Date Posted: 2nd Dec 2008 at 4:22 AM
Bahaha. I'm in school, *supposed* to be studying for my Geography exam, but instead I decided to visit good ol' MtS2.
I've finally worked out how to get stairs overlapping each other! I used Reyn's excellent open modular stairs, as well as Numenors recolourable wooden stairs. I was so excited when I figured it out, I scared my poor cat half to death.
Anyway, Geography! What a terribly boring subject to have second last for the exams. Good thing I know most of what we have to learn. It's the same basic stuff that we've been doing for the last 6 years in Geo. Longitude, latitude, prime meridian... yeah yeah.
Apparantly I got top of the class in Art, I got 85% and the second highest was 74. Very surprised by that!
Only two more horribly exams to go, and then FREEDOM! Eight and a half weeks of holidays. I've made it my goal to watch Norbit EVERY night these holidays. I usually watch it every friday night, and then either Eragon or *shudder* The Dukes of Hazzard.
We finished our science exams a couple of hours ago. REEEEALLY easy. I guess that's because the whole year took the same test, and the people in the D and E class only went over the basics. I failed miserably in Religion and PDHPE. How can they honestly stream our classes next year based on that horrible test.
"Which Rugby Union team won the national premierships this year?"
"What is the role of the Full Foreward in a scrum?"
I guessed the whole thing, and for those without multiple choice answers, I wrote some less-than-flattering ones. Like for the full-foreward question: "To be as intimidating as possible"
"What do you call it when you catch the ball after it's been kicked more than 15 metres and nobody on the opposition has touched it?"