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Date Posted: 6th Jul 2008 at 10:04 PM

The Klingons have been uploaded. Now it's out of my hands and in the hands of the mods. Stay tuned...

ETA, July 7: They're up already, less than 24 hrs after submission! Thank you, mods! And here I'd expected it to take longer than usual because of holidays and the like...

Now I'm going to have a big cup of tea before hitting the sack, and then I'm not going to even think about Klingons for at least a week. Or so.

Next stop, Babylon 5!
Comments 1
Counting down...

Date Posted: 3rd Jul 2008 at 10:57 PM

I know you're not going to believe this, but... I'm going to be uploading the Klingons tomorrow, or the day after at the very latest. The meshes and the skins are DONE (and the fat morphs aren't exploding); now I "just" need to take some screenshots and put together the actual text of the post - including, but not limited to, a section explaining why they *gasp* don't look exactly like on tv. (I still expect to get some flak for that, though - the Trek fandom has a tendency to eat its young...)

After that, I'm going to make a brief detour into the Babylon 5 fandom, to deliver some Centauri hairs to a very patient requester, before doing more Trek. (And I'm going to be revisiting B5 now and then - that category is showing all signs of taking on a life of its own.) I'll be working on the Klingon foreheads/hair alongside... well, everything. If there's one thing the Klingon uniforms have taught me, it's that focusing on a single project when you're used to working on three or four at once is a good way to go stir crazy.

So, after the Klingons, the project list looks like this:

Star Trek
  • TNG/VOY style dress uniforms + rank insignia
  • (Women's) maternity wear
  • TOS style duty uniforms + rank insignia
  • TOS movie style duty uniforms + rank insignia
  • Vulcan/Romulan hair
  • Romulan uniforms
  • Worf's baldric - requested by MooreSpino
  • Bajoran earring
  • Communicators (given that I can get the mesh to cooperate, that is)
  • Athletic wear (VOY style, most likely)
  • Starfleet add-ons (such as the FC/DS9 captain's vest, uniform shirts, Crusher's lab coat, Engineering jump suits for MooreSpino...)
  • Various Trek dresses (Troi's, Kes's, Guinan's - although I might leave her hats out)
  • Bajoran uniforms
  • Cardassian uniforms
  • ENT style duty uniforms + rank insignia

Babylon 5
  • Centauri hair for male and female - requested by knightman
  • Earth Alliance uniforms - requested by knightman
  • Narn skintone and "hair" (=head), because really, you can't make Centauri without also making Narn - that would make the Narn very offended, and there's nothing more inherently dangerous than an offended Narn
  • Minbari "hair" (=head bone)
I know you probably want an ETA on the Klingon foreheads, but you're not going to get it, not at this point anyway - mainly because I don't have a clue myself. And because my estimates usually are off by some three or four months anyway.
Comments 1
Almost there!

Date Posted: 8th Jun 2008 at 6:35 PM

Gah, I'm melting! For a couple of days, we've had the hottest weather in Europe, and I'm not made for heat. Funny thing is, my mini schnauzer Signe (pron. SING-neh) is coping a lot better with the heat than I am, and she thinks I'm a big meanie who won't let her go on her long afternoon walk.

But I know that's not what you really want to hear about. I know I said the Klingons could hypothetically be done by the end of May. Since we're now in June, that obviously didn't happen - but I'm almost, almost there; I just need to tweak the textures for the females a little, and play test them one last time to make sure I haven't missed anything (I have been testing the meshes in-game intermittently, but it's different when you see them with the final texture), and then they should be good to go. Oh, and since an overwhelming majority seems to want me to make separate posts, that's what I'll do. So:
  • The first post will be the DS9-style uniforms,
  • the second post will be the hairs/foreheads
  • and the third post will be the TNG-style dress for females. (Originally, I had planned to upload it with the uniforms, but the mesh turned out to be trickier than I'd thought, so it'll have to wait fo a bit.)
If you're curious about what I've come up with, go HERE for a sneak peek. (Just note that I haven't done the bump map yet; I'll wait with that until the very last minute.)

Now, if anybody goes,"waaah, the shoulder board is supposed to be totally straight!" I swear I'm going to whack them over the head with a bat'leth. Trust me, I'm fully aware of this problem (if you want to call it that), but the choice was between a completely straight shoulder board that looked almost exactly like on TV, but only looked good as long as the Sim was standing absolutely still since it had to be completely stiff - and how often do Sims stand absolutely still? Or, I could make a slightly curved shoulder board that doesn't look exactly like on TV *gasp* but that moves with the Sim and looks all right even when the Sim isn't just standing still. Obviously, I went with the second option. I'll admit I'm not 100% happy with it - but I'm a LOT happier with it than I was with any of the other options, so it'll have to do.

