Upcoming Projects

Date Posted: 15th Jul 2017 at 10:46 PM

Newlywed Homes:
Family Homes:
Homes for each of the contest families in the following price ranges:
  • 25k - Elliott, Evans, Lambert, Newman, Rhodes, Rodney - all uploaded!
  • 35k - Elliott, Evans, Lambert, Newman, Rhodes, Rodney, Walters - all uploaded!
  • 50k - Elliott, Evans, Lambert, Newman, Rhodes, Rodney, Walters - [Newman was a Round 3 submission, already uploaded!]
  • 80k - Elliott, Evans, Lambert, Newman, Rhodes, Rodney, Walters - [Elliott was a Round 4 submission, already uploaded!]

Makeovers for some Maxis houses perhaps... update: in progress
Hobby homes.

A series of starter homes UNDER 20k perhaps... update: started

Yes, I am aware that I need help.
Mood: Luff
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