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Were Back!!

Date Posted: 25th Dec 2017 at 11:06 PM

After a much longer time away on hiatus then I would like were finally back and we bring to you a Sims 4 UK Lee Jean fresh out of our DAE Firms Labs. We will be starting submission for approval today and hopefully this new addition will be available for us very soon. We already have another addition in the works that will follow soon after and a third submission on our drawing board.
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Its Been Too Long . . .. . .

Date Posted: 10th Jul 2015 at 4:00 PM

It has been a while. Went back to school well precisely University of Phoenix in February and been dealing with the workload which keeps me occupied and away from my creations. We have a few things in the oven but have been stalled due to time. Will be accelerating production and resuming on the Sims 3 Lee Jeans products we have been working on. Expect to see something within the month.
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OS Change Up

Date Posted: 3rd Dec 2014 at 8:13 AM

Well, our developers submitted to the power of Windows once more. It seems the complications around adapting our systems to a pure Linux were too much to deal with right now. I'm not saying I am not dissapointed which I am.

Still the main goal is getting our projects complete and out to the public. Speaking of which our projects should be complete just in time for the season. Purely coincidental I assure you of that. Now that we have a more cooperative OS running for us were moving ahead with our Sims 3 Lee Jeans Projects.

Yes, I am aware Sims 4 is out and rolling. Were completely aware of that. It seems like it was only last year 3 was just coming out, Time goes fast. Were not sure if were going to take on 4 just yet but that doesn't mean its not on the drawing board. Let me know what you think. You guys want us to work on some Lee Jeans for Sims 4?

Let us know and we will think about it some more.

Catch yall later and take care.

Laserai out
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Project Ongoing

Date Posted: 5th Oct 2014 at 8:43 AM

Greetings everybody.

Obviously plans push out production quality Lee jeans for Sims 3 were delayed. Our plans to utilize a Linux environment have met with turbulence. So we have reluctantly switched at least our production pcs to Windows 8. I just pray to God that it doesn't try to slay my hard drives like Windows 7 tried to do. So far so good. Final touches on the first line are being made as we speak. I'm hoping to have something for submission to the mods late October or early November. So far I'm loving the way my Sims look in them. They are rocking these jeans in the trials we have been running.
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Lee Jeans for Sims 3 Status

Date Posted: 18th Jul 2014 at 3:12 AM

I am pleased to report our R&D Department has just completed three prototypes for our Lee Jeans for Sims 3. We are running them through trials at the moment to see how they look in game. If all goes according to plan we should be taking in game pictures today. Hopefully I can have materials ready for submission today or tomorrow.
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Were Back Well Sort Of!

Date Posted: 23rd Jun 2014 at 3:57 AM

We intended to come back sooner but it appears our OS that we have been using (Windows 7) sabatoged our Hard Drives forcing a system wide crash. We have since given Microsoft their walking papers and have joined the Linux republic. We now run Zorin OS on all PCs and our IT Department is all over trying to get the hang of it. Already I like what I see and my PCs and Hard Drives are much happier. Microsoft it was fun being your slave while it lasted but ignorance is bliss. I now see the light of Linux and its bright. Anyway, we will be resuming operations on designing new Lee jeans sets for Sims 3 soon. For now were getting the hang of operations in a totally Linux environment. So far so good!
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Sims 3 or Not TO Be? That is the Question

Date Posted: 11th Jul 2013 at 1:33 AM

Well, our focus in the early part of the year was to continue our drive on creating a Lee Jeans presence for Sims 3 players. No actual releases have been made yet due to personal and business problems that have come up.

Also I have been hearing of the release of Sims 4. Granted it will be a little while before its release but we can't help but wonder if we should continue trying to develop for 3 when 4 will draw away traffic to it.

So polling the question out there:

Should we continue to run prototype tests for Sims 3 Lee Jeans or should we just wait for Sims 4 and try our luck there?

Now is your time for opinions. Just leave a comment and we will consider it. We will check back to see what everything thinks in a few weeks. Lets set a sensible deadline for about the middle of August 2013.

Laserai out.
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MTS Contest Over and Other Affairs

Date Posted: 9th Dec 2012 at 9:41 PM

Well, the MTS Design this Contest is over. How we did only time will tell. Overall I think my sister put a lot of effort into it. She worked hard and says she hasn't spent this much time in designing in quite a while. I can tell she had fun so you may see our name show up in an MTS Designer contest again sometime.

I was also surprised to hear it was ReyaD's first contest. It didn't seem like it though as she handled everything "like a boss". I hope she keeps working on new contests as she seems to be a natural at hosting them.

Lasira is also not giving up on getting our name changed and has posted a true amusing story on the threads. You better check it out because you won't believe it. Believe me when I first did I couldn't believe it either but its all true.

Well, work continues in development though I am not sure if we will get another three projects done in time for the new year. We will see. As we don't want to be inactive for too long.

Stay frosty and don't forget to check out Lasira's funny story here:

Laserai out!
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Name Change Request

Date Posted: 6th Dec 2012 at 3:17 AM

I have recently submitted a brave attempt at getting our profile changed to DAE Firms. I used a classic story I once heard from a friend who in town visiting a few days. My other friends and I thought it was totally hilarious. Since humor is purely subjective I hope it goes over well.

Anyway, I am more of a action, romance writer so humor is a bit difficult for me. I can make some pretty convincing voice overs and probably could have a promising career there and can voice over Dr. Claw from Inspector Gadget the cartoon series perfectly. Yeah, thats right Dr. Claw! Its quite hilarious to my wife. Anyway, well see what happens. If not, I may try again with some other story I may hear from one of my globe trotting friends.

Also on a more serious note, we will be wrapping up our final entry into the MTS Design this contest tonight. I will say me and my sister were both severely humbled by the level of skill shown by the many other veteran contestants. It looks like we have quite a ways to go before we can even resemble anything pro. I am also seriously looking into trying to develop a BootyGal mesh for Sims 3 though its tough going so far. I am not one to give up so we will keep at it.

That is all,

Stay Frosty

Laserai out.
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Nihao Everybody!

Date Posted: 24th Nov 2012 at 5:29 AM

Laserai here and good day to all!

Just a notice that the DAE Firms Inc is currently out on break until 12/01/2012. All projects in development and otherwise are currently on hold except MTS contests.

We will get back to work after the 1st of December. Here is a list of the little projects were hoping to take care of before the end of this fiscal year 2012.

1. BootyGal Swimsuit Collection
2. BootyGal Lingerie Collection
3. Maxis DAE Lee Jeans Final Collection
4. Warrlokk DAE Lee Jeans Final Collection
5. DAE Lee Jeans for Sims 3 (Ages Teen thru Elder)

This is our current focus of projects we are planning to complete before the end of 2012 so look forward to their release throughout December.

Hope everyone hasn't eaten too much.

Till next time from all your friends at DAE Firms,

Stay Frosty!

Laserai out.
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