And now I badly need some iced tea...
Comments 5
Klingon quandaries

Date Posted: 11th May 2008 at 9:12 PM

The rumours of my death are greatly exaggerated -the Klingons haven't eaten me. I know I haven't been talking much lately, even though I have been around. Long story short, I have some medical issues that sometimes get the better of me, and this has been one of those times. It's getting better, though, and it will pass; it just makes me a bit distracted is all.

Well, enough about that. I'm betting you're all dying to know what's happening with the Klingons. Well, I'm definitely seeing the light at the end of the tunnel, even though it's been a long way getting there; this hasn't been a jinxed project, exactly, but it's been very, very complex. Some things have been easier to figure out than I had expected, while others have posed more of a challenge than I thought they would - but that's the way it is with meshing. The textures have been blissfully uncomplicated in comparison. Now, if I give an estimate of when I think I'll be finished, I'm sure I will jinx it, but hypothetically, the uniforms could be completed by the end of the month. Hypothetically. The hairs/foreheads will take a little longer.

So, I have a question for you: Do you think I should I wait until the hairs are completed as well and post everything at once, even though that will take somewhat longer, or should I post the uniforms first and post the hairs later - i.e. make two separate posts? What would you prefer? I think I know which option I'd go with, but you're the ones who are actually going to be downloading the stuff...

ETA: I forgot to say, if I'm going to uploading everything at once, I'll put it in the Sci-fi contest section, so all items sit in the same post even thought they fall into different categories. Just FYI.

Just to reiterate, Project Klingon will consist of:
  • one uniform for males and two for females (the DS9 version and the TNG/VOY dress version ) for teens, adults/YA and elders
  • three different hairs for males (one ponytail, one long and wavy and one long and curly) and two or possibly three for females (curly/wavy with barrette)
  • three different forehead sets for each hair: two with ridges - based on Worf and B'Elanna - and one "blank" forehead for use with a premade Klingon skintone or with your own ridges

After that, the project list looks like this:

Star Trek
  • TNG/VOY style dress uniforms + rank insignia
  • TOS style duty uniforms + rank insignia
  • Romulan uniforms
  • TOS movie style duty uniforms + rank insignia
  • Worf's baldric - requested by MooreSpino
  • Bajoran earring
  • Communicators (given that I can get the mesh to cooperate, that is)
  • Athletic wear (VOY style, most likely)
  • Starfleet add-ons (such as the FC/DS9 captain's vest, uniform shirts, Crusher's lab coat, Engineering jump suits for MooreSpino...)
  • (Women's) maternity wea
  • Various Trek dresses (Troi's, Kes's, Guinan's - although I might leave her hats out)
  • Bajoran uniforms
  • Cardassian uniforms
  • ENT style duty uniforms + rank insignia
Babylon 5
  • Earth Alliance uniforms - requested by knightman
  • Centauri hair for male and female - requested by knightman
  • Narn skintone and hair (=head), provided that the spots don't drive me crazy (because really, you can't make Centauri without also making Narn)
(I know, I probably ought to change my profile text from "I only do Trek and I don’t take requests" to "I only do Trek and I don't take requests unless somebody suggests something interesting that I want for my own game"... )
Comments 10
Klingon delays

Date Posted: 10th Mar 2008 at 5:09 PM

As you might have noticed, the Klingons are taking longer than I had anticipated; originally, I had planned to have them finished before March 3, but obviously, that didn't happen. Life's like that sometimes. The good news is, the male Klingon mesh is just about ready to be playtested, and once that mesh is working properly, I'll have the base for the first female mesh (they're basically the same, except for the chest plate - and the body shape, of course), and when I have the first female mesh, I'll also have two-thirds of the second one... so things should move more quickly once I get that first mesh to do my bidding. And now I've probably jinxed it.

