me. My first love was architecture which is why I've played this game so many years. In truth, I only play the game long enough to see how everything works and when I see that they need something then I go off to build houses and make stuff for the game.Â
One of the biggest frustrations for me when making sims has always been the game's lack of sufficient sliders to make good faces. Yes, Sims are rather cartoonish but at least Sims 4 features are better than Sims 1. I want to put my family and friends in the game (and a famous person or two) but making them has always been difficult. Being a somewhat perfectionist, I want a good face sculpt, not just makeup. So, without even realizing it, I became a plastic surgeon and have a badge to prove it! lol I should have object and clothing badges but my published stuff is in team sets so I don't get an individual badge for clothing, shoe or hair meshes.
I've been working on a set, maybe it's even a theme now since September. Who knows when it will be ready. I just hope I can publish it before the sun goes nova or I kick the bucket. Whichever comes first. lol
So what is in the works? Well, since I hate traveling all over the internet to find required CC, I decided to make my own:
1: A set of famous sims whose faces are sculpted as close as possible in a sims game.
2: A whole bunch of face sliders. nose, ears, forehead, mouth, etc. (I just got my plastic surgeon badge! :D)
3: KPOP Clothes.Â
4: Shoes. Waiting for my 'Stereotype' badge. lol
5: Hair styles - My future Simmies need some good hairstyles.
6: Accessories - Jewelry - Simmies need some bling.
7: I may dabble in makeup - but that's fingerpainting and I flunked fingerpaints in kinniegarden. But if I am successful. I can earn the makeup artist badge. lol
8:Â Not sure what category eyebrows are in, but those too.
9: A CAR - I WANT the Hyundai Ioniq EV. That is PRETTY car! Or else my Bugatti. I was thinking about using the bicycle to animate the car but then my sims would get a ticket for driving on the sidewalk. lol I'll just have to make an object then. (Where's Fresh-Prince, Dr. Pixel or Hexameter when you need them! Darn! they're not creating for Sims4!)
Now, the question is. Can I finish this project? I could easily if it was Sims 2 but I am still learning Blender. meh. (I've been cheating becuase I learned how to mesh in Milkshape long ago and recently been dabbling in converting those to Sims 4.) We'll see. Â
I have mostly finished the sculpting on 5 sims of my set. Two more to go.. But they'll need makeup, hair, clothing, bling etc... hmmm.