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Date Posted: 30th Oct 2012 at 9:49 AM

It should be obvious from my name that I live in New York City. Sandy hit hard here and while I'm not personally affected beyond my lights flickering a few times, the devastation to my city and the whole area is stunning and horrifying - half the tri-state area with no power, the Lincoln Tunnel the only way in or out of Manhatten, subways flooded, Atlantic City and Long Beach flooded, roads flooded and blocked with fallen trees, cars floating down Wall Street. Sixteen reported dead so far, houses on fire and firefighters can't get to them. It's still windy and there's still another high tide to get through, but the worst should be over I hope. It's going to be a long and hard recovery.
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Sidetracked by Skininator

Date Posted: 18th Oct 2012 at 7:45 PM

As usual, I've gotten sidetracked - this time into making the new version of Skininator I've wanted to do for months. On the plus side, C#, Windows Forms, and the s3pi package library are easier and faster to work with than my old platform of Silverfrost Fortran with Windows UI extensions. On the minus side - rewriting a whole program of this nature takes time no matter how nifty the language is, especially when I'm still stuck on organizing the interface so it's more flexible but doesn't confuse the hell out of users. Doesn't help that I tend to get frustrated after a couple of hours and retreat to watch TV or read.

Planned new features:

-Include new skin colors that came out with Supernatural
-Include ability to customize face overlays in custom skintones (experimental)
-Include ability to have separate skins for male and female children and for teens, YA, adult, and elder bodies (experimental)
-Improved editing of shine and reflection settings
-Ability to open a skintone package and update/replace/add/delete the contents and/or convert between default and non-default without extracting the textures
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First journal post

Date Posted: 23rd Sep 2012 at 7:14 PM

A few people ask from time to time what I'm working on, and I have a list of things people have asked for, so maybe this journal will be of interest to someone.

Got back from a few days at my mom's yesterday. For whatever reason I couldn't sleep well there - snoozed about 10 hours last night and I'm still tired and don't feel like sitting at the computer for long.

I'm currently working on a set of teen pregnancy morphs and on a tool to manage STBLs. Preg meshes are really pretty easy with Toolkit but I got a bad mismatch at the waist and put that aside for now. The STBL manager is interesting to work on because it's the first time I'm using the s3pi library to read/modify/write packages.

Also I want to start on a mesh to add male equipment for females, hopefully both as an alternate nude mesh and as an accessory if I can get the skin tone to show properly. This will of course be for the adult site. Shouldn't take long. (Famous last words.)

Other items on my Project List of Doom:
  • Get STBL Manager into usable shape
  • Add locale support to Pregnancy Controller
  • Continue Dummies tutorial
  • Continue Toolkit tutorials
  • New version of Outfitter
  • Toolkit auto-age/gender converter
  • Toolkit mesh extractor - extract meshes with descriptive names
  • Toolkit package morph tools - add morph to package as either BGEO or morph meshes
  • Rewrite Skininator in C#/.NET
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