The projects list looks more or less the same as last time, but in case you don't feel like scrolling, this is what I've planned:
  • Klingons (1 uniform for males, 2 for females, plus hair/foreheads)
  • TNG/VOY style dress uniforms
  • Romulan uniforms
  • TOS style duty uniforms + rank insignia
  • TOS movie style duty uniforms + rank insignia
  • A Bajoran earring
  • Communicators (given that I can get the mesh to cooperate, that is)
  • Athletic wear (VOY style, most likely)
  • Starfleet add-ons (such as the FC/DS9 captain's vest, uniform shirts, Crusher's lab coat, Engineering jumpsuits for MooreSpino...)
  • TNG/VOY style maternity wear (for women - any male chief engineers that get knocked up are on their own )
  • Various Trek dresses (Troi's, Kes's, Guinan's - although I might leave her hats out)
  • Bajoran uniforms
  • Cardassian uniforms
  • ENT style duty uniforms + rank insignia
Comments 11
Klingons, and an updated project list

Date Posted: 24th Jan 2008 at 11:00 PM

I've just uploaded TNG style uniforms for adults and elders, so Mod willing, they should be available in a few days. Now I'm going to take a break from Starfleet for a while; by popular demand, my next project is going to be... Klingons.

Project Klingon will contain Klingon uniforms (1 for male, 2 for female) and at least two, maybe three different foreheads, as well as hair to go with them. I haven't yet decided if the foreheads are going to be accessories or part of the hair; both have pretty much equal advantages and drawbacks. I might end up flipping a coin.

Anyway. This project will require a lot of time and effort (but it will be fun!) if I want to do it right, so all my other projects will be on hold until it is finished. Once I'm done with the Klingons, though, I will get back to my regularly scheduled simming. After that, the projects I have planned are:
  • TNG/VOY style dress uniforms
  • Romulan uniforms
  • TOS style duty uniforms + rank insignia (ETA: Series version, not movies; the jury's still out when it comes to the movie uniforms)
  • Bajoran earring
  • Communicators (given that I can get the mesh to cooperate)
  • Athletic wear (VOY style, most likely)
  • Starfleet add-ons (such as the FC/DS9 captain's vest, uniform shirts, Crusher's lab coat...)
  • TNG/VOY style maternity wear (for women - any male chief engineers that get knocked up are on their own )
  • Various Trek dresses (Troi's, Kes's, Guinan's - although I might leave her hats out)
  • Bajoran uniforms
  • Cardassian uniforms
  • ENT style duty uniforms + rank insignia

I think that's it... so I'm probably forgetting something. :p
Comments 17
So, what's next? (Edited Dec 4)

Date Posted: 10th Nov 2007 at 10:37 PM

I said earlier that I was going to list of what I'm planning ahead, for your convenience as well as for my own, and here you go. Items are listed in no particular order. Just so there's no confusion, everything listed below belongs in the Star Trek universe. One-track mind, who, me?

I'll be modifying this list as work progresses and I can tick off items.

Current Projects (i.e. things that I'm already working on):
  • Starfleet cadet's rank insignia (accessories)
  • TNG style duty uniforms
  • TNG/VOY style dress uniforms
  • TOS style duty uniforms + rank insignia
  • Bajoran earring
  • Romulan uniforms
  • Klingon uniforms

Planned Projects (i.e. things that I haven't yet started on, but that are on my to-do list):
  • Starfleet add-ons (such as the FC/DS9 captain's vest, uniform shirts, Crusher's lab coat...)
  • Various Trek dresses (Troi's, Kes's, Guinan's - although I might leave her hats out)
  • TNG/VOY style maternity wear (for women - any male chief engineers that get knocked up are on their own )
  • Athletic wear (VOY style, most likely)
  • Some non-Starfleet uniforms (definitely Bajoran, possibly Klingon and/or Cardassian - given that I don't fry my brain trying to make the meshes, that is)
  • ENT uniforms
  • Some (female) hair
I've probably forgotten something, but this is what I can think of right now. Should keep me busy for a while, don't you think?
Comments 6

Date Posted: 22nd Oct 2007 at 8:16 PM

Ten downloads means, among other things, that I can start a journal, which is something I've looked forward to for quite some time. Mostly, I'll use this journal to provide information about upcoming projects, but I might also post some occasional musings about simming in general and meshing/skinning in particular.

An extensive list of what'll be coming up ahead will be posted later, but for now, I'll say that I'm planning to create Starfleet uniforms from all the Star Trek series (including ENT; I wasn't going to at first, since I really don't like that series, but I've got enough requests to convince me otherwise), along with some non-Starfleet ones. And since I'm a little in love with accessory meshing (at least as long as the meshes do as I want ), you'll be seeing some of that as well.

Basically, everything you'll see from me in the foreseeable future will be Star Trek-related; as you've probably guessed, I'm a huge Star Trek fan, and even though there's plenty of Star Trek stuff for TS2 out there, there can never be enough in my book! :D
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