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Whew! What a mess. Happy 2011, everybody!

Date Posted: 5th Jan 2011 at 4:17 AM

Here's what I'm working on right now: Default Replacements for G-ma.

Yeesh, this was more than I bargained for! But, I think I'm really gonna like the end result! (You might too?)

After this is sorted. I'll upload more of the wall project ...promise.
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Right.... About that great big wall project...

Date Posted: 18th Dec 2010 at 4:32 PM

I was reminded (ever so gently) the other day, (thank you CatOfEvilGenius, who BTW is not Evil in the least ) that I haven't completed my wall project's uploads. Ooooops!

I got side-tracked. Shanghaied, really. By B.S. and all the great Defaults that are available now! I'm having so much fun rearranging my clothing catalog that I've completely forgotten about those walls. Sorry.

They are almost ready for submission. I'll get to them soon. I promise, er... hope. Yeah, that's it.

Oh and, A Merry Christmas to All! Ho! Ho! Ho!
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OK. The Border Overlays are in the queue. Whew!

Date Posted: 22nd Oct 2010 at 5:31 PM

At O-dark-thirty last night/this morning I finally got the Big WallProject Pt 4 uploaded. Geesh! I didn't plan for that to take sooooooo long

I'll start gathering the info for Pt 5 later today (I hope.) This project has taken so long to complete that I've got bits and pieces of it scattered everywhere. I feel a bit like the Scarecrow from OZ...

I'll get it together... sooner than later I hope!
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My Sims are not forgotten...

Date Posted: 11th Oct 2010 at 9:27 PM

...they just haven't been visited in 2 weeks. RL has been keeping me way too busy. *Geesh*

You can check out some of what I've been doing here : Catherine's Jewelry Bonanza Booth. Ready or not... Christmas IS coming! I gotta make money to feed my Sims habit! LOL!

I've got my Overlays in order. But, I gotta finish up the Hiders. Then do the write up and submit it. I'll get there. Soon, I hope.
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Just a quickie here:

Date Posted: 2nd Oct 2010 at 4:18 AM

Upload #3 is finally in the Queue (however you spell it!??) I went ahead and included the LifeStyle Stories "completer" walls - why wait?
I will start compiling the Inside-type Overlays tomorrow.
Whew!!! Good Night!
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YAY!!! Upload #2 is up and flying!

Date Posted: 19th Sep 2010 at 3:55 PM

My 2nd upload has been approved (thanks, Phae!) and is posted for everyone to use. Now to get busy presenting part 3 of my Big Wall Project...

Here's an overview of the Big Wall Project:
Part 1 = the Lost/Found Maxis "Eat At Tile's" walls
Part 2 = adding some organization to the Maxis wall catalog
Part 3 = original CC walls to complete Maxis sets (w/out trim!)
Part 4 [EDIT: Part 6] = "Inside" wall overlays - All from Maxis; w/optional hiders
Part 5 = "Outside" wall overlays - All from Maxis; w/optional hiders
Part 6 [EDIT: Part 4] = Wall overlay extras (wallpaper borders, swags, etc.)
Part 7 = adding the "Stories" walls to the mix
Part 8 = ???? what else is needed???

Then, I can start on floors... whew!

On a personal note: our tank is empty no longer. Yesterday we welcomed Raymond (pronounced Raaaaymon, according to our daughter - like the firefly in The Princess and the Frog) to our menagerie. He's very quick, and named after a Disney bug, so his nickname is "Lightening". Come to think of it, he's also blue... Dynaco Blue.
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RIP Sydney....

Date Posted: 14th Sep 2010 at 4:53 PM

Well, no heat stroke yesterday.
But, RL did present a catastrophy - a fishy catastrophy. Sydney, our beautiful, ruby red, and unbeknownst to us when we bought him 6 months ago - ancient, beta fish is no longer with us. *sob* His sweet little tank is all clean now, and waiting for a new resident (we can't wallow in grief too long, right?) Services were held yesterday on our front porch (graveside,) with our regularly scheduled lunch immediately afterwards. Attention was given to our 6-year old daughter in leu of finishing my current MTS2 submission.

This morning she is demanding to go to the pet store... life is back to normal.
Oh, wait, suprise company will be here in 3 hours! Yes, they're staying for dinner.

*sigh* Maybe I'll get back to my Simmies tomorrow?
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I'm hoping to get this uploaded today...

Date Posted: 13th Sep 2010 at 4:44 PM

I've got the next part of my "Wall Project" ready (I think?) I've fixed several Maxis category issues - like brick walls in the poured category, and wallpaper in with paint, etc... If I can get things written up before RL interferes today, I'll get this uploaded to the cue.

RL might involve heat-stroke today.
Hubby and I are a Steel Drum band, who play at Walt Disney World's Coronado Springs Resort - today we are scheduled during the heat of the day, in pretty much direct sunlight (probably more than 100 degrees!) UGH! Don't get me wrong, I love my job - but really? We usually play in the evening, in the shade...
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WooHoo! I'm published!!!

Date Posted: 8th Sep 2010 at 4:13 PM

WOW! My first upload - and it was accepted!

Well, actually, it's my second upload: I did some fireplace recolors over at Sims 2 Artists (Contempo Fireplace recolors ) And, I entered a few dec-o-rate contests over at BPS...

But... MTS has been "home" for YEARS (literally) and, I'm very pleased to finally be a contributor here.

As I alluded to in my upload/post - I'm working on a really BIG wall project. I've hidden all the redundant Maxis walls (you know, all the 'same' walls that have different trims) and made wall overlays using Numenor/Pixelhate's design template. So, now my wall catalog is a lot neater - and smaller! And, if I want white crown molding on my grungy cement-block walls, then I can do it!

Now that I'm familiar with the upload/approval process, I'll start trying to 'publish' my wall project. The only other thing I'd like accomplished with this project is to be able to organize the walls by color. (All the blues together, all the greens together, all the floral paper...) OCD, I know, but, well, hey - look at the rest of this project! *yikes*

So, anyway, if anyone has any ideas about said organization process, please spill!
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