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Research and Development

Date Posted: 3rd Oct 2012 at 1:55 AM

Hello again simmers,

It seems that I underestimated just how popular the BootyGal series really is. Surprisingly the line we made for fun is becoming more popular then all of our other downloads to date put together. This surprising turn of events means according to some members of our Research team that future BootyGal releases will be moving up in priority.

Here is our current priority agenda for the next few months:

UK Lee Jeans for Maxis Women *Sims 2 (Ready)
UK Lee Jeans for Women *Sims 3 (Ready)
UK Lee Jeans for Teen *Sims 3 (Development)
UK Lee Jeans for Girls *Sims 3 (Planning)
Warlokk BootyGal Lingerie Collection *Sims 2 (Planning)
Warlokk BootyGal Swimsuit Collection *Sims 2 (Planning)
Warlokk BootyGal Everyday Collection*Sims 2 (Planning)
Warlokk BootyGal Sleepwear Collection *Sims 2 (Planning)

Well that is all I have to report for now. Please check back again for any new information we may have on up and coming projects.

Intel is also toying around with the idea on creating a Levis Jeans line but feel free to send PMs on what you think about that. Levis jeans is also a favorite for my sister aside from her imported European Lee Jeans.

Till next time simmers,

Stay frosty.

Laserai out
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Changes in Public Relations

Date Posted: 30th Sep 2012 at 6:42 PM

Greetings Simmers,

Some of you may have already seen this banner on my main site and also the change of the avatar. Research and Development and some words from my sensei helped me to make a few decisions as of late.

Because of the type of clothing we specialize in we decided to make some changes to our public image. My sister Lasira will be taking over public relations such as contacting MTS, simmers, board chat, chatroom and other company announcements.

I will continue to head up the Research and Development team and be in charge of journal entries. I will also continue to handle private messaging unless it is of a general nature.

Research and Development Upcoming Projects

I have given the go ahead to start production on a UK Lee Jean for Women for the Sims 3. Our prototype appears to be ready and I am not seeing any issues. I expect a release sometime in the month of October.

We will still continue to release future creations for Sims 2 but our central focus will eventually shift to the Sims 3. We will also be making Sims 3 avatar pictures of myself and my sister in the future to this effect.
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Were Back

Date Posted: 26th Sep 2012 at 8:10 PM

Sorry but we were offline making some changed to the hardware we have been using. Needless to say regarding details all I have to say is that our development systems our working 6x faster then before.

Also due in part to our much needed upgrades we have been able to get Sims 3 up and running. R and D can't wait to get started working on projects for the Sims 3 game but I have the wheels on lock until they gather some additional intel.

Just the little I have read concerning Sims 3 means some significant changes will need to be made to make our jean creations available to Sims 3 simmers as well. Still with these latest developments, Sims 3 players can now eventually look forward to some Lee Jeans for their Sims at some point.

I am not going to try to humor you with any kind of time frame at this point. Only that it is now on the table for planning stages.

As for our up and coming Sims 2 creations I am happy to find our BootyGal project was a complete success.

R and D has also expressed gratitude and is moving on with plans for the eventual release of some UK Jeans for the Elderly and another release for Teens. Once that is complete we will then toss around ideas about either continuing more sims 2 creations or making the transition to sims 3.

Some of the R and D team has also recently started showing interest in mesh development and modding but no promises on that front.
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R&D Progress Report

Date Posted: 8th Sep 2012 at 11:18 PM

Well, were able to complete the required changes to the UK Lee Jeans for Girls last night but I was to tired and opted to submit them today. However, it looks like the 72 hour requirement was oddly enforced this time causing the project to be summarily scrapped requiring a complete re-submission. I am arguing with R&D at this time to just process another re-submission request as they have reached a point where they would rather just abort the completed project altogether.

Part of their frustration seems to be coming from a unusual lag time occurring with the BootyGal project we submitted back on August 25th in compliance with some changes that were requested. Some of the team has even stated that if some more changes are requested they may abort on that project as well.

Seems I may need to come up with a quality control team to ensure submissions go through the first time rather then get held up by simple corrections and missed errors. Just something else to add to the long laundry list of tasks to get done.

Its kind of amazing I am doing all this work for free but life is kinda weird like that. That and after 31 years of strange occurrences, I am starting to get used to being life's doormat even if I don't necessarily like it.

Well at any rate, assuming my R&D department doesn't pack it up and leave I should be expecting the elderly uk jeans set and the re-submission of the uk jeans for girls real soon. We also have the uk jeans for teens ready for deployment.

The Hourglass UK jeans we were attempting to submit ran into all kinds of odd mesh issues and R&D has finally decided to scrap the project. Comparisons also revealed the waist measurements for the hourglass shape were already comparable to the uk jean beta submission we made earlier so its not that much of a loss.

it seems my R&D team is refusing to move forward until we receive a green light on the pending BootyGal project. I sure hope I get clearance soon because a restless R&D team is never a good thing.
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UK Lee Jeans Sims 2 Campaign (Continued)

Date Posted: 3rd Sep 2012 at 5:46 AM

I made a declaration early in the year that I would be putting forth a concentrated effort to produce UK style lee jeans from child thru elderly for sims male and female.

However, mesh selection difficulties with the male sims has put an indefinite hold on their selection. The maxis meshes I did locate for men were insufficient or simply did not look good with my custom alterations.

On the other hand, my campaign of the development of lee jeans for women proceeds rather well. We have already completed two successful submissions towards this campaign. We have also made an ambitious push for three other submissions.

R&D Details on Upcoming Projects
I have had some R&D issues which are currently on the table for resolution with three related projects.
  1. BootyGal Lee Jeans
    R&D has just completed moderator requirements on the BootyGal line up recently and were hoping to see a green flag on that project real soon.
  2. Hourglass Lee Jeans
    The hourglass submission had a slim chance of clearance and as expected was given the yellow caution flag. Seems as expected the issues with the alpha design conflict were too severe. R&D fears we may need to do some major changes to the mesh and texture mapping. Since this was meant to be a simple job a full abort is on the table. We may convert this project from a full outfit into a bottom jean submission with a comparable waist size of the hourglass shape as a more feasible alternative. That would be the best we could do. Mesh skills are still in development stages and a ways off from being able to do repairs to existing meshes or perform advanced texture mapping repair tasks as of yet.
  3. Lee Jeans for Kids (Girls)
    The project for the Girls is on the submission table as well but was held up due to a minor issue with the shoes. R&D expects to have this problem ironed out some time tonight though it will require the entire project to be redone from scratch. R&D has decided to alter the colors to better reflect the maxis colors available.
  4. Lee Jeans for Elderly Women
    This project is complete and pictures have also been completed. This project will not be submitted until we have the green flag and the above projects however. I don't want to have more then 3 projects in the MTS submission que at the same time waiting for approval or being working on.

Where will we go from here?

I intend to make a more comprehensive set using maxis meshes for those simmers who don't want to use custom body shapes. The shorts line for teen and adult has also been completed and pictures are being compiled at this time.
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Research and Development

Date Posted: 29th Aug 2012 at 12:37 AM

Aside from my UK Lee Jeans goals, I have decided to introduce a brand new career that up until now has not been explored.

Details will be kept on the hush for now but all I can say is that their currently is no instance of it on the MTS servers at this time.

I will be gathering additional intel for the moment and looking into vehicle modding as I will need get some work done their. Either that I will likely request the services of someone from the MTS community to craft something for me.

At this stage I will be simply looking at additional information and anything else I can use for this career path. For the record, this is for the Sims 2 game as my PC doesn't have the ram and video capacity to handle the full power of Sims 3 just yet.

A few upgrades in the future I hope will change that reality.

Other then that development on my UK jeans proceeds rather well. As you may have noticed, I have been making small refinements to my jeans with each upload. I am also noticing the low rise jean look of my jeans though sexy could use a little more refinement. I will be doing extensive testing as I continue to improve.

The shorts prototypes are really starting to look up and I hope to have a working line out soon on these. Also of note my elderly women jean line is nearly complete and will be submitted soon. Both will utilize the maxis shape though I may adapt the elderly line for firmer derriers. Not all elderly women need to have the sag issues back there. Your elderly sims could be atlanteans or some other hybrid human race who age gracefully or don't age at all aside from hair color. Heck, they could even be goddesses and be immortal for all I know. Your call.

My BootyGal jeans submissions I hope will be cleared soon.

Its a project I picked up on the side and recently completed. It has been recently submitted to moderation for approval. If it is approved you will be happy to know, some sexy lingerie and swimsuits have also been included.

Just a spur of the moment decision when I noticed their were virtually no lingerie or swimsuits for the bodyshape. I must say I was rather surprised how well these turned out and will likely be crafting a full line of lingerie and swimsuits for this body shape in the future.

My prototypes with male sims is not going that well and I am likely not going to be submitting anything to the MTS for this category.

Probably has something to do with the fact that I don't really care to stare at a guy's arse all day sim or not.

You kinda have to get past that if your going to make clothes for em.
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MTS Goals for the Future

Date Posted: 19th Aug 2012 at 5:36 AM

MTS Goal 1: 3 to 5 Posts Daily
I am trying to make more of a presence on MTS since I am working an active creator. It would be nice if you simmers know a lil about me. I have had an active share on boards before so this isn't going to be too hard. Just have to remember to check the boards daily and remember to make an active share.

MTS Goal 2: New Tutorial Database Format
I am also working on a MTS Creator's Guide Encyclopedia making use of the various tutorials that are on MTS. What will make this unique is how they will be formatted. This is still in R and D stages so I will not reveal much about that until after the first release. Lets just say I think it will receive a warm reception when complete. I hope. Its certainly time consuming work and reminds me of administrative office work.

MTS Goal 3: Stay Focused on my UK Lee Jeans Line
I will admit I have an overwhelming level of creativity which means I have the potential to start multiple operations simultaneously then suddenly lose interest in them all for some new thing I am suddenly inspired to work on. Instead of allowing myself to fall into this trap I will try to focus my skills.
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R & D on UK Lee Brand Jeans Line for Women

Date Posted: 16th Jul 2012 at 8:35 AM

Today I was finally able to crack the line as a first time creator with my Alpha Line of UK style Lee Brand Jeans for Women. The patch design was borrowed from the UK Leola Patch Style. For an american reference, Brittney Spears once wore them which helped their popularity.

I insisted on staying focused on the Lee UK style as you will quickly notice something. A short range comparison with the USA style will reveal a drastic change in the line. The UK style is more sexy in my opinion and flaunts a woman's natural curves. The USA style seems to be more conservative and doesn't really have much that stands out about it. The men's line has also recently taking this conservative approach.

Side by side comparison should reveal the obvious. Moving on with my decision set on the UK style, I needed to determine the mesh template I was going to use.

Initial assessment proved that the Maxis template of jean was simply not going to work and copied the too conservative approach. Aside from that and base observations of the UK Lee Jean models revealed that some "rear" definition was going to be needed if my jean line was going to shine. Most of these female models are very gifted in the rear for obvious reasons. Sadly, that quality was severely lacking with Maxis.

My solution was found after locating custom body shape meshes by the acclaimed designer and my self-proclaimed sensei Warrlokk. I haven't been able to meet him yet but it would be a real honor. Im a huge fan of this person's work!

Anyway, Warlokk-sensei apparently already created multiple bottom size meshes for Women based of the Maxis original jeans.

Upon comparison I determined the best option was to go with either 34 or 36. Any size smaller or larger would render the pocket designs to small or stretched to deformity. As can be seen in my first release, I made use of the actual back pockets themselves. I will not reveal my secret how but I will say it was a lot of work.

It seemed easy in planning stages but actual application forced me to break open a number of tuts on this site from recoloring to advanced meshing. I also had to become intimately familiar with my graphics program "scalpel" of choice, Jasc Paint Shop Pro 8. The tools packed in this lil bobble of a program was invaluable.

Now that my first line has been published, I will now utilize the back pocket patch design without use of the patches directly. With this new process, I will be able to complete solve the texture issues I have been having with my old method.

Based on my initial tests, I am pleased that the new design will be even more of a hit then my first line. And since I will be making these available as a bottom separate, I am sure their usefulness will be much appreciated. Rest assured, this will not be a minor mod. In fact, their won't be anything minor about it.

Actual R&D time required to reach this point in my new design process:
January 2012 till 07/15/2012 (Release of First Line).

It has been a heck of a long run and I am so happy I am finally a recognized creator, now its time to really shine!

Eventually I hope to release some Lee Jean shorts for Women in various lengths then I will start moving down the age bracket stopping at child. Once I am satisfied with my jean line for Women I will focus attention on a Men's line.

It will not be as extensive and will be based on the early 90's to 2000 Lee USA classic style before the conservative shift was made in the product line. The shield shaped pockets will be utilized with emphasis on the boot cut fit and look. I am not much of a fan of the oversized baggy look.

I will loosely quote Sylvia Stingray from Bubblegum Crisis 2040 with a phrase I think applies to both men and women: "It simply will not do for someone with a great body to hide it under a bunch of floppy rags." (Well, that not her words exactly but I think anyone who recalls this scene knows what I mean. I like clothes that fit not over sized or extra baggy. Might as well be wearing pajamas while your at it.
Mood: Luff